lrtable 0.13.1

LR grammar table generation
use std::{
    collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap},
    hash::{BuildHasherDefault, Hash},

use cfgrammar::{yacc::YaccGrammar, PIdx, SIdx, Symbol};
use fnv::FnvHasher;
use num_traits::{AsPrimitive, PrimInt, Unsigned};
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use vob::Vob;

use cfgrammar::yacc::firsts::YaccFirsts;

/// The type of "context" (also known as "lookaheads")
pub type Ctx = Vob;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Itemset<StorageT: Eq + Hash> {
    pub items: HashMap<(PIdx<StorageT>, SIdx<StorageT>), Ctx, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>,

impl<StorageT: 'static + Hash + PrimInt + Unsigned> Itemset<StorageT>
    usize: AsPrimitive<StorageT>,
    /// Create a blank Itemset.
    pub fn new(_: &YaccGrammar<StorageT>) -> Self {
        Itemset {
            items: HashMap::with_hasher(BuildHasherDefault::<FnvHasher>::default()),

    /// Add an item `(prod, dot)` with context `ctx` to this itemset. Returns true if this led to
    /// any changes in the itemset.
    pub fn add(&mut self, pidx: PIdx<StorageT>, dot: SIdx<StorageT>, ctx: &Ctx) -> bool {
        let entry = self.items.entry((pidx, dot));
        match entry {
            Entry::Occupied(mut e) => e.get_mut().or(ctx),
            Entry::Vacant(e) => {

    /// Create a new itemset which is a closed version of `self`.
    pub fn close(&self, grm: &YaccGrammar<StorageT>, firsts: &YaccFirsts<StorageT>) -> Self {
        // This function can be seen as a merger of getClosure and getContext from Chen's
        // dissertation.

        let mut new_is = self.clone(); // The new itemset we're building up

        // In a typical description of this algorithm, one would have a todo set which contains
        // pairs (pidx, dot). Unfortunately this is a slow way of doing things. Searching the set
        // for the next item and removing it is slow; and, since we don't know how many potential
        // dots there are in a production, the set is of potentially unbounded size, so we can end
        // up resizing memory. Since this function is the most expensive in the table generation,
        // using a HashSet (which is the "obvious" solution) is slow.
        // However, we can reduce these costs through two observations:
        //   1) The initial todo set is populated with (pidx, dot) pairs that all come from
        //      self.items.keys(). There's no point copying these into a todo list.
        //   2) All subsequent todo items are of the form (prod_off, 0). Since the dot in these
        //      cases is always 0, we don't need to store pairs: simply knowing which prod_off's we
        //      need to look at is sufficient. We can represent these with a fixed-size bitfield.
        // All we need to do is first iterate through the items in 1 and, when it's exhausted,
        // continually iterate over the bitfield from 2 until no new items have been added.

        let mut keys_iter = self.items.keys(); // The initial todo list
        let mut zero_todos = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.prods_len())); // Subsequent todos
        let mut new_ctx = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        loop {
            let pidx;
            let dot;
            // Find the next todo item or, if there are none, break the loop. First of all we try
            // pumping keys_iter for its next value. If there is none (i.e. we've exhausted that
            // part of the todo set), we iterate over zero_todos.
            match {
                Some(&(x, y)) => {
                    pidx = x;
                    dot = y;
                None => {
                    match zero_todos.iter_set_bits(..).next() {
                        Some(i) => {
                            // Since zero_todos.len() == grm.prods_len, the call to as_ is safe.
                            pidx = PIdx(i.as_())
                        None => break,
                    dot = SIdx(StorageT::zero());
                    zero_todos.set(pidx.into(), false);
            let prod =;
            if dot == grm.prod_len(pidx) {
            if let Symbol::Rule(s_ridx) = prod[usize::from(dot)] {
                // This if statement is, in essence, a fast version of what's called getContext in
                // Chen's dissertation, folding in getTHeads at the same time. The particular
                // formulation here is based as much on
                // as it is any of the
                // several versions of getTHeads in Chen's dissertation. Nevertheless, the mapping
                // between the two different formulations is fairly straight-forward.
                let mut nullable = true;
                for sym in prod.iter().skip(usize::from(dot) + 1) {
                    match *sym {
                        Symbol::Token(s_tidx) => {
                            new_ctx.set(usize::from(s_tidx), true);
                            nullable = false;
                        Symbol::Rule(s_ridx) => {
                            if !firsts.is_epsilon_set(s_ridx) {
                                nullable = false;
                if nullable {
                    new_ctx.or(&new_is.items[&(pidx, dot)]);

                for ref_pidx in grm.rule_to_prods(s_ridx).iter() {
                    if new_is.add(*ref_pidx, SIdx(StorageT::zero()), &new_ctx) {
                        zero_todos.set(usize::from(*ref_pidx), true);

    /// Create a new Itemset based on calculating the goto of 'sym' on the current Itemset.
    pub fn goto(&self, grm: &YaccGrammar<StorageT>, sym: &Symbol<StorageT>) -> Self {
        // This is called 'transition' in Chen's dissertation, though note that the definition
        // therein appears to get the dot in the input/output the wrong way around.
        let mut newis = Itemset::new(grm);
        for (&(pidx, dot), ctx) in &self.items {
            let prod =;
            if dot == grm.prod_len(pidx) {
            if sym == &prod[usize::from(dot)] {
                newis.add(pidx, SIdx(dot.as_storaget() + StorageT::one()), ctx);

mod test {
    use cfgrammar::{
        yacc::{YaccGrammar, YaccKind, YaccOriginalActionKind},
        SIdx, Symbol,
    use vob::Vob;

    use super::Itemset;
    use crate::stategraph::state_exists;

    fn test_dragon_grammar() {
        // From
        let grm = YaccGrammar::new(
          %start S
          S: L '=' R | R;
          L: '*' R | 'id';
          R: L;
        let firsts = grm.firsts();

        let mut is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        let mut la = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        la.set(usize::from(grm.eof_token_idx()), true);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("^").unwrap())[0], SIdx(0), &la);
        let cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);
        println!("{:?}", cls_is);
        assert_eq!(cls_is.items.len(), 6);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "^", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "L", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$", "="]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "L", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["$", "="]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "R", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);

    fn eco_grammar() -> YaccGrammar {
          %start S
          %token a b c d f
          S: S 'b' | 'b' A 'a' | 'a';
          A: 'a' S 'c' | 'a' | 'a' S 'b';
          B: A S;
          C: D A;
          D: 'd' | ;
          F: C D 'f';

    fn test_closure1_ecogrm() {
        let grm = eco_grammar();
        let firsts = grm.firsts();

        let mut is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        let mut la = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        la.set(usize::from(grm.eof_token_idx()), true);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("^").unwrap())[0], SIdx(0), &la);
        let mut cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);

        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "^", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 2, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "$"]);

        is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("F").unwrap())[0], SIdx(0), &la);
        cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "F", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "C", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["d", "f"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "D", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["a"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "D", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["a"]);

    // GrammarAST from 'LR(k) Analyse fuer Pragmatiker'
    // Z : S
    // S : Sb
    //     bAa
    // A : aSc
    //     a
    //     aSb
    fn grammar3() -> YaccGrammar {
          %start S
          %token a b c d
          S: S 'b' | 'b' A 'a';
          A: 'a' S 'c' | 'a' | 'a' S 'b';

    fn test_closure1_grm3() {
        let grm = grammar3();
        let firsts = grm.firsts();

        let mut is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        let mut la = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        la.set(usize::from(grm.eof_token_idx()), true);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("^").unwrap())[0], SIdx(0), &la);
        let mut cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);

        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "^", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "$"]);

        is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        la = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        la.set(usize::from(grm.token_idx("b").unwrap()), true);
        la.set(usize::from(grm.eof_token_idx()), true);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("S").unwrap())[1], SIdx(1), &la);
        cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "A", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["a"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "A", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["a"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "A", 2, SIdx(0), vec!["a"]);

        is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        la = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        la.set(usize::from(grm.token_idx("a").unwrap()), true);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("A").unwrap())[0], SIdx(1), &la);
        cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 0, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "c"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &cls_is, "S", 1, SIdx(0), vec!["b", "c"]);

    fn test_goto1() {
        let grm = grammar3();
        let firsts = grm.firsts();

        let mut is = Itemset::new(&grm);
        let mut la = Vob::from_elem(false, usize::from(grm.tokens_len()));
        la.set(usize::from(grm.eof_token_idx()), true);
        is.add(grm.rule_to_prods(grm.rule_idx("^").unwrap())[0], SIdx(0), &la);
        let cls_is = is.close(&grm, &firsts);

        let goto1 = cls_is.goto(&grm, &Symbol::Rule(grm.rule_idx("S").unwrap()));
        state_exists(&grm, &goto1, "^", 0, SIdx(1), vec!["$"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &goto1, "S", 0, SIdx(1), vec!["$", "b"]);

        // follow 'b' from start set
        let goto2 = cls_is.goto(&grm, &Symbol::Token(grm.token_idx("b").unwrap()));
        state_exists(&grm, &goto2, "S", 1, SIdx(1), vec!["$", "b"]);

        // continue by following 'a' from last goto, after it's been closed
        let goto3 = goto2.close(&grm, &firsts).goto(&grm, &Symbol::Token(grm.token_idx("a").unwrap()));
        state_exists(&grm, &goto3, "A", 1, SIdx(1), vec!["a"]);
        state_exists(&grm, &goto3, "A", 2, SIdx(1), vec!["a"]);