lol-macros 0.0.1

macros for lol
//! construct
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use syn::{ExprStruct, Result};

/// TODO instead of an array, use a hashmap so that we can avoid looping
/// A lookup table of constructor functions, where the Name of the object being
/// constructed maps to the method that can initialize the object
static PRINTERS: [(&'static str, fn(&mut ExprStruct) -> Result<TokenStream2>); 1] =
    [("OVERLAPPED_ENTRY", construct_overlapped_entry)];

/// TODO instead of an array, use a hashmap so that we can avoid looping
/// An array of allowed things that can be "zeroed" on the stack.
static ZEROABLE: [&'static str; 2] = ["OVERLAPPED", "OVERLAPPED_ENTRY"];

/// When we have the name of an object, see if we have a constructor for it. If
/// a constructor for the object exists, return the constructor
fn find_printer(
    ident: &syn::Ident,
) -> Option<&'static fn(&mut ExprStruct) -> Result<TokenStream2>> {
        .find_map(|(name, printer)| if ident == name { Some(printer) } else { None })

/// Constructor for the OVERLAPPED_ENTRY type. This constructor simply adds the
/// Internal field for the caller so that the caller may initialize this object
/// with out providing the "private" fields.
fn construct_overlapped_entry(fields: &mut ExprStruct) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
    let internal = syn::parse2::<syn::FieldValue>(quote! {Internal:0})?;

pub(crate) fn make_expanded(toks: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
    let mut st = syn::parse::<ExprStruct>(toks)?;
    let printer = st.path.get_ident().and_then(find_printer);
    match printer {
        Some(printer) => (*printer)(&mut st),
        None => Ok(st.into_token_stream()),

pub(crate) fn make_expand_zeroed(toks: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
    let type_array = syn::parse::<syn::TypeArray>(toks)?;
    let len = match type_array.len {
        syn::Expr::Lit(syn::ExprLit {
            lit: syn::Lit::Int(lit),
        }) => Ok(lit),
        _ => Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
            "Array length expression must be const integer",
    let ty = match *type_array.elem {
        syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { ref path, .. }) => match path.get_ident() {
            Some(ident) if ZEROABLE.contains(&ident.to_string().as_str()) => Some(&type_array.elem),
            _ => None,
        _ => None,
    .ok_or_else(|| {
            "This type has not been audited as safe to be zeroed",

    // Safety: We make sure that the type passed is safe to be represented as
    // all zero bytes
    Ok(quote! {unsafe { std::mem::zeroed::<[#ty;#len]>()}})