lv03 0.1.1

Conversion between the Swiss coordinate system (LV03/CH1903 or LV95/CH1903+) and WGS84 coordinates

#[cfg(feature = "nav-types-conversion")]
use nav_types::WGS84;

extern crate quickcheck_macros;

/// WGS84 coordinate representation
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Wgs84 {
    /// Longitude in degrees
    pub longitude: f64,
    /// Latitude in degrees
    pub latitude: f64,
    /// Altitude in meters
    pub altitude: f64,

#[cfg(feature = "nav-types-conversion")]
impl Into<WGS84<f64>> for Wgs84 {
    fn into(self) -> WGS84<f64> {
        WGS84::from_degrees_and_meters(self.latitude, self.longitude, self.altitude)

#[cfg(feature = "nav-types-conversion")]
impl From<WGS84<f64>> for Wgs84 {
    fn from(p: WGS84<f64>) -> Self {
        Wgs84 {
            latitude: p.latitude_degrees(),
            longitude: p.longitude_degrees(),
            altitude: p.altitude(),

impl Wgs84 {
    /// For implementation details see the document
    /// "Näherungsformeln für die Transformation zwischen Schweizer Projektionskoordinaten und WGS84"
    pub fn to_lv03(&self) -> Option<Lv03> {
        let phi = (3600.0 * self.latitude - 169_028.66) / 10_000.0;
        let phi_2 = phi * phi;
        let phi_3 = phi * phi_2;
        let lambda = (3600.0 * self.longitude - 26_782.5) / 10_000.0;
        let lambda_2 = lambda * lambda;
        let lambda_3 = lambda * lambda_2;

        let e = 2_600_072.37 + 211_455.93 * lambda
            - 10938.51 * lambda * phi
            - 0.36 * lambda * phi_2
            - 44.54 * lambda_3;
        let n = 1_200_147.07 + 308_807.95 * phi + 3745.25 * lambda_2 + 76.63 * phi_2
            - 194.56 * lambda_2 * phi
            + 119.79 * phi_3;
        let y = e - 2_000_000.00;
        let x = n - 1_000_000.00;
        let altitude = self.altitude - 49.55 + 2.73 * lambda + 6.94 * phi;
        Lv03::new(x, y, altitude)

/// Coordinate point in the LV95 system (Landesvermessung 1995, CH1903+)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Lv95 {
    /// Coordinate pointing north. (X coordinate)
    pub north: f64,
    /// Coordinate pointing east. (Y coordinate)
    pub east: f64,
    /// Meters above sea level (Mediterranean Sea)
    altitude: f64,

/// Coordinate point in the LV03 system (Landesvermessung 1903, CH1903)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Lv03 {
    /// Coordinate pointing north. (X coordinate)
    pub north: f64,
    /// Coordinate pointing east. (Y coordinate)
    pub east: f64,
    /// Meters above sea level (Mediterranean Sea)
    pub altitude: f64,

impl Lv03 {
    /// Can return none if the given coordinates do not lead to a valid representation in the swiss coordinate system
    pub fn new(north: f64, east: f64, altitude: f64) -> Option<Self> {
        let valid_north_range = 70_000.0..300_000.0;
        let valid_east_range = 480_000.0..850_000.0;

        if !valid_north_range.contains(&north) || !valid_east_range.contains(&east) {
        } else if north > east {
            // East coordinate must always be bigger than north
        } else {
            Some(Lv03 {

    /// For implementation details see the document
    /// "Näherungsformeln für die Transformation zwischen Schweizer Projektionskoordinaten und WGS84"
    pub fn to_wgs84(&self) -> Wgs84 {
        let y = (self.east - 600_000.0) / 1_000_000.0;
        let y_2 = y * y;
        let y_3 = y * y_2;
        let x = (self.north - 200_000.0) / 1_000_000.0;
        let x_2 = x * x;
        let x_3 = x * x_2;
        let lambda = 2.6779094 + 4.728982 * y + 0.791484 * y * x + 0.1306 * y * x_2 - 0.0436 * y_3;
        let phi = 16.9023892 + 3.238272 * x
            - 0.270978 * y_2
            - 0.002528 * x_2
            - 0.0447 * y_2 * x
            - 0.0140 * x_3;
        let altitude = self.altitude + 49.55 - 12.6 * y - 22.64 * x;

        let lambda = lambda * 100.0 / 36.0;
        let phi = phi * 100.0 / 36.0;
        Wgs84 {
            longitude: lambda,
            latitude: phi,

    pub fn distance_squared(&self, p: &Lv03) -> f64 {
        let d_north = self.north - p.north;
        let d_east = self.east - p.east;
        let d_altitude = self.altitude - p.altitude;
        d_north * d_north + d_east * d_east + d_altitude * d_altitude

impl Lv95 {
    pub fn new(north: f64, east: f64, altitude: f64) -> Option<Self> {
        let p = Lv03::new(north, east, altitude);|p| p.into())

    pub fn to_wgs84(&self) -> Wgs84 {
        let p03: Lv03 = self.clone().into();

impl From<Lv95> for Lv03 {
    fn from(p: Lv95) -> Self {
        Lv03 {
            north: p.north - 1_000_000.0,
            east: p.east - 2_000_000.0,
            altitude: p.altitude,

impl From<Lv03> for Lv95 {
    fn from(p: Lv03) -> Self {
        Lv95 {
            north: p.north + 1_000_000.0,
            east: p.east + 2_000_000.0,
            altitude: p.altitude,

impl From<Lv03> for Wgs84 {
    fn from(p: Lv03) -> Self {

impl From<Lv95> for Wgs84 {
    fn from(p: Lv95) -> Self {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use oorandom;

    fn test_conversions(lv: &Lv03, wgs: &Wgs84) {
        let wgs_converted = lv.to_wgs84();
        assert!((wgs_converted.longitude - wgs.longitude).abs() < 0.001);
        assert!((wgs_converted.latitude - wgs.latitude).abs() < 0.001);
        assert!((wgs_converted.altitude - wgs.altitude).abs() < 5.0);

        let lv_converted = wgs.to_lv03().unwrap();
        assert!((lv_converted.east - lv.east).abs() < 2.0);
        assert!((lv_converted.north - lv.north).abs() < 2.0);
        assert!((lv_converted.altitude - lv.altitude).abs() < 5.0);


    fn test_roundtrip_lv(lv03: &Lv03) {
        let lv95: Lv95 = lv03.clone().into();
        let lv03_converted: Lv03 = lv95.into();
        assert!(lv03.distance_squared(&lv03_converted) < 0.001);

    fn test_roundtrip_wgs(lv: &Lv03) {
        let wgs = lv.to_wgs84();
        let lv03 = wgs.to_lv03().unwrap();

        // Should be within one meter
        assert!(lv03.distance_squared(lv) < 1.0);

    fn get_random_lv03(rng: &mut oorandom::Rand32) -> Lv03 {
        let north = 70_000.0 + (300_000.0 - 70_000.0) * rng.rand_float() as f64;
        let east = 480_000.0 + (850_000.0 - 480_000.0) * rng.rand_float() as f64;
        let altitude = 400.0 + (5_000.0 - 400.0) * rng.rand_float() as f64;
        Lv03 {

    fn random_locations() {
        let some_seed = 13;
        let mut generator = oorandom::Rand32::new(some_seed);
        for _ in 0..1000 {
            let lv03 = get_random_lv03(&mut generator);
            let wgs84: Wgs84 = lv03.clone().into();
            let new_lv03: Lv03 = wgs84.to_lv03().unwrap();
            assert!((lv03.east - new_lv03.east).abs() < 5.0);
            assert!((lv03.north - new_lv03.north).abs() < 5.0);
            assert!((lv03.altitude - new_lv03.altitude).abs() < 1.0);
            assert!(lv03.distance_squared(&new_lv03) < 30.0);

    fn test_bundeshaus() {
        let lv = Lv03::new(199_498.43, 600_421.43, 542.8).unwrap();
        let wgs = Wgs84 {
            longitude: 7.44417,
            latitude: 46.94658,
            altitude: 591.8,
        test_conversions(&lv, &wgs);

    fn test_matterhorn() {
        let lv = Lv03::new(91_673.72, 617_049.89, 4477.4).unwrap();
        let wgs = Wgs84 {
            longitude: 7.65861,
            latitude: 45.97642,
            altitude: 4532.9,
        test_conversions(&lv, &wgs);

    fn test_700_100() {
        let lv = Lv03::new(100_000.0, 700_000.0, 1000.0).unwrap();
        let wgs = Wgs84 {
            longitude: 8.730497076,
            latitude: 46.044130339,
            altitude: 1050.0,
        test_conversions(&lv, &wgs);

    fn test_negative() {
        assert!(Lv03::new(-1.0, 2.0, 5.0).is_none());
        assert!(Lv03::new(1.0, -2.0, 5.0).is_none());
        assert!(Lv03::new(250_000.0, 500_000.0, -5.0).is_some());

    fn test_coordinates_swapped() {
        assert!(Lv03::new(600_000.0, 200_000.0, 500.0).is_none());

    fn test_distance() {
        let p1 = Lv03::new(200_000.0, 600_000.0, 500.0).unwrap();
        let p2 = Lv03::new(200_002.0, 600_000.0, 500.0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(4.0, p1.distance_squared(&p2));

    fn test_lv_conversion() {
        let p1 = Lv03::new(200_000.0, 600_000.0, 500.0).unwrap();
        let p2: Lv95 = p1.clone().into();
        assert_eq!(p1, p2.clone().into());

        assert_eq!(p1.east + 2_000_000.0, p2.east);
        assert_eq!(p1.north + 1_000_000.0, p2.north);

    #[cfg(feature = "nav-types-conversion")]
    fn test_nav_types_conversion() {
        let wgs = Wgs84 {
            longitude: 8.730497076,
            latitude: 46.044130339,
            altitude: 542.8,
        let nav_type: WGS84<f64> = wgs.clone().into();
        let back: Wgs84 = Wgs84::from(nav_type);

        assert_eq!(wgs, back);
        assert_eq!(wgs.longitude, nav_type.longitude_degrees());
        assert_eq!(wgs.latitude, nav_type.latitude_degrees());
        assert_eq!(wgs.altitude, nav_type.altitude());

    fn roundtrip_test(north: f64, east: f64, altitude: f64) -> () {
        let lv03 = Lv03::new(north, east, altitude);
        //let lv03 = Lv03::new(f64::NAN, f64::NEG_INFINITY, f64::INFINITY);
        if let Some(lv03) = lv03 {
            let wgs84 = lv03.to_wgs84();
            let lv03 = wgs84.to_lv03();