logosaurus 0.5.0

Logging implementation modeled after the Go standard library's log package.
# logosaurus


Rust logging implementation modeled after the Go standard library log package.
It works with the [`log`](https://crates.io/crates/log) crate.

## Documentation

See [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/logosaurus).

## Examples

### Using the default logger

use log::{debug};
use logosaurus::{Logger};

fn main() {
  debug!("hello, world"); // DEBUG 2020/10/02 21:27:03 hello, world

### Using a custom logger

use log::{self, debug};
use logosaurus::{Logger, L_STD, L_SHORT_FILE, L_MICROSECONDS};
use std::io;

fn main() {
  let logger = Logger::builder(io::stdout())
                  .set_flags(L_STD | L_SHORT_FILE | L_MICROSECONDS)
                  .set_prefix("myprogram: ")

  debug!("hello, world"); // myprogram: DEBUG 2020/10/02 21:27:03.123123 main.rs:12: hello, world