mailslurp 11.4.0

Official MailSlurp Email API Client
# CreateContactOptions

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**email_addresses** | Option<**Vec<String>**> | Set of email addresses belonging to the contact | [optional]
**first_name** | Option<**String**> |  | [optional]
**group_id** | Option<**String**> | Group IDs that contact belongs to | [optional]
**meta_data** | Option<[**serde_json::Value**].md> |  | [optional]
**opt_out** | Option<**bool**> | Has the user explicitly or implicitly opted out of being contacted? If so MailSlurp will ignore them in all actions. | [optional]
**tags** | Option<**Vec<String>**> | Tags that can be used to search and group contacts | [optional]
**last_name** | Option<**String**> |  | [optional]
**company** | Option<**String**> |  | [optional]

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