lzss 0.8.2

A LZSS en-/decompressor (lossless data compression, no_std capable, in pure Rust)
use crate::Write;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use void::Void;

/// `alloc/std` Write into a vector.
/// In order to write into a referenced vector use [IOSimpleWriter](crate::IOSimpleWriter),
/// and [SliceReader](crate::SliceReader) to read from a vector.
/// Use [void_write_unwrap](crate::ResultLzssErrorVoidWriteExt::void_write_unwrap) to remove the Void from the result.
/// Or [void_unwrap](crate::ResultLzssErrorVoidExt::void_unwrap) if also the reader produces Void.
pub struct VecWriter(Vec<u8>);
impl VecWriter {
  /// Constructs a new, empty writer with the specified capacity.
  /// Note: The vector is not truncated to the actually used space.
  pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> VecWriter {

impl Write for VecWriter {
  /// Returns the generated vector.
  type Output = Vec<u8>;
  /// No error can occur.
  type Error = Void;
  fn write(&mut self, data: u8) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
  fn finish(self) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {