Attribute Macro llvm_plugin::plugin

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Available on crate feature macros only.
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Macro for defining a new LLVM plugin.

This macro must be used on a function, and needs a name and version parameters.

The annotated function will be used as the plugin’s entrypoint, and must take a PassBuilder as argument.


This macro should be used on cdylib crates only. Also, since it generates an export symbol, it should be used once for the whole dylib being compiled.


#[llvm_plugin::plugin(name = "plugin_name", version = "0.1")]
fn plugin_registrar(builder: &mut PassBuilder) {
    builder.add_module_pipeline_parsing_callback(|name, pass_manager| {
        // add passes to the pass manager

    builder.add_module_analysis_registration_callback(|analysis_manager| {
        // register analyses to the analysis manager