logtail 0.1.4

Displays and updates a dashboard based on one or more logfiles

Terminal Dashboard for Monitoring Log Files

logtail is a Rust command line program which displays the last few lines of a one or more logfiles in the terminal. It watches for changes and updates the display in the manner of tail -f.

The command is written in Rust and uses tui-rs to create the terminal UI, and linemux to monitor the logfiles.

It is not particularly clever and was written as a learning project, but is a useful little utility.

Supports Linux only as far as I know, but it's worth testing out on MacOS and Windows. If it doesn't work I don't think it will be hard to get working on those platforms.

Starting from logtail I'm working on a SAFE Network Vault Dashboard (vault-dash) which will provide metrics based on vault logfiles. In fact vault-dash was the original goal but I saw value in splitting out logtail-dash as a separate utility.

Install from crates.io

cargo install logtail


In the terminal type the command and the paths of one or more logfiles you want to monitor. For example:

logtail /var/log/auth.log /var/log/kern.log

When the dashboard is active, pressing 'v' or 'h' switches between horizontal and vertical arrangments (when viewing more than one logfile).

For more information:

logtail --help


Get pre-requisites

  1. Get Rust: see: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html

Get code

git clone https://github.com/theWebalyst/logtail-dash
cd logtail-dash


Linux / MacOS (logtail)

Builds logtail which uses the termion backend (see tui-rs). Note: MacOS is untested

cargo build --bin logtail --features="termion" --release

Windows 10 (logtail-crossterm)

Builds logtail-crossterm which uses the crossterm backend (see tui-rs), with the intention to support Windows.

NOT working on Windows yet, this is being worked on at the moment. Help with testing appreciated.

cargo build --bin logtail-crossterm --features="crossterm" --release

Quick Test

Here's a couple of useful commands to build and run logtail to monitor a couple of Linux logfiles.

Open two terminals and in one run logtail-dash with:

RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -A unused" cargo run --bin logtail --features="termion"  /var/log/auth.log /var/log/kern.log

In a second terminal you can affect the first logfile by trying and failing to 'su root':

su root </dev/null

You can use any logfiles for this basic level of testing. Here are some to try:



Everything is GPL3.0 unless otherwise stated. Any contributions are accepted on the condition they conform to this license.

See also ./LICENSE