magic-sys 0.3.0

Declarations for the `libmagic` C library
status = "passively-maintained"
version = "0.2.15"
default-features = false
version = "0.2.104"

default = ["v5-38"]
v5-04 = []
v5-05 = ["v5-04"]
v5-10 = ["v5-05"]
v5-13 = ["v5-10"]
v5-20 = ["v5-13"]
v5-21 = ["v5-20"]
v5-22 = ["v5-21"]
v5-23 = ["v5-22"]
v5-25 = ["v5-23"]
v5-27 = ["v5-25"]
v5-32 = ["v5-27"]
v5-35 = ["v5-32"]
v5-38 = ["v5-35"]
v5-40 = ["v5-38"]

authors = ["robo9k <>"]
categories = ["external-ffi-bindings", "no-std"]
description = "Declarations for the `libmagic` C library"
exclude = [".gitignore", ".gitattributes", "/.github/", "/.vscode/", "rust-toolchain.toml", "shell.nix", "nix/", "deny.toml"]
keywords = ["magic", "file", "ffi", "bindings"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
links = "magic"
name = "magic-sys"
readme = ""
repository = ""
rust-version = "1.38"
version = "0.3.0"

msrv = "1.38.0"
all-features = true
targets = []

dependencies = ["libmagic"]
git = ""
rev = "078f3e5"
triplet = "x64-windows-static-md"