lunatic-redis 0.1.3

Redis driver for the lunatic runtime.
//! lunatic_redis is a rust implementation of a Redis client library.  It exposes
//! a general purpose interface to Redis and also provides specific helpers for
//! commonly used functionality.
//! The crate is called `lunatic_redis` and you can depend on it via cargo:
//! ```ini
//! [dependencies.lunatic_redis]
//! version = "*"
//! ```
//! If you want to use the git version:
//! ```ini
//! [dependencies.redis]
//! git = ""
//! ```
//! # Basic Operation
//! lunatic_redis exposes two API levels: a low- and a high-level part.
//! The high-level part does not expose all the functionality of redis and
//! might take some liberties in how it speaks the protocol.  The low-level
//! part of the API allows you to express any request on the redis level.
//! You can fluently switch between both API levels at any point.
//! ## Connection Handling
//! For connecting to redis you can use a client object which then can produce
//! actual connections.  Connections and clients as well as results of
//! connections and clients are considered `ConnectionLike` objects and
//! can be used anywhere a request is made.
//! The full canonical way to get a connection is to create a client and
//! to ask for a connection from it:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! extern crate redis;
//! fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//!     let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
//!     let mut con = client.get_connection()?;
//!     /* do something here */
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Optional Features
//! There are a few features defined that can enable additional functionality
//! if so desired.  Some of them are turned on by default.
//! * `geospatial`: enables geospatial support (enabled by default)
//! ## Connection Parameters
//! lunatic_redis knows different ways to define where a connection should
//! go.  The parameter to `Client::open` needs to implement the
//! `IntoConnectionInfo` trait of which there are three implementations:
//! * string slices in `redis://` URL format.
//! * URL objects from the redis-url crate.
//! * `ConnectionInfo` objects.
//! The URL format is `redis://[<username>][:<password>@]<hostname>[:port][/<db>]`
//! ## Executing Low-Level Commands
//! To execute low-level commands you can use the `cmd` function which allows
//! you to build redis requests.  Once you have configured a command object
//! to your liking you can send a query into any `ConnectionLike` object:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! fn do_something(con: &mut redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//!     let _ : () = redis::cmd("SET").arg("my_key").arg(42).query(con)?;
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! Upon querying the return value is a result object.  If you do not care
//! about the actual return value (other than that it is not a failure)
//! you can always type annotate it to the unit type `()`.
//! Note that commands with a sub-command (like "MEMORY USAGE", "ACL WHOAMI",
//! "LATENCY HISTORY", etc) must specify the sub-command as a separate `arg`:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! fn do_something(con: &mut redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<usize> {
//!     // This will result in a server error: "unknown command `MEMORY USAGE`"
//!     // because "USAGE" is technically a sub-command of "MEMORY".
//!     redis::cmd("MEMORY USAGE").arg("my_key").query(con)?;
//!     // However, this will work as you'd expect
//!     redis::cmd("MEMORY").arg("USAGE").arg("my_key").query(con)
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Executing High-Level Commands
//! The high-level interface is similar.  For it to become available you
//! need to use the `Commands` trait in which case all `ConnectionLike`
//! objects the library provides will also have high-level methods which
//! make working with the protocol easier:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! extern crate redis;
//! use redis::Commands;
//! fn do_something(con: &mut redis::Connection) -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//!     let _ : () = con.set("my_key", 42)?;
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! Note that high-level commands are work in progress and many are still
//! missing!
//! ## Type Conversions
//! Because redis inherently is mostly type-less and the protocol is not
//! exactly friendly to developers, this library provides flexible support
//! for casting values to the intended results.  This is driven through the `FromRedisValue` and `ToRedisArgs` traits.
//! The `arg` method of the command will accept a wide range of types through
//! the `ToRedisArgs` trait and the `query` method of a command can convert the
//! value to what you expect the function to return through the `FromRedisValue`
//! trait.  This is quite flexible and allows vectors, tuples, hashsets, hashmaps
//! as well as optional values:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # use redis::Commands;
//! # use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! # let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
//! # let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
//! let count : i32 = con.get("my_counter")?;
//! let count = con.get("my_counter").unwrap_or(0i32);
//! let k : Option<String> = con.get("missing_key")?;
//! let name : String = con.get("my_name")?;
//! let bin : Vec<u8> = con.get("my_binary")?;
//! let map : HashMap<String, i32> = con.hgetall("my_hash")?;
//! let keys : Vec<String> = con.hkeys("my_hash")?;
//! let mems : HashSet<i32> = con.smembers("my_set")?;
//! let (k1, k2) : (String, String) = con.get(&["k1", "k2"])?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Iteration Protocol
//! In addition to sending a single query, iterators are also supported.  When
//! used with regular bulk responses they don't give you much over querying and
//! converting into a vector (both use a vector internally) but they can also
//! be used with `SCAN` like commands in which case iteration will send more
//! queries until the cursor is exhausted:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! # let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
//! # let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
//! let mut iter : redis::Iter<isize> = redis::cmd("SSCAN").arg("my_set")
//!     .cursor_arg(0).clone().iter(&mut con)?;
//! for x in iter {
//!     // do something with the item
//! }
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! As you can see the cursor argument needs to be defined with `cursor_arg`
//! instead of `arg` so that the library knows which argument needs updating
//! as the query is run for more items.
//! # Pipelining
//! In addition to simple queries you can also send command pipelines.  This
//! is provided through the `pipe` function.  It works very similar to sending
//! individual commands but you can send more than one in one go.  This also
//! allows you to ignore individual results so that matching on the end result
//! is easier:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! # let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
//! # let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
//! let (k1, k2) : (i32, i32) = redis::pipe()
//!     .cmd("SET").arg("key_1").arg(42).ignore()
//!     .cmd("SET").arg("key_2").arg(43).ignore()
//!     .cmd("GET").arg("key_1")
//!     .cmd("GET").arg("key_2").query(&mut con)?;
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! If you want the pipeline to be wrapped in a `MULTI`/`EXEC` block you can
//! easily do that by switching the pipeline into `atomic` mode.  From the
//! caller's point of view nothing changes, the pipeline itself will take
//! care of the rest for you:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! # let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
//! # let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
//! let (k1, k2) : (i32, i32) = redis::pipe()
//!     .atomic()
//!     .cmd("SET").arg("key_1").arg(42).ignore()
//!     .cmd("SET").arg("key_2").arg(43).ignore()
//!     .cmd("GET").arg("key_1")
//!     .cmd("GET").arg("key_2").query(&mut con)?;
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! You can also use high-level commands on pipelines:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! # let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
//! # let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
//! let (k1, k2) : (i32, i32) = redis::pipe()
//!     .atomic()
//!     .set("key_1", 42).ignore()
//!     .set("key_2", 43).ignore()
//!     .get("key_1")
//!     .get("key_2").query(&mut con)?;
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! # Transactions
//! Transactions are available through atomic pipelines.  In order to use
//! them in a more simple way you can use the `transaction` function of a
//! connection:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! use redis::Commands;
//! # let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
//! # let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
//! let key = "the_key";
//! let (new_val,) : (isize,) = redis::transaction(&mut con, &[key], |con, pipe| {
//!     let old_val : isize = con.get(key)?;
//!     pipe
//!         .set(key, old_val + 1).ignore()
//!         .get(key).query(con)
//! })?;
//! println!("The incremented number is: {}", new_val);
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! For more information see the `transaction` function.
//! # PubSub
//! Pubsub is currently work in progress but provided through the `PubSub`
//! connection object.  Due to the fact that Rust does not have support
//! for async IO in libnative yet, the API does not provide a way to
//! read messages with any form of timeout yet.
//! Example usage:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
//! let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
//! let mut con = client.get_connection()?;
//! let mut pubsub = con.as_pubsub();
//! pubsub.subscribe("channel_1")?;
//! pubsub.subscribe("channel_2")?;
//! loop {
//!     let msg = pubsub.get_message()?;
//!     let payload : String = msg.get_payload()?;
//!     println!("channel '{}': {}", msg.get_channel_name(), payload);
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
    feature = "script",
    doc = r##"
# Scripts

Lua scripts are supported through the `Script` type in a convenient
way (it does not support pipelining currently).  It will automatically
load the script if it does not exist and invoke it.


# fn do_something() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
# let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
# let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
let script = redis::Script::new(r"
    return tonumber(ARGV[1]) + tonumber(ARGV[2]);
let result : isize = script.arg(1).arg(2).invoke(&mut con)?;
assert_eq!(result, 3);
# Ok(()) }
    feature = "aio",
    doc = r##"
# Async

In addition to the synchronous interface that's been explained above there also exists an
asynchronous interface based on [`futures`][] and [`tokio`][].

This interface exists under the `aio` (async io) module and largely mirrors the synchronous
with a few concessions to make it fit the constraints of `futures`.

use futures::prelude::*;
use redis::AsyncCommands;

# #[tokio::main]
# async fn main() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
let mut con = client.get_async_connection()?;

con.set("key1", b"foo")?;

redis::cmd("SET").arg(&["key2", "bar"]).query_async(&mut con)?;

let result = redis::cmd("MGET")
 .arg(&["key1", "key2"])
 .query_async(&mut con);
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("foo".to_string(), b"bar".to_vec())));
# Ok(()) }
//! [`futures`]:
//! [`tokio`]:

#![cfg_attr(docsrs, warn(rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links))]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]

// public api
pub use crate::client::Client;
pub use crate::cmd::{cmd, pack_command, pipe, Arg, Cmd, Iter};
pub use crate::commands::{Commands, ControlFlow, Direction, LposOptions, PubSubCommands};
pub use crate::connection::{
    parse_redis_url, transaction, Connection, ConnectionAddr, ConnectionInfo, ConnectionLike,
    IntoConnectionInfo, Msg, RedisConnectionInfo,
pub use crate::parser::{parse_redis_value, Parser};
pub use crate::pipeline::Pipeline;

#[cfg(feature = "script")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "script")))]
pub use crate::script::{Script, ScriptInvocation};

// preserve grouping and order
pub use crate::types::{
    // utility functions

    // error kinds

    // conversion traits

    // utility types

    // error and result types

    // low level values

mod macros;
mod pipeline;

mod pubsub;

pub use pubsub::RedisPubSub;

#[cfg(feature = "acl")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "acl")))]
pub mod acl;

#[cfg(feature = "geospatial")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "geospatial")))]
pub mod geo;

#[cfg(feature = "cluster")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "cluster")))]
pub mod cluster;

#[cfg(feature = "cluster")]
mod cluster_client;

#[cfg(feature = "cluster")]
mod cluster_pipeline;

#[cfg(feature = "cluster")]
mod cluster_routing;

#[cfg(feature = "r2d2")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "r2d2")))]
mod r2d2;

#[cfg(feature = "streams")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "streams")))]
pub mod streams;

mod client;
mod cmd;
mod commands;
mod connection;
mod parser;
mod script;
mod types;