Module lpc82x_pac::sct0::dma0request[][src]

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SCT DMA request 0 register


Field DEV_0 reader - If bit n is one, event n triggers DMA request 0 (event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.

Field DEV_0 writer - If bit n is one, event n triggers DMA request 0 (event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.

SCT DMA request 0 register

Field DRL0 reader - A 1 in this bit triggers DMA request 0 when it loads the MATCH_L/Unified registers from the RELOAD_L/Unified registers.

Field DRL0 writer - A 1 in this bit triggers DMA request 0 when it loads the MATCH_L/Unified registers from the RELOAD_L/Unified registers.

Field DRQ0 reader - This read-only bit indicates the state of DMA Request 0. Note that if the related DMA channel is enabled and properly set up, it is unlikely that software will see this flag, it will be cleared rapidly by the DMA service. The flag remaining set could point to an issue with DMA setup.

Field DRQ0 writer - This read-only bit indicates the state of DMA Request 0. Note that if the related DMA channel is enabled and properly set up, it is unlikely that software will see this flag, it will be cleared rapidly by the DMA service. The flag remaining set could point to an issue with DMA setup.

Register DMA0REQUEST reader

Register DMA0REQUEST writer