loirc 0.2.0

Low-level IRC client library with robustness in mind.
extern crate loirc;
extern crate encoding;

use std::env;

use encoding::all::UTF_8;
use loirc::{connect, Code, Event, Prefix, ReconnectionSettings};

/// Say "peekaboo" in a channel on freenode and then quit.
/// target/debug/examples/peekaboo "#mychannel"
fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let channel = args.get(1).expect("Channel must be given as an argument.");

    // Connect to freenode and use no not reconnect.
    let (writer, reader) = connect("irc.freenode.net:6667",
    writer.raw(format!("USER {} 8 * :{}\n", "peekaboo", "peekaboo"));
    writer.raw(format!("NICK {}\n", "peekaboo"));

    // Receive events.
    for event in reader.iter() {
        println!("{:?}", event);
        match event {
            Event::Message(msg) => {
                if msg.code == Code::RplWelcome {
                    // join channel, no password
                    writer.raw(format!("JOIN {}\n", channel));
                // JOIN is sent when you join a channel.
                if msg.code == Code::Join {
                    // If there is a prefix...
                    if let Some(prefix) = msg.prefix {
                        match prefix {
                            // And the prefix is a user...
                            Prefix::User(user) => {
                                // And that user's nick is peekaboo, we've joined the channel!
                                if user.nickname == "peekaboo" {
                                    writer.raw(format!("PRIVMSG {} :{}\n", channel, "peekaboo"));
                                    // Note that if the reconnection settings said to reconnect,
                                    // it would. Close would "really" stop it.
                                    writer.raw(format!("QUIT :{}\n", "peekaboo"));
                                    // writer.close();
                            _ => {}
            _ => {}