lofty 0.11.0

Audio metadata library
use std::borrow::Cow;

// This defines the `Accessor` trait, used to define unified getters/setters for commonly
// accessed tag values.
// Usage:
// accessor_trait! {
//     [field_name]<type>
// }
// * `field_name` is the name of the method to access the field. If a name consists of multiple segments,
// such as `track_number`, they should be separated by spaces like so: [track number]<type>.
// * `type` is the return type for `Accessor::field_name`. By default, this type will also be used
// in the setter.
// An owned type can also be specified for the setter:
// accessor_trait! {
//     field_name<type, owned_type>
// }
macro_rules! accessor_trait {
	($([$($name:tt)+] < $($ty:ty),+ >),+ $(,)?) => {
		/// Provides accessors for common items
		/// This attempts to only provide methods for items that all tags have in common,
		/// but there may be exceptions.
		pub trait Accessor {
				accessor_trait! { @GETTER [$($name)+] $($ty),+ }

				accessor_trait! { @SETTER [$($name)+] $($ty),+ }

				accessor_trait! { @REMOVE [$($name)+] $($ty),+ }
	(@GETTER [$($name:tt)+] $ty:ty $(, $_ty:tt)?) => {
		accessor_trait! { @GET_METHOD [$($name)+] Option<$ty> }
	(@SETTER [$($name:tt)+] $_ty:ty, $owned_ty:tt) => {
		accessor_trait! { @SETTER [$($name)+] $owned_ty }
	(@SETTER [$($name:tt)+] $ty:ty) => {
		accessor_trait! { @SET_METHOD  [$($name)+] $ty }
	(@REMOVE [$($name:tt)+] $_ty:ty, $owned_ty:tt) => {
		accessor_trait! { @REMOVE [$($name)+] $owned_ty }
	(@REMOVE [$($name:tt)+] $ty:ty) => {
		accessor_trait! { @REMOVE_METHOD [$($name)+], $ty }
	(@GET_METHOD [$name:tt $($other:tt)*] Option<$ret_ty:ty>) => {
		paste::paste! {
			#[doc = "Returns the " $name $(" " $other)*]
			/// # Example
			/// ```rust
			/// use lofty::{Tag, Accessor};
			/// # let tag_type = lofty::TagType::ID3v2;
			/// let mut tag = Tag::new(tag_type);
			#[doc = "assert_eq!(tag." $name $(_ $other)* "(), None);"]
			/// ```
			fn [<
				$name $(_ $other)*
			>] (&self) -> Option<$ret_ty> { None }
	(@SET_METHOD [$name:tt $($other:tt)*] $owned_ty:ty) => {
		paste::paste! {
			#[doc = "Sets the " $name $(" " $other)*]
			/// # Example
			/// ```rust,ignore
			/// use lofty::{Tag, Accessor};
			/// let mut tag = Tag::new(tag_type);
			#[doc = "tag.set_" $name $(_ $other)* "(value);"]
			#[doc = "assert_eq!(tag." $name $(_ $other)* "(), Some(value));"]
			/// ```
			fn [<
				set_ $name $(_ $other)*
			>] (&mut self , _value: $owned_ty) {}
	(@REMOVE_METHOD [$name:tt $($other:tt)*], $ty:ty) => {
		paste::paste! {
			#[doc = "Removes the " $name $(" " $other)*]
			/// # Example
			/// ```rust,ignore
			/// use lofty::{Tag, Accessor};
			/// let mut tag = Tag::new(tag_type);
			#[doc = "tag.set_" $name $(_ $other)* "(value);"]
			#[doc = "assert_eq!(tag." $name $(_ $other)* "(), Some(value));"]
			#[doc = "tag.remove_" $name $(_ $other)* "();"]
			#[doc = "assert_eq!(tag." $name $(_ $other)* "(), None);"]
			/// ```
			fn [<
				remove_ $name $(_ $other)*
			>] (&mut self) {}

accessor_trait! {
	[artist]<Cow<'_, str>, String>, [title      ]<Cow<'_, str>, String>,
	[album ]<Cow<'_, str>, String>, [genre      ]<Cow<'_, str>, String>,
	[track ]<u32>,                  [track total]<u32>,
	[disk  ]<u32>,                  [disk total ]<u32>,
	[year  ]<u32>,                  [comment    ]<Cow<'_, str>, String>,

use crate::tag::Tag;

use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;

/// A set of common methods between tags
/// This provides a set of methods to make interaction with all tags a similar
/// experience.
/// This can be implemented downstream to provide a familiar interface for custom tags.
pub trait TagExt: Accessor + Into<Tag> + Sized {
	/// The associated error which can be returned from IO operations
	type Err;
	/// The type of key used in the tag for non-mutating functions
	type RefKey<'a>
		Self: 'a;

	/// Returns the number of items in the tag
	/// This will also include any extras, such as pictures.
	/// # Example
	/// ```rust
	/// use lofty::{Accessor, ItemKey, Tag, TagExt};
	/// # let tag_type = lofty::TagType::ID3v2;
	/// let mut tag = Tag::new(tag_type);
	/// assert_eq!(tag.len(), 0);
	/// tag.set_artist(String::from("Foo artist"));
	/// assert_eq!(tag.len(), 1);
	/// ```
	fn len(&self) -> usize;

	/// Whether the tag contains an item with the key
	/// # Example
	/// ```rust
	/// use lofty::{Accessor, ItemKey, Tag, TagExt};
	/// # let tag_type = lofty::TagType::ID3v2;
	/// let mut tag = Tag::new(tag_type);
	/// assert!(tag.is_empty());
	/// tag.set_artist(String::from("Foo artist"));
	/// assert!(tag.contains(&ItemKey::TrackArtist));
	/// ```
	fn contains<'a>(&'a self, key: Self::RefKey<'a>) -> bool;

	/// Whether the tag has any items
	/// # Example
	/// ```rust
	/// use lofty::{Accessor, Tag, TagExt};
	/// # let tag_type = lofty::TagType::ID3v2;
	/// let mut tag = Tag::new(tag_type);
	/// assert!(tag.is_empty());
	/// tag.set_artist(String::from("Foo artist"));
	/// assert!(!tag.is_empty());
	/// ```
	fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;

	/// Save the tag to a path
	/// # Errors
	/// * Path doesn't exist
	/// * Path is not writable
	/// * See [`TagExt::save_to`]
	fn save_to_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Err>;

	/// Save the tag to a [`File`]
	/// # Errors
	/// * The file format could not be determined
	/// * Attempting to write a tag to a format that does not support it.
	fn save_to(&self, file: &mut File) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Err>;

	/// Dump the tag to a writer
	/// This will only write the tag, it will not produce a usable file.
	fn dump_to<W: std::io::Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Err>;

	/// Remove a tag from a [`Path`]
	/// # Errors
	/// See [`TagExt::remove_from`]
	fn remove_from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Err>;

	/// Remove a tag from a [`File`]
	/// # Errors
	/// * It is unable to guess the file format
	/// * The format doesn't support the tag
	/// * It is unable to write to the file
	fn remove_from(&self, file: &mut File) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Err>;

	/// Clear the tag, removing all items
	/// NOTE: This will **not** remove any format-specific extras, such as flags
	fn clear(&mut self);

/// Split and merge tags.
/// Useful and required for implementing lossless read/modify/write round trips.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// use lofty::mpeg::MPEGFile;
/// use lofty::{AudioFile, ItemKey, SplitAndMergeTag as _};
/// // Read the tag from a file
/// # let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new().write(true).open("/path/to/file.mp3")?;
/// # let parse_options = lofty::ParseOptions::default();
/// let mut mpeg_file = <MPEGFile as AudioFile>::read_from(&mut file, parse_options)?;
/// let mut id3v2 = if let Some(id3v2) = mpeg_file.id3v2_mut() {
/// 	id3v2
/// } else {
/// 	// Add a new ID3v2 tag if missing
/// 	mpeg_file.set_id3v2(Default::default());
/// 	mpeg_file.id3v2_mut().expect("ID3v2")
/// };
/// // Split: ID3v2 -> [`lofty::Tag`]
/// let mut tag = id3v2.split_tag();
/// // Modify the metadata in the generic [`lofty::Tag`], independent
/// // of the underlying tag and file format.
/// tag.insert_text(ItemKey::TrackTitle, "Track Title".to_owned());
/// tag.remove_key(&ItemKey::Composer);
/// // ID3v2 <- [`lofty::Tag`]
/// id3v2.merge_tag(tag);
/// // Write the changes back into the file
/// mpeg_file.save_to(&mut file)?;
/// # Ok::<(), lofty::LoftyError>(())
/// ```
pub trait SplitAndMergeTag {
	/// Extract and split generic contents into a [`Tag`].
	/// Leaves the remainder that cannot be represented in the
	/// resulting tag in `self`. This is useful if the modified [`Tag`]
	/// is merged later using [`SplitAndMergeTag::merge_tag`].
	// NOTE: Using the "typestate pattern" (
	// to represent the intermediate state turned out as less flexible
	// and useful than expected.
	fn split_tag(&mut self) -> Tag;

	/// Rejoin a [`Tag`].
	/// Rejoin a tag that has previously been obtained with
	/// [`SplitAndMergeTag::split_tag`].
	/// Restores the original representation merged with the contents of
	/// `tag` for further processing, e.g. writing back into a file.
	/// This method must only be called once and after [`Self::split_tag`]!
	/// Otherwise the behavior is undefined and may result in redundancies
	/// or inconsistencies.
	fn merge_tag(&mut self, tag: Tag);

// TODO:
pub(crate) trait SeekStreamLen: std::io::Seek {
	fn stream_len(&mut self) -> crate::error::Result<u64> {
		use std::io::SeekFrom;

		let current_pos = self.stream_position()?;
		let len =;;


impl<T> SeekStreamLen for T where T: std::io::Seek {}