linux_modules 0.1.5

Tool To Manage Linux Kernel Modules
linux_modules-0.1.5 is not a library.

Linux Modules

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Tool To Manage Linux Kernel Modules

This is a tool to manage your Linux Kernel Modules. It is an alternative to modprobe and supports listing, adding, removing modules, as well as getting information on them.


cargo install linux_modules



$ linux_modules info loop
| File              | loop.ko                                                  |
| Authors           |                                                          |
| License           | GPL                                                      |
| Description       |                                                          |
| Version           |                                                          |
| Firmware          |                                                          |
| Alias             | devname:loop-control                                     |
|                   | char-major-10-237                                        |
|                   | block-major-7-*                                          |
| Dependencies      |                                                          |
| Soft Dependencies |                                                          |
| In Tree           | true                                                     |
| Retpoline         | true                                                     |
| Staging           | false                                                    |
| Version Magic     | 5.5.3-arch1-1 SMP preempt mod_unload                     |
| Source Checksum   | 7EB1D1BC035F5C6FD6EE3FD                                  |
| Parameters        | +----------+------------------------------------+------+ |
|                   | | Name     | Desc                               | Type | |
|                   | +======================================================+ |
|                   | | max_part | Maximum number of partitions per   | int  | |
|                   | |          | loop device                        |      | |
|                   | |----------+------------------------------------+------| |
|                   | | max_loop | Maximum number of loop devices     | int  | |
|                   | +----------+------------------------------------+------+ |
| Signature         | true                                                     |

Note that the table size will adapt to your terminal.


Please see CHANGELOG for version history


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However, feel free to ask questions and request bindings using github issues, or suggest/discuss API improvements.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.


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at your option.