log4rs_test_utils 0.2.3

Utilities for testing log4rs-based logging, whether you want to log your tests or test your logs.

log4rs Test Utils

This crate aims to solve the headache that often occurs when combining
testing with logging. It is split into two halves depending on your use
case: do you want to log your tests or test your logs?

Logging your tests

If you want to log your tests, i.e. set up a logger and capture the results for debugging your unit and integration tests, then look to test_logging. Contents include:

  • TestConsoleAppender, an appender which ensures logs are actually captured by the default test harness rather than spewed all over your lovely console.
  • init_logging_once, which ensures your logging only gets initialized once, even if many tests are running in parallel.
  • init_logging_once_for, which does the same, but automatically creates a sensible config for the given targets.

Example usage

use log::{info, LevelFilter};
use log4rs_test_utils::test_logging::init_logging_once_for;

fn some_fn(x: u32) -> u32 {
    info!(target: "foo", "some_fn called with {x}");
    panic!("This test will fail, but we'll have the logs to debug it.");
    x + 1

fn some_test() {
    init_logging_once_for(vec!["foo", "bar"], LevelFilter::Debug, None);

    let y = some_fn(5);
    assert_eq!(y, 6);

Testing your logs

If you want to test your logs, i.e. write tests that make assertions about your log output, then look to log_testing. Contents include:

  • MockAppender, an appender that saves all logs to a Vec<String> for programmatic inspection.
  • logging_test_setup, which handles test setup by configuring the logger and serializing all logging tests to make sure they don't conflict.
  • logging_test_setup_mock which does the same, but automatically creates a MockAppender for you to save even more effort.

Example usage

use log::{error, info};
use log4rs_test_utils::logging_test_setup_mock;

fn simple_mock_example() {
    let (_guard, logs_handle) = logging_test_setup_mock(None, None);

    info!("Hello, world!");
    error!("Oh, no!");
    info!("Goodbye, world.");

    let logs = logs_handle.lock().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(logs.len(), 3);
    assert_eq!(logs.iter().filter(|s| s.contains("INFO")).count(), 2);
    assert_eq!(logs.iter().filter(|s| s.contains("ERROR")).count(), 1);
    assert_eq!(logs.iter().filter(|s| s.contains(", world")).count(), 2);


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.