logtail 0.1.1

Displays and updates a dashboard based on one or more logfiles
logtail-0.1.1 is not a library.
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Terminal Dashboard for Monitoring Log Files

logtail is a Rust command line program which displays the last few lines of a one or more logfiles in the terminal. It watches for changes and updates the display in the manner of tail -f.

The command is written in Rust and uses tui-rs to create the terminal UI, and linemux to monitor the logfiles.

It is not particularly clever and was written as a learning project, but is a useful little utility.

Supports Linux only as far as I know, but it's worth testing out on MacOS and Windows. If it doesn't work I don't think it will be hard to get working on those platforms.

Starting from logtail I'm working on a SAFE Network Vault Dashboard (vault-dash) which will provide metrics based on vault logfiles. In fact vault-dash was the original goal but I saw value in splitting out logtail-dash as a separate utility.

Install from crates.io

cargo install logtail


In the terminal type the command and the paths of one or more logfiles you want to monitor. For example:

logtail /var/log/auth.log /var/log/kern.log

When the dashboard is active, pressing 'v' or 'h' switches between horizontal and vertical arrangments (when vieing more than one logfile).

For more information:

logtail --help


Get pre-requisites

  1. Get Rust: see: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html

Build logtail

git clone https://github.com/theWebalyst/logtail-dash
cd logtail-dash
cargo build

Quick Test

Here's a couple of useful commands to build and run logtail-dash using Linux logfiles rather than actual vault files.

Open two terminals and in one run logtail-dash with:

RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -A unused" cargo run /var/log/auth.log /var/log/kern.log

In a second terminal you can affect the first logfile by trying and failing to 'su root':

su root </dev/null

You can use any logfiles for this basic level of testing.


Everything is GPL3.0 unless otherwise stated. Any contributions are accepted on the condition they conform to this license.

See also ./LICENSE