lit 1.0.3

Integrated testing tool, inspired by LLVM's 'lit' testing script
use crate::{run, util, Config, Variables};
use std::{fmt, path::PathBuf};
use std::fmt::Write;

/// A tool invocation.
pub struct Invocation
    /// The original command string.
    pub original_command: String,

// TODO: rename to TestFile
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TestFile
    pub path: TestFilePath,
    pub commands: Vec<Command>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TestFilePath {
    /// The on-disk path to the test file.
    pub absolute: PathBuf,
    pub relative: PathBuf,

pub struct Command
    pub line_number: u32,
    pub kind: CommandKind,

pub enum CommandKind
    /// Run an external tool.
    /// Verify that the output text matches an expression.
    /// Verify that the very next output line matches an expression.
    /// Mark the test as supposed to fail.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct TextPattern {
    pub components: Vec<PatternComponent>,

/// A component in a text pattern.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum PatternComponent {
    NamedRegex { name: String, regex: String },

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum TestResultKind
    /// Test passed successfully.
    /// Test passed but it was declared with `XFAIL`.
    /// An error occurred whilst running the test.
    Error { message: String },
    /// The test failed.
    Fail {
        reason: TestFailReason,
        hint: Option<String>,
    /// The test was expected to fail and it did.
    ExpectedFailure {
        actual_reason: TestFailReason,
    /// The test was skipped.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum TestFailReason {
    UnsuccessfulExecution {
        program_command_line: String,
        exit_status: i32,

impl TestFailReason {
    pub fn human_summary(&self) -> &'static str {
        match *self {
            TestFailReason::UnsuccessfulExecution { .. } => {
                "unsuccessful program execution whilst running test"
            TestFailReason::CheckFailed(..) => {
                "test checked for text that did not exist in the output"

    pub fn human_detail_message(&self, config: &Config) -> String {
        match *self {
            TestFailReason::UnsuccessfulExecution { ref program_command_line, exit_status } => {
                format!("command '{}' exited with code '{}'", program_command_line, exit_status)
            TestFailReason::CheckFailed(ref check_failure_info) => {
                let mut buf = String::new();
                writeln!(&mut buf, "expected text '{}' but that was not found", check_failure_info.expected_pattern).unwrap();
                writeln!(&mut buf).unwrap();

                // Write the successfully checked output.
                writeln!(&mut buf, "{}", format_test_output("successfully checked output",
                        check_failure_info.successfully_checked_text(), 1, util::TruncateDirection::Top,

                writeln!(&mut buf).unwrap();

                // Write the remaining unchecked output.
                writeln!(&mut buf, "{}", format_test_output("remaining unchecked output",
                        check_failure_info.successfully_checked_upto_line_number(), util::TruncateDirection::Bottom,


pub(crate) fn format_test_output(
    output_label: &str,
    unformatted_output: &str,
    output_base_line_number: usize,
    truncate_direction: util::TruncateDirection,
    config: &Config) -> String {
    let mut formatted_output = util::decorate_with_line_numbers(unformatted_output, output_base_line_number);

    if let Some(max_line_count) = config.truncate_output_context_to_number_of_lines {
        formatted_output = util::truncate_to_max_lines(&formatted_output, max_line_count, truncate_direction);
    let formatted_output = util::indent(&formatted_output, 1);

    format!("<{}>:\n\n{}\n</{}>", output_label, formatted_output, output_label)

/// Information about a failed check in a test.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct CheckFailureInfo {
    pub complete_output_text: String,
    pub successfully_checked_until_byte_index: usize,
    pub expected_pattern: TextPattern,

/// Results from executing a test.
pub struct TestResult
    /// A path to the test.
    pub path: TestFilePath,
    /// The kind of result.
    pub overall_result: TestResultKind,
    pub individual_run_results: Vec<(TestResultKind, Invocation, run::CommandLine, ProgramOutput)>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ProgramOutput {
    pub stdout: String,
    pub stderr: String,

pub struct Results
    pub test_results: Vec<TestResult>,

impl PartialEq for CommandKind {
    fn eq(&self, other: &CommandKind) -> bool {
        match *self {
            CommandKind::Run(ref a) => if let CommandKind::Run(ref b) = *other { a == b } else { false },
            CommandKind::Check(ref a) => if let CommandKind::Check(ref b) = *other { a.to_string() == b.to_string() } else { false },
            CommandKind::CheckNext(ref a) => if let CommandKind::CheckNext(ref b) = *other { a.to_string() == b.to_string() } else { false },
            CommandKind::XFail => *other == CommandKind::XFail,

impl Eq for CommandKind { }

impl fmt::Display for TextPattern {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        for component in self.components.iter() {
            match *component {
                PatternComponent::Text(ref text) => write!(fmt, "{}", text)?,
                PatternComponent::Variable(ref name) => write!(fmt, "$${}", name)?,
                PatternComponent::Regex(ref regex) => write!(fmt, "[[{}]]", regex)?,
                PatternComponent::NamedRegex { ref name, ref regex } => write!(fmt, "[[{}:{}]]", name, regex)?,


impl Command
    pub fn new(kind: CommandKind, line_number: u32) -> Self {
        Command { kind, line_number }

impl TestResultKind {
    /// Checks if the result is considered an error.
    pub fn is_erroneous(&self) -> bool {
        use self::TestResultKind::*;

        match *self {
            UnexpectedPass | Error { .. } | Fail { .. } => true,
            Pass | Skip | ExpectedFailure { .. } | EmptyTest => false,

    pub fn unwrap(&self) {
        if self.is_erroneous() {
            panic!("error whilst running test: {:?}", self);

    pub fn human_label_pluralized(&self) -> &'static str {
        use self::TestResultKind::*;

        match *self {
            Pass => "Passes",
            UnexpectedPass => "Unexpected passes",
            Error { .. } => "Errors",
            Fail { .. } => "Test failures",
            ExpectedFailure { .. } => "Expected failures",
            EmptyTest { .. } => "Empty tests",
            Skip => "Skipped tests",

impl CheckFailureInfo {
    /// Gets the slice containing the portion of successfully checked text.
    pub fn successfully_checked_text(&self) -> &str {
        let byte_subslice = &self.complete_output_text.as_bytes()[0..self.successfully_checked_until_byte_index];

    /// Gets the slice containing the portion of unchecked, remaining text.
    pub fn remaining_text(&self) -> &str {
        let byte_subslice = &self.complete_output_text.as_bytes()[self.successfully_checked_until_byte_index..];

    pub fn successfully_checked_upto_line_number(&self) -> usize {
        self.successfully_checked_text().lines().count() + 1

impl TestFile
    /// Extra test-specific variables.
    pub fn variables(&self) -> Variables {
        let mut v = Variables::new();
        v.insert("file".to_owned(), self.path.absolute.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());

    /// Gets an iterator over all `RUN` commands in the test file.
    pub fn run_command_invocations(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&Invocation> {
        self.commands.iter().filter_map(|c| match c.kind {
            CommandKind::Run(ref invocation) => Some(invocation),
            _ => None,

    /// Is this test expected to fail.
    pub fn is_expected_failure(&self) -> bool {
        self.commands.iter().any(|c| if let CommandKind::XFail = c.kind { true } else { false })

/// Build a text pattern from a single component.
impl From<PatternComponent> for TextPattern {
    fn from(component: PatternComponent) -> Self {
        TextPattern { components: vec![component] }

impl std::fmt::Debug for CheckFailureInfo {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        struct CheckFailureInfo<'a> {
            expected_pattern: &'a TextPattern,
            successfully_checked_text: PrintStrTruncate<'a>,
            remaining_text: PrintStrTruncate<'a>,

        const TRUNCATE_MIN: usize = 70;
        const TRUNCATE_MARKER: &'static str = "...";
        struct PrintStrTruncate<'a>(&'a str);
        impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for PrintStrTruncate<'a> {
            fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
                if self.0.len() <= TRUNCATE_MIN {
                    std::fmt::Debug::fmt(self.0, fmt)
                } else {
                    let substr = &self.0[0..TRUNCATE_MIN];
                    std::fmt::Display::fmt(TRUNCATE_MARKER, fmt)

        CheckFailureInfo {
            expected_pattern: &self.expected_pattern,
            remaining_text: PrintStrTruncate(self.remaining_text()),
            successfully_checked_text: PrintStrTruncate(self.successfully_checked_text()),

fn convert_bytes_to_str(bytes: &[u8]) -> &str {
    std::str::from_utf8(bytes).expect("invalid UTF-8 in output stream")

impl ProgramOutput {
    pub fn empty() -> Self {
        ProgramOutput { stdout: String::new(), stderr: String::new() }