lwb-parser 0.1.7

parser framwork with automatically generated ASTs for the LWB project
use crate::parser::peg::parser_core_expression::ExpressionContext;
use crate::sources::character_class::CharacterClass;
use crate::sources::span::Span;
use itertools::Itertools;
use miette::{Diagnostic, LabeledSpan, Severity, SourceCode};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use thiserror::Error;

/// A parsing error represents a single error that occurred during parsing.
/// The parsing error occurs at a certain position in a file, represented by the span.
/// The parsing error consists of multiple `ParseErrorSub`, which each represent a single thing that went wrong at this position.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
#[error("A parse error occured!")]
pub struct PEGParseError {
    pub span: Span,
    pub expected: Vec<Expect>,
    pub fail_left_rec: bool,
    pub fail_loop: bool,
    /// first the name of the sort that caused the error, then the error message
    pub msgs: Vec<(String, String)>,

// add error bound so IDEs don't complain. Error is always derived by thiserror.
impl Diagnostic for PEGParseError
    PEGParseError: std::error::Error,
    /// Diagnostic severity. This may be used by [ReportHandler]s to change the
    /// display format of this diagnostic.
    /// If `None`, reporters should treat this as [Severity::Error]
    fn severity(&self) -> Option<Severity> {

    /// Source code to apply this Diagnostic's [Diagnostic::labels] to.
    fn source_code(&self) -> Option<&dyn SourceCode> {

    /// Labels to apply to this Diagnostic's [Diagnostic::source_code]
    fn labels(&self) -> Option<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = LabeledSpan> + '_>> {
        // immediately return when the grammar gave a custom error
        if let Some(i) = self
            .find(|i| matches!(i, Expect::Custom(_)))
            let label = LabeledSpan::new_with_span(Some(i.to_string()), self.span.clone());

            return Some(Box::new(vec![label].into_iter()));

        let expect_str = self.expected.iter().map(|exp| exp.to_string()).join(", ");
        let mut labels = vec![];

        //Leftrec label
        if self.fail_left_rec {
            labels.push(LabeledSpan::new_with_span(Some("Encountered left recursion here. This is a problem with the grammar, and may hide other errors.".to_string()), self.span.clone()));

        //Loop label
        if self.fail_loop {
            labels.push(LabeledSpan::new_with_span(Some("Encountered an infinite loop here. This is a problem with the grammar, and may hide other errors.".to_string()), self.span.clone()));

        //Expected label
        match self.expected.len() {
            0 => {}
            1 => labels.push(LabeledSpan::new_with_span(
                Some(format!("Expected {} here", expect_str)),
            _ => labels.push(LabeledSpan::new_with_span(
                Some(format!("Expected one of {} here", expect_str)),


    fn help<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<Box<dyn Display + 'a>> {
        let mut helps = Vec::new();
        for (sort, msg) in &self.msgs {
            helps.push(format!("if a {sort} would be parsed here then {msg}"));

        if helps.is_empty() {
        } else {

impl PEGParseError {
    pub fn expect(span: Span, expect: Expect, sort_context: &ExpressionContext) -> Self {
        PEGParseError {
            expected: vec![expect],
            fail_left_rec: false,
            fail_loop: false,
            msgs: if let Some(name) = sort_context.name {
                    .map(|i| (name.to_string(), i.to_string()))
            } else {

    pub fn fail_left_recursion(span: Span) -> Self {
        PEGParseError {
            expected: vec![],
            fail_left_rec: true,
            fail_loop: false,
            msgs: vec![],

    pub fn fail_loop(span: Span) -> Self {
        PEGParseError {
            expected: vec![],
            fail_left_rec: false,
            fail_loop: true,
            msgs: vec![],

/// Represents a single thing that went wrong at this position.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Expect {
    /// Expect a character from a certain char class to be there, but it was not.

    /// Expect a certain string (keyword) to be there, but it was not.

    /// Expect a certain sort

    /// This happens when not the entire input was parsed, but also no errors occurred during parsing.

    /// This happens when a constructor has an error annotation

impl Display for Expect {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Expect::ExpectCharClass(cc) => {
                write!(f, "{}", cc)
            Expect::ExpectString(s) => {
                write!(f, "\'{}\'", s)
            Expect::ExpectSort(s) => {
                write!(f, "{}", s)
            Expect::NotEntireInput() => {
                write!(f, "more input")
            Expect::Custom(e) => {
                write!(f, "{e}")

impl PEGParseError {
    /// Combine multiple parse errors. When one has precedence over
    /// another, the highest precedence error is kept and the other
    /// is discarded.
    /// Highest precedence is defined as furthest starting position for now. This might be changed later.
    pub fn combine(mut self, mut other: PEGParseError) -> PEGParseError {
        assert_eq!(self.span.source.name(), other.span.source.name());

        //Compare the starting positions of the span
        match self.span.position.cmp(&other.span.position) {
            Ordering::Less => other,
            Ordering::Greater => self,
            Ordering::Equal => {
                //The span is extended such that the longest one is kept.
                self.span.length = self.span.length.max(other.span.length);
                //Merge the expected tokens
                self.expected.append(&mut other.expected);
                //Left recursion
                self.fail_left_rec |= other.fail_left_rec;



    /// A helper that combines optional parse errors, and returns an optional parse error if either exists.
    /// If both exist, use `ParseError::combine` to combine the errors.
    pub fn combine_option_parse_error(
        a: Option<PEGParseError>,
        b: Option<PEGParseError>,
    ) -> Option<PEGParseError> {
        match (a, b) {
            (None, None) => None,
            (None, Some(e)) => Some(e),
            (Some(e), None) => Some(e),
            (Some(e1), Some(e2)) => Some(e1.combine(e2)),