lv2-core 3.0.0

rust-lv2's core library
//! Additional host functionalities.
use urid::{Uri, UriBound};

mod cache;
mod core_features;
mod descriptor;

pub use cache::FeatureCache;
pub use core_features::*;
pub use descriptor::FeatureDescriptor;

use std::ffi::c_void;

/// All threading contexts of LV2 interface methods.
/// The [core LV2 specifications]( declare three threading classes: "Discovery", where plugins are discovered by the host, "Instantiation", where plugins are instantiated and (de-)activated, and "Audio", where the actual audio processing happens.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ThreadingClass {

/// Trait to generalize the feature detection system.
/// A host that only implements the core LV2 specification does not have much functionality. Instead, hosts can provide extra functionalities, called "host features" or short "features", which a make plugins more useful.
/// A native plugin written in C would discover a host's features by iterating through an array of URIs and pointers. When it finds the URI of the feature it is looking for, it casts the pointer to the type of the feature interface and uses the information from the interface.
/// In Rust, most of this behaviour is done internally and instead of simply casting a pointer, a safe feature descriptor, which implements this trait, is constructed using the [`from_raw_data`](#tymethod.from_raw_data) method.
/// Some host features may only be used in certain threading classes. This is guarded by Rust-LV2 by passing the threading class in which the plugin will be used to the feature, which then may take different actions.
pub unsafe trait Feature: UriBound + Sized {
    /// Create an instance of the featurer.
    /// The feature pointer is provided by the host and points to the feature-specific data. If the data is invalid, for one reason or another, the method returns `None`.
    /// # Implementing
    /// If nescessary, you should dereference it and store the reference inside the feature struct in order to use it.
    /// You have to document in which threading classes your feature can be used and should panic if the threading class is not supported. When this happens when the plugin programmer has added your feature to the wrong feature collection, which is considered a programming error and therefore justifies the panic. If you don't panic in this case, the error is handled silently, which may make debugging harder.
    /// You should always allow the [`Other`](enum.ThreadingClass.html#variant.Other) threading class in order to restrict your feature from use cases you might not know.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method is unsafe since it has to de-reference a pointer.
    unsafe fn from_feature_ptr(feature: *const c_void, class: ThreadingClass) -> Option<Self>;

/// An error created during feature resolution when a required feature is missing.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MissingFeatureError {
    pub(crate) uri: &'static Uri,

impl std::fmt::Display for MissingFeatureError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
        let uri = self.uri.to_str().unwrap_or("[error while reading URI]");
            "Unable to instantiate plugin: missing required feature: {}",

/// Convenience trait for feature collections.
/// The feature cache is only for temporary use; Once a feature is retrieved, it is removed from the cache. Therefore you need a way to properly store features.
/// You can simply create a struct with features as it's fields and derive `FeatureCollection` for it. A procedural macro will then create a method that populates the struct from the cache, or returns `None` if one of the required features is not in the cache.
/// An example using the few built-in features:
///     use lv2_core::plugin::*;
///     use lv2_core::feature::*;
///     #[derive(FeatureCollection)]
///     struct MyCollection {
///         live: IsLive,
///         hardrt: Option<HardRTCapable>,
///     }
pub trait FeatureCollection<'a>: Sized + 'a {
    /// Populate a collection with features from the cache for the given threading class.
    fn from_cache(
        cache: &mut FeatureCache<'a>,
        class: ThreadingClass,
    ) -> Result<Self, MissingFeatureError>;

impl<'a> FeatureCollection<'a> for () {
    fn from_cache(
        _cache: &mut FeatureCache,
        _: ThreadingClass,
    ) -> Result<Self, MissingFeatureError> {

mod tests {
    use crate::feature::FeatureCache;
    use crate::{feature::*, plugin::*};
    use std::ffi::c_void;
    use std::os::raw::c_char;
    use std::pin::Pin;
    use urid::UriBound;

    struct FeatureA<'a> {
        number: &'a i32,

    struct FeatureB<'a> {
        number: &'a f32,

    unsafe impl<'a> UriBound for FeatureA<'a> {
        const URI: &'static [u8] = b"urn:lv2Feature:A\0";

    unsafe impl<'a> Feature for FeatureA<'a> {
        unsafe fn from_feature_ptr(feature: *const c_void, _: ThreadingClass) -> Option<Self> {
            (feature as *const i32)
                .map(|number| Self { number })

    unsafe impl<'a> UriBound for FeatureB<'a> {
        const URI: &'static [u8] = b"urn:lv2Feature:B\0";

    unsafe impl<'a> Feature for FeatureB<'a> {
        unsafe fn from_feature_ptr(feature: *const c_void, _: ThreadingClass) -> Option<Self> {
            (feature as *const f32)
                .map(|number| Self { number })

    struct Collection<'a> {
        a: FeatureA<'a>,
        b: FeatureB<'a>,
        _c: crate::feature::IsLive,

    struct FeatureTestSetting<'a> {
        pub data_a: Pin<Box<i32>>,
        pub feature_a_sys: Pin<Box<::sys::LV2_Feature>>,
        pub data_b: Pin<Box<f32>>,
        pub feature_b_sys: Pin<Box<::sys::LV2_Feature>>,
        pub feature_c_sys: Pin<Box<::sys::LV2_Feature>>,
        pub features_cache: FeatureCache<'a>,

    impl<'a> FeatureTestSetting<'a> {
        fn new() -> Self {
            let mut data_a: Pin<Box<i32>> = Box::pin(42);
            let feature_a_sys = Box::pin(::sys::LV2_Feature {
                URI: FeatureA::URI.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
                data: data_a.as_mut().get_mut() as *mut i32 as *mut c_void,

            let mut data_b: Pin<Box<f32>> = Box::pin(17.0);
            let feature_b_sys = Box::pin(::sys::LV2_Feature {
                URI: FeatureB::URI.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
                data: data_b.as_mut().get_mut() as *mut f32 as *mut c_void,

            let feature_c_sys = Box::pin(::sys::LV2_Feature {
                URI: crate::feature::IsLive::URI.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
                data: std::ptr::null_mut(),

            let features_list: &[*const sys::LV2_Feature] = &[

            // Constructing the cache.
            let features_cache = unsafe { FeatureCache::from_raw(features_list.as_ptr()) };

            Self {

    fn test_feature_cache() {
        // Constructing the test case.
        let setting = FeatureTestSetting::new();
        let mut features_cache = setting.features_cache;

        // Testing the cache.

        let retrieved_feature_a: FeatureA = features_cache
        assert_eq!(*retrieved_feature_a.number, *(setting.data_a));

        let retrieved_feature_b: FeatureB = features_cache
        assert!(retrieved_feature_b.number - *(setting.data_b) < std::f32::EPSILON);

    fn test_feature_descriptor() {
        // Constructing the test case.
        let setting = FeatureTestSetting::new();
        let features_cache = setting.features_cache;

        // Collect all items from the feature iterator.
        let feature_descriptors: Vec<FeatureDescriptor> = features_cache.into_iter().collect();

        // Test the collected items.
        assert_eq!(feature_descriptors.len(), 3);

        let mut feature_a_found = false;
        let mut feature_b_found = false;
        for descriptor in feature_descriptors {
            if descriptor.is_feature::<FeatureA>() {
                if let Ok(retrieved_feature_a) =
                    assert!(*retrieved_feature_a.number == *(setting.data_a));
                } else {
                    panic!("Feature interpretation failed!");
                feature_a_found = true;
            } else if descriptor.is_feature::<FeatureB>() {
                if let Ok(retrieved_feature_b) =
                    assert_eq!(*retrieved_feature_b.number, *(setting.data_b));
                } else {
                    panic!("Feature interpretation failed!");
                feature_b_found = true;
            } else if descriptor.is_feature::<crate::feature::IsLive>() {
                if descriptor
                    panic!("Feature interpretation failed!");
            } else {
                panic!("Invalid feature in feature iterator!");
        assert!(feature_a_found && feature_b_found);

    fn test_feature_collection() {
        // Construct the setting.
        let setting = FeatureTestSetting::new();
        let mut features_cache = setting.features_cache;

        let cache = Collection::from_cache(&mut features_cache, ThreadingClass::Other).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(*cache.a.number, *setting.data_a);
        assert_eq!(*cache.b.number, *setting.data_b);