maker-panel 0.12.0

Generator for modular mechanical panels
# maker-panel


Make simple parts by combining shapes together. Order them as cheap PCBs.

[Language reference](docs/

## Examples

This (using maker-panel expressions):

wrap (column center {
    [12] R<7.5>(h)
    [ 9] R<7.5>(h)
    [12] R<7.5>(h)
}) with {
  left => C<11.25>(h5),
  right => C<11.25>(h5),

Makes this:

<p align="center">
  <img alt="Example 2" src="examples/ex2.png" width="60%">

To generate the gerbers for you, you can run:

cargo run -- --hull -f examples/ex2.spec gen -f zip >

which will give you `` which you can upload to your fabhouse of choice.

# License

MIT License. Raster font is from, itself licensed under [CC BY-SA 3.0](