lofty_attr 0.11.0

Macros for Lofty
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{
	Error, Expr, ExprLit, ItemStruct, Lit, LitStr, Meta, MetaList, MetaNameValue, Path, Result,

enum SupportedFormat {

impl SupportedFormat {
	fn emit_doc_comment(&self) -> String {
		match self {
			SupportedFormat::Full(path) => format!(
				"* [`FileType::{ft}`](crate::FileType::{ft})\n",
				ft = path.get_ident().unwrap()
			SupportedFormat::ReadOnly(path) => format!(
				"* [`FileType::{ft}`](crate::FileType::{ft}) **(READ ONLY)**\n",
				ft = path.get_ident().unwrap()

	fn path(&self) -> &Path {
		match self {
			SupportedFormat::Full(path) | SupportedFormat::ReadOnly(path) => path,

	fn read_only(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
		match self {
			SupportedFormat::ReadOnly(path) => Some(path),
			_ => None,

pub(crate) struct LoftyTag {
	attribute: LoftyTagAttribute,
	input: ItemStruct,

impl LoftyTag {
	pub(crate) fn new(attribute: LoftyTagAttribute, input: ItemStruct) -> Self {
		LoftyTag { attribute, input }

	pub(crate) fn emit(&self) -> TokenStream {
		let ident = &self.input.ident;
		let desc = &self.attribute.description;

		let supported_types_iter = self
		let flattened_file_types = self
		let read_only_file_types = self

		let input = &self.input;
		TokenStream::from(quote! {
			use ::lofty::_this_is_internal;

			#[doc = #desc]
			#[doc = "\n"]
			#[doc = "## Supported file types\n\n"]
			#( #[doc = #supported_types_iter] )*
			#[doc = "\n"]

			impl #ident {
				pub(crate) const SUPPORTED_FORMATS: &'static [::lofty::file::FileType] = &[
					#( ::lofty::file::FileType:: #flattened_file_types ),*

				pub(crate) const READ_ONLY_FORMATS: &'static [::lofty::file::FileType] = &[
					#( ::lofty::file::FileType:: #read_only_file_types ),*

pub(crate) struct LoftyTagAttribute {
	description: LitStr,
	supported_formats: Vec<SupportedFormat>,

impl Parse for LoftyTagAttribute {
	fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
		let mut description = None;
		let mut supported_formats = Vec::new();

		let start_span = input.span();

		let args = Punctuated::<Meta, Token![,]>::parse_separated_nonempty(input)?;
		for nested_meta in args {
			match nested_meta {
				Meta::NameValue(mnv) if mnv.path.is_ident("description") => {
					if description.is_some() {
						return Err(Error::new(mnv.span(), "Duplicate `description` entry"));

					description = Some(parse_description(mnv)?);
				Meta::List(list) if list.path.is_ident("supported_formats") => {
					parse_supported_formats(list, &mut supported_formats)?;
				_ => {
					return Err(Error::new(
						"Unexpected input, check the format of the arguments",

		if description.is_none() {
			return Err(Error::new(start_span, "No description provided"));

		Ok(Self {
			description: description.unwrap(),

fn parse_description(name_value: MetaNameValue) -> Result<LitStr> {
	match name_value.value {
		Expr::Lit(ExprLit {
			lit: Lit::Str(lit_str),
		}) => Ok(lit_str),
		_ => Err(Error::new(
			"Invalid `description` entry, expected string value",

fn parse_supported_formats(
	meta_list: MetaList,
	supported_formats: &mut Vec<SupportedFormat>,
) -> Result<()> {
	let mut read_only_encountered = false;
	meta_list.parse_nested_meta(|meta| {
		if meta.path.is_ident("read_only") {
			if read_only_encountered {
				return Err(meta.error("Duplicate `read_only` entry"));

			read_only_encountered = true;

			meta.parse_nested_meta(|nested_meta| {
		} else {
