magic-sys 0.3.0

Declarations for the `libmagic` C library
rust-magic-sys [![linux build status](]( [![windows build status](]( [![mac build status](](

[Rust]( declarations for [libmagic](


This [cargo -sys package]( provides `libmagic` declarations for e.g. the [`magic` binding](

# Usage

[`magic-sys` is available on]( so you can use it like this (in your `Cargo.toml`):

magic-sys = "0.3"

The `rustdoc` is available on [](

# Requirements

This crate requires the `libmagic` C library in version 5.

You need to specify your `libmagic` version by activating the matching `magic-sys` feature.  
Each API version has a crate feature like "v5-38" (v5.38 is also the default), see [Cargo.toml](Cargo.toml)  
If you use a different version of `libmagic`, adjust your configuration:
version = "0.3"
default-features = false
features = ["v5-41"]
Note that those version features are additive, so "v5-41" implies "v5-40" and other previous versions.

`libmagic` needs to be installed in a standard location (also see [issue #1](

On a Debian based Linux system this can be achieved like this:
sudo apt-get install libmagic1 libmagic-dev

On RHEL/Cent OS, Gentoo and others you will need to install the `file` package.

On Mac OS X you can use [Homebrew](
brew install libmagic

Feedback for Windows ([issue #2]( support is appreciated!

You can use Microsoft's [`vcpkg`]( via [`vcpkg-rs`]( and [`cargo-vcpkg`](
If you choose the latter, that means you'll have to:
cargo install cargo-vcpkg
cargo vcpkg build
Afterwards, you can `cargo build` etc. your crate as usual.


The Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is Rust 1.38 or higher.

This version might be changed in the future, but it will be done with a crate version bump.

# Building

By default `libmagic` will be searched in the system library paths. If you need to use a different library or are cross-compiling, you can set the `MAGIC_DIR` and `MAGIC_STATIC` environment variables.

Tells `rustc` where to find `` / `libmagic.a`. Can have a target-specific prefix like `X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_MUSL_MAGIC_DIR`

Controls static linking with `libmagic`. Enabled automatically if there's only a `libmagic.a` in the (provided) search path or if explicitly enabled like `MAGIC_STATIC=true`. Can have a target-specific prefix like `X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_MUSL_MAGIC_STATIC`

Similarly `MAGIC_STATIC=false` can be used to choose to link `libmagic` dynamically.
If unset but both libraries are available, the build will bail out with an error and you have to set one option explicitly.

## vcpkg
The optional `vcpkg` integration has its own set of environment variables, see [`vcpkg` crate docs](
If you do not use `cargo vcpkg build`, you will have to either
* `vcpkg install libmagic` and set the environment variables for your `vcpkg` root directory
* `vcpkg integrate install` your `vcpkg` root user-wide

# License

Licensed under either of
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.