loggerv 0.7.0

A simple log implementation that logs to stdout and stderr with colors
//! A simple `io::stdout` and `io::stderr` writing `Logger` implementation from the
//! `log` crate, using the `ansi_term` crate for colors and configured at runtime via a verbosity
//! or at compile time with simple function calls. Designed for simple Command Line Interfaces
//! (CLIs).
//! This library includes a Builder pattern API for configuring a logger and three initializing
//! helper functions to create a default logger. Ensure you create and initialize only once
//! a global logger with the Builder pattern API or use one of the three public helper functions
//! early in your program as shown in the examples below.
//! The default configuration colorizes the "tag" portion of the log statement, where the tag is
//! the text to the left of a separator, defaulted as the colon (`:`). The message is the
//! portion to the right of the separator and it is _not_ ever colorized. The tag includes only the
//! module path and the separator by default.
//! ## Example
//! The standard example with [clap](https://crates.io/crates/clap) as the arg parser using the
//! default configuration.
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate log;
//! extern crate clap;
//! extern crate loggerv;
//! use clap::{Arg, App};
//! fn main() {
//!     let args = App::new("app")
//!         .arg(Arg::with_name("v")
//!             .short("v")
//!             .multiple(true)
//!             .help("Sets the level of verbosity"))
//!         .get_matches();
//!     loggerv::init_with_verbosity(args.occurrences_of("v")).unwrap();
//!     error!("This is always printed");
//!     warn!("This too is always printed to stderr");
//!     info!("This is optionally printed to stdout");  // for ./app -v or higher
//!     debug!("This is optionally printed to stdout"); // for ./app -vv or higher
//!     trace!("This is optionally printed to stdout"); // for ./app -vvv
//! }
//! ```
//! But obviously use whatever argument parsing methods you prefer.
//! ## Example
//! For a compile time switch, all you really need is `log` (for the macros) and `loggerv` for how
//! to print what's being sent to the macros with the default configuration.
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate log;
//! extern crate loggerv;
//! use log::Level;
//! fn main() {
//!     loggerv::init_with_level(Level::Info).unwrap();
//!     debug!("This is a debug {}", "message"); // Not printed to stdout
//!     error!("This is printed by default");    // Printed to stderr
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Example
//! If you don't really care at all you could just use the plain `init_quiet` function to only show
//! warnings and errors with the default configuration:
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate log;
//! extern crate loggerv;
//! fn main() {
//!     loggerv::init_quiet().unwrap();
//!     info!("Hidden");
//!     error!("This is printed by default");
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Example
//! If you want to configure the output, the Builder pattern API can be used.
//! ```
//! #[macro_use] extern crate log;
//! extern crate clap;
//! extern crate loggerv;
//! use clap::{Arg, App};
//! fn main() {
//!     let args = App::new("app")
//!                    .arg(Arg::with_name("v")
//!                             .short("v")
//!                             .multiple(true)
//!                             .help("Sets the level of verbosity"))
//!                    .get_matches();
//!     loggerv::Logger::new()
//!         .verbosity(args.occurrences_of("v"))
//!         .level(true)
//!         .line_numbers(true)
//!         .separator(" = ")
//!         .module_path(false)
//!         .colors(false)
//!         .init()
//!         .unwrap();
//!     error!("This is always printed to stderr");
//!     warn!("This too is always printed to stderr");
//!     info!("This is optionally printed to stdout");  // for ./app -v or higher
//!     debug!("This is optionally printed to stdout"); // for ./app -vv or higher
//!     trace!("This is optionally printed to stdout"); // for ./app -vvv
//! }
//! ```
//! See the [documentation](https://docs.rs/log/0.4.1/log/) for the
//! [log](https://crates.io/crates/log) crate for more information about its API.

extern crate log;

extern crate atty;
extern crate ansi_term;

use log::{SetLoggerError};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use ansi_term::Colour;

pub const DEFAULT_COLORS: bool = true;
pub const DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR: Colour = Colour::Fixed(7); // light grey
pub const DEFAULT_ERROR_COLOR: Colour = Colour::Fixed(9); // bright red
pub const DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LEVEL: bool = false;
pub const DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LINE_NUMBERS: bool = false;
pub const DEFAULT_INCLUDE_MODULE_PATH: bool = true;
pub const DEFAULT_INFO_COLOR: Colour = Colour::Fixed(10); // bright green
pub const DEFAULT_LEVEL: log::Level = log::Level::Warn;
pub const DEFAULT_OFFSET: u64 = 1;
pub const DEFAULT_SEPARATOR: &str = ": ";
pub const DEFAULT_TRACE_COLOR: Colour = Colour::Fixed(8); // grey
pub const DEFAULT_WARN_COLOR: Colour = Colour::Fixed(11); // bright yellow

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Output {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct Level {
    output: Output,
    color: Colour,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Logger {
    colors: bool,
    include_level: bool,
    include_line_numbers: bool,
    include_module_path: bool,
    level: log::Level,
    offset: u64,
    separator: String,
    verbosity: Option<u64>,
    error: Level,
    warn: Level,
    info: Level,
    debug: Level,
    trace: Level,

impl Logger {
    /// Creates a new instance of the verbosity-based logger.
    /// The default level is WARN. Color is enabled if the parent application or library is running
    /// from a terminal, i.e. running a tty. The default separator is the ": " string. The default
    /// output format is `module path: message`. The following default colors are used:
    /// | Level | Color         |
    /// |-------|---------------|
    /// | Error | Bright Red    |
    /// | Warn  | Bright Yellow |
    /// | Info  | Bright Green  |
    /// | Debug | Light Grey    |
    /// | Trace | Grey          |
    pub fn new() -> Logger {
        Logger {
            colors: DEFAULT_COLORS && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr),
            include_level: DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LEVEL,
            include_line_numbers: DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LINE_NUMBERS,
            include_module_path: DEFAULT_INCLUDE_MODULE_PATH,
            level: DEFAULT_LEVEL,
            offset: DEFAULT_OFFSET,
            separator: String::from(DEFAULT_SEPARATOR),
            verbosity: None,
            error: Level {
                output: Output::Stderr,
                color: DEFAULT_ERROR_COLOR,
            warn: Level {
                output: Output::Stderr,
                color: DEFAULT_WARN_COLOR,
            info: Level {
                output: Output::Stdout,
                color: DEFAULT_INFO_COLOR,
            debug: Level {
                output: Output::Stdout,
                color: DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR,
            trace: Level {
                output: Output::Stdout,
                color: DEFAULT_TRACE_COLOR,

    /// Sets the color for a level.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// extern crate ansi_term;
    /// use log::Level;
    /// use ansi_term::Colour;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .color(&Level::Error, Colour::Fixed(7))
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed in light grey instead of bright red");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn color(mut self, l: &log::Level, c: Colour) -> Self {
        match *l {
            log::Level::Error => self.error.color = c,
            log::Level::Warn => self.warn.color = c,
            log::Level::Info => self.info.color = c,
            log::Level::Debug => self.debug.color = c,
            log::Level::Trace => self.trace.color = c,

    /// Sets the separator string.
    /// The separator is the string between the "tag" and the message that make up a log statement.
    /// The tag will be colorized if enabled, while the message will not. The default is `: `.
    /// If the level, line numbers, and module path are all _not_ included in the log statement,
    /// then the separator is changed to the empty string to avoid printing a lone string or
    /// character before each message portion of the log statement.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .separator(" = ")
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed with an equal sign between the module path and this message");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn separator(mut self, s: &str) -> Self {
        self.separator = String::from(s);

    /// Enables or disables colorizing the output.
    /// If the logger is _not_ used in a terminal, then the output is _not_ colorized regardless of
    /// this value.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .colors(false)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed without any colorization");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn colors(mut self, c: bool) -> Self {
        self.colors = c && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr);

    /// Disables colorizing the output.
    /// The default is to colorize the output unless `stdout` and `stderr` are redirected or piped,
    /// i.e. not a tty.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .no_colors()
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed without any colorization");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn no_colors(mut self) -> Self {
        self. colors = false;

    /// Enables or disables including line numbers in the "tag" portion of the log statement.
    /// The tag is the text to the left of the separator.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .line_numbers(true)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed with the module path and the line number surrounded by
    ///     parentheses");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn line_numbers(mut self, i: bool) -> Self {
        self.include_line_numbers = i;

    /// Enables or disables including the level in the log statement's tag portion. The tag of the
    /// log statement is the text to the left of the separator.
    /// If the level and the module path are both inculded, then the module path is surrounded by
    /// square brackets.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .level(true)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed with the 'ERROR' and the module path is surrounded in square
    ///     brackets");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn level(mut self, i: bool) -> Self {
        self.include_level = i;

    /// Explicitly sets the log level instead of through a verbosity.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .max_level(log::Level::Info)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed to stderr");
    ///     warn!("This is printed to stderr");
    ///     info!("This is printed to stdout");
    ///     debug!("This is not printed to stdout");
    ///     trace!("This is not printed to stdout");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn max_level(mut self, l: log::Level) -> Self {
        self.level = l;
        // It is important to set the Verbosity to None here because later with the `init` method,
        // a `None` value indicates the verbosity has _not_ been set or overriden by using this
        // method (`max_level`). If the verbosity is some value, then it will be used and the use
        // of this method will be dismissed.
        self.verbosity = None;

    /// Enables or disables including the module path in the "tag" portion of the log statement.
    /// The tag is the text to the left of the separator. The default is to include the module
    /// path. Ifthe level is also included, the module path is surrounded by square brackets.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .module_path(false)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed without leading module path and separator");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn module_path(mut self, i: bool) -> Self {
        self.include_module_path = i;

    /// Disables the module path in the "tag" portion of the log statement.
    /// The tag is the text to the left of the separator. The default is to include the module
    /// path.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .no_module_path()
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed without leading module path and separator");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn no_module_path(mut self) -> Self {
        self.include_module_path = false;

    /// Sets the base level.
    /// The base level is the level used with zero (0) verbosity. The default is WARN. So, ERROR
    /// and WARN statements will be written and INFO statements will be written with a verbosity of
    /// 1 or greater. If the base level was changed to ERROR, then only ERROR statements will be
    /// written and WARN statements will be written with a verbosity of 1 or greater. Use this
    /// adjust the correlation of verbosity, i.e. number of `-v` occurrences, to level.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .base_level(log::Level::Error)
    ///         .verbosity(0)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed");
    ///     warn!("This is not printed");
    ///     info!("This is not printed");
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .base_level(log::Level::Info)
    ///         .verbosity(0)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed");
    ///     warn!("This is also printed");
    ///     info!("This is now printed, too");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn base_level(mut self, b: log::Level) -> Self {
        self.offset = match b {
            log::Level::Error => 0,
            log::Level::Warn => 1,
            log::Level::Info => 2,
            log::Level::Debug => 3,
            log::Level::Trace => 4,


    /// Sets the output for a level.
    /// The output is either `stderr` or `stdout`. The default is for ERROR and WARN to be written
    /// to `stderr` and INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE to `stdout`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// use log::Level;
    /// use loggerv::Output;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .output(&Level::Error, Output::Stdout)
    ///         .output(&Level::Warn, Output::Stdout)
    ///         .output(&Level::Info, Output::Stderr)
    ///         .output(&Level::Debug, Output::Stderr)
    ///         .output(&Level::Trace, Output::Stderr)
    ///         .verbosity(0)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed on stdout instead of stderr");
    ///     warn!("This is printed on stdout instead of stderr");
    ///     info!("This is printed on stderr instead of stdout");
    ///     debug!("This is printed on stderr instead of stdout");
    ///     trace!("This is printed on stderr instead of stdout");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn output(mut self, l: &log::Level, o: Output) -> Self {
        match *l {
            log::Level::Error => self.error.output = o,
            log::Level::Warn => self.warn.output = o,
            log::Level::Info => self.info.output = o,
            log::Level::Debug => self.debug.output = o,
            log::Level::Trace => self.trace.output = o,

    /// Sets the level based on verbosity and the offset.
    /// A verbosity of zero (0) is the default, which means ERROR and WARN log statements are
    /// printed to `stderr`. No other log statements are printed on any of the standard streams
    /// (`stdout` or `stderr`). As the verbosity is increased, the log level is increased and more
    /// log statements will be printed to `stdout`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .verbosity(1)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed to stderr");
    ///     warn!("This is printed to stderr");
    ///     info!("This is printed to stdout");
    ///     debug!("This is not printed to stdout");
    ///     trace!("This is not printed to stdout");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn verbosity(mut self, v: u64) -> Self {
        self.verbosity = Some(v);

    /// Initializes the logger.
    /// This also consumes the logger. It cannot be further modified after initialization.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed to stderr");
    ///     warn!("This is printed to stderr");
    ///     info!("This is not printed to stdout");
    ///     debug!("This is not printed to stdout");
    ///     trace!("This is not printed to stdout");
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # Example
    /// If the tag will be empty because the level, line numbers, and module path were all
    /// disabled, then the separator is changed to the empty string to avoid writing a long
    /// character in front of each message for each log statement.
    /// ```rust
    /// #[macro_use] extern crate log;
    /// extern crate loggerv;
    /// fn main() {
    ///     loggerv::Logger::new()
    ///         .module_path(false)
    ///         .level(false)
    ///         .line_numbers(false)
    ///         .init()
    ///         .unwrap();
    ///     error!("This is printed to stderr without the separator");
    ///     warn!("This is printed to stderr without the separator");
    ///     info!("This is not printed to stdout");
    ///     debug!("This is not printed to stdout");
    ///     trace!("This is not printed to stdout");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn init(mut self) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {
        // If there is no level, line number, or module path in the tag, then the tag will always
        // be empty. The separator should also be empty so only the message component is printed
        // for the log statement; otherwise, there is a weird floating colon in front of every log
        // statement.
        // It is better to do it here than in the `log` function because it only has to be
        // determined once at initialization as opposed to every call to the `log` function. So
        // a potentially slight performance improvement.
        if !self.include_level && !self.include_line_numbers && !self.include_module_path {
            self.separator = String::new();
        // The level is set based on verbosity only if the `verbosity` method has been used and
        // _not_ overwridden a later call to the `max_level` method. If neither the `verbosity` or
        // `max_level` method is used, then the `DEFAULT_LEVEL` is used because it is set with the
        // `new` function. It makes more sense to calculate the level based on verbosity _after_
        // all configuration methods have been called as opposed to during the call to the
        // `verbosity` method. This change enables the offset feature so that the `max_level`
        // method can be used at any time during the "building" procedure before the call to
        // `init`. Otherwise, calling the `max_level` _after_ the `verbosity` method would have no
        // effect and be difficult to communicate this limitation to users.
        if let Some(v) = self.verbosity {
            self.level = match v + self.offset {
                0 => log::Level::Error,
                1 => log::Level::Warn,
                2 => log::Level::Info,
                3 => log::Level::Debug,
                _ => log::Level::Trace,

    /// Gets the color to use for the log statement's tag based on level.
    fn select_color(&self, l: &log::Level) -> Colour {
        match *l {
            log::Level::Error => self.error.color,
            log::Level::Warn => self.warn.color,
            log::Level::Info => self.info.color,
            log::Level::Debug => self.debug.color,
            log::Level::Trace => self.trace.color,

    /// Gets the output stream to use for the level.
    fn select_output(&self, l: &log::Level) -> Output {
        match *l {
            log::Level::Error => self.error.output,
            log::Level::Warn => self.warn.output,
            log::Level::Info => self.info.output,
            log::Level::Debug => self.debug.output,
            log::Level::Trace => self.trace.output,

    /// Creates the tag portion of the log statement based on the configuration.
    /// The tag portion is the of the log statement is the text to the left of the separator, while
    /// the text to the right of the separator is the message.
    fn create_tag(&self, record: &log::Record) -> String {
        let level = record.level();
        let level_text = if self.include_level {
        } else {

        let module_path_text = if self.include_module_path {
            let pth = record.module_path().unwrap_or("unknown");
            if self.include_level {
                format!(" [{}]", pth)
            } else {
        } else {
        let line_text = if self.include_line_numbers {
            if let Some(l) = record.line() {
                format!(" (line {})", l)
            } else {
        } else {
        let mut tag = format!("{}{}{}", level_text, module_path_text, line_text);
        if self.colors {
            tag = self.select_color(&level).paint(tag).to_string();

impl log::Log for Logger {
    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
        metadata.level() <= self.level

    fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
        if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
            match self.select_output(&record.level()) {
                Output::Stderr => {
                        &mut io::stderr(),
                    ).expect("Writing to stderr");
                Output::Stdout => {
    fn flush(&self) {
        // println! flushes by itself

impl Default for Logger {
    fn default() -> Logger {

/// Initialize loggerv with a maximal log level.
/// See the main loggerv documentation page for an example.
pub fn init_with_level(level: log::Level) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

/// Initialize loggerv with a verbosity level.
/// Intended to be used with an arg parser counting the amount of -v flags.
/// See the main loggerv documentation page for an example.
pub fn init_with_verbosity(verbosity: u64) -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

/// Initializes loggerv with only warnings and errors.
/// See the main loggerv documentation page for an example.
pub fn init_quiet() -> Result<(), SetLoggerError> {

mod tests {
    use log;
    use ansi_term::Colour;
    use super::*;

    fn defaults_are_correct() {
        let logger = Logger::new();
        assert_eq!(logger.include_level, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LEVEL);
        assert_eq!(logger.include_line_numbers, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LINE_NUMBERS);
        assert_eq!(logger.include_module_path, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_MODULE_PATH);
        assert_eq!(logger.colors, DEFAULT_COLORS);
        assert_eq!(logger.level, DEFAULT_LEVEL);
        assert_eq!(logger.separator, String::from(DEFAULT_SEPARATOR));
        assert_eq!(logger.error.color, DEFAULT_ERROR_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.warn.color, DEFAULT_WARN_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.info.color, DEFAULT_INFO_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.debug.color, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.trace.color, DEFAULT_TRACE_COLOR);

    fn color_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().color(&log::Level::Trace, Colour::Fixed(11));
        assert_eq!(logger.trace.color, Colour::Fixed(11));

    fn separator_works() {
        const EXPECTED: &str = " = ";
        let logger = Logger::new().separator(EXPECTED);
        assert_eq!(logger.separator, EXPECTED);

    fn colors_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().colors(false);

    fn no_colors_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().no_colors();

    fn line_numbers_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().line_numbers(true);

    fn level_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().level(true);

    fn max_level_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().max_level(log::Level::Trace);
        assert_eq!(logger.level, log::Level::Trace);

    fn base_level_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().base_level(log::Level::Info);
        assert_eq!(logger.offset, 2);

    fn module_path_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().module_path(false);

    fn no_module_path_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().no_module_path();

    fn verbosity_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new().verbosity(3);
        assert_eq!(logger.verbosity, Some(3));

    fn output_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new()
            .output(&log::Level::Error, Output::Stdout)
            .output(&log::Level::Warn, Output::Stdout)
            .output(&log::Level::Info, Output::Stderr)
            .output(&log::Level::Debug, Output::Stderr)
            .output(&log::Level::Trace, Output::Stderr);
        assert_eq!(logger.error.output, Output::Stdout);
        assert_eq!(logger.warn.output, Output::Stdout);
        assert_eq!(logger.info.output, Output::Stderr);
        assert_eq!(logger.debug.output, Output::Stderr);
        assert_eq!(logger.trace.output, Output::Stderr);

    fn init_works() {
        let result = Logger::new().init();

    fn select_color_works() {
        let logger = Logger::new();
        assert_eq!(logger.select_color(&log::Level::Error), DEFAULT_ERROR_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.select_color(&log::Level::Warn), DEFAULT_WARN_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.select_color(&log::Level::Info), DEFAULT_INFO_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.select_color(&log::Level::Debug), DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR);
        assert_eq!(logger.select_color(&log::Level::Trace), DEFAULT_TRACE_COLOR);