lofty 0.11.0

Audio metadata library
use super::item::ApeItemRef;
use super::read::read_ape_tag;
use super::ApeTagRef;
use crate::ape::constants::APE_PREAMBLE;
use crate::ape::header::read_ape_header;
use crate::error::Result;
use crate::id3::{find_id3v1, find_id3v2, find_lyrics3v2};
use crate::macros::{decode_err, err};
use crate::probe::Probe;
use crate::tag::item::ItemValueRef;

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};

use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};

pub(crate) fn write_to<'a, I>(data: &mut File, tag: &mut ApeTagRef<'a, I>) -> Result<()>
	I: Iterator<Item = ApeItemRef<'a>>,
	let probe = Probe::new(data).guess_file_type()?;

	match probe.file_type() {
		Some(ft) if super::ApeTag::SUPPORTED_FORMATS.contains(&ft) => {},
		_ => err!(UnsupportedTag),

	let data = probe.into_inner();

	// We don't actually need the ID3v2 tag, but reading it will seek to the end of it if it exists
	find_id3v2(data, false)?;

	let mut ape_preamble = [0; 8];
	data.read_exact(&mut ape_preamble)?;

	// We have to check the APE tag for any read only items first
	let mut read_only = None;

	// An APE tag in the beginning of a file is against the spec
	// If one is found, it'll be removed and rewritten at the bottom, where it should be
	let mut header_ape_tag = (false, (0, 0));

	if &ape_preamble == APE_PREAMBLE {
		let start =;;

		let header = read_ape_header(data, false)?;
		let size = header.size;

		let mut existing = read_ape_tag(data, header)?;

		// Only keep metadata around that's marked read only
		existing.items.retain(|i| i.read_only);

		if !existing.items.is_empty() {
			read_only = Some(existing)

		header_ape_tag = (true, (start, start + u64::from(size)))
	} else {;

	// Skip over ID3v1 and Lyrics3v2 tags
	find_id3v1(data, false)?;

	// In case there's no ape tag already, this is the spot it belongs
	let ape_position = data.stream_position()?;

	// Now search for an APE tag at the end;

	data.read_exact(&mut ape_preamble)?;

	let mut ape_tag_location = None;

	// Also check this tag for any read only items
	if &ape_preamble == APE_PREAMBLE {
		let start = data.stream_position()? as usize + 24;

		let header = read_ape_header(data, true)?;
		let size = header.size;

		let mut existing = read_ape_tag(data, header)?;

		existing.items.retain(|i| i.read_only);

		if !existing.items.is_empty() {
			read_only = Some(existing)

		// Since the "start" was really at the end of the tag, this sanity check seems necessary
		if let Some(start) = start.checked_sub(size as usize) {
			ape_tag_location = Some(start..start + size as usize);
		} else {
			decode_err!(@BAIL APE, "File has a tag with an invalid size");

	// Preserve any metadata marked as read only
	let tag = if let Some(read_only) = read_only {
		create_ape_tag(&mut ApeTagRef {
			read_only: read_only.read_only,
			items: read_only.items.iter().map(Into::into),
	} else {


	let mut file_bytes = Vec::new();
	data.read_to_end(&mut file_bytes)?;

	// Write the tag in the appropriate place
	if let Some(range) = ape_tag_location {
		file_bytes.splice(range, tag);
	} else {
		file_bytes.splice(ape_position as usize..ape_position as usize, tag);

	// Now, if there was a tag at the beginning, remove it
	if header_ape_tag.0 {
		file_bytes.drain(header_ape_tag.1 .0 as usize..header_ape_tag.1 .1 as usize);



pub(super) fn create_ape_tag<'a, I>(tag: &mut ApeTagRef<'a, I>) -> Result<Vec<u8>>
	I: Iterator<Item = ApeItemRef<'a>>,
	let items = &mut tag.items;
	let mut peek = items.peekable();

	// Unnecessary to write anything if there's no metadata
	if peek.peek().is_none() {
		return Ok(Vec::<u8>::new());

	let mut tag_write = Cursor::new(Vec::<u8>::new());

	let mut item_count = 0_u32;

	for item in peek {
		let (mut flags, value) = match item.value {
			ItemValueRef::Binary(value) => {
				tag_write.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(value.len() as u32)?;

				(1_u32 << 1, value)
			ItemValueRef::Text(value) => {
				tag_write.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(value.len() as u32)?;

				(0_u32, value.as_bytes())
			ItemValueRef::Locator(value) => {
				tag_write.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(value.len() as u32)?;

				(2_u32 << 1, value.as_bytes())

		if item.read_only {
			flags |= 1_u32


		item_count += 1;

	let size = tag_write.get_ref().len();

	if size as u64 + 32 > u64::from(u32::MAX) {

	let mut footer = [0_u8; 32];
	let mut footer = Cursor::new(&mut footer[..]);

	// This is the APE tag version
	// Even if we read a v1 tag, we end up adding a header anyway
	// The total size includes the 32 bytes of the footer
	footer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>((size + 32) as u32)?;
	// Bit 29 unset: this is the footer
	// Bit 30 set: tag contains a footer
	// Bit 31 set: tag contains a header
	let mut footer_flags = (1_u32 << 30) | (1_u32 << 31);

	if tag.read_only {
		// Bit 0 set: tag is read only
		footer_flags |= 1

	// The header/footer must end in 8 bytes of zeros


	let mut tag_write = tag_write.into_inner();

	// The header is exactly the same as the footer, except for the flags
	// Just reuse the footer and overwrite the flags;
	// Bit 29 set: this is the header
	// Bit 30 set: tag contains a footer
	// Bit 31 set: tag contains a header
	let mut header_flags = (1_u32 << 29) | (1_u32 << 30) | (1_u32 << 31);

	if tag.read_only {
		// Bit 0 set: tag is read only
		header_flags |= 1


	let header = footer.into_inner();

	tag_write.splice(0..0, header.to_vec());
