linked-list 0.0.2

An alternative implementation of std::collections::LinkedList
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

//! An alternative implementation of `std::collections::LinkedList`, featuring experimental
//! Cursor-based APIs.


#![cfg_attr(test, feature(test, hash))]

#[cfg(test)] extern crate test;

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::iter::{self, IntoIterator};
use std::marker::{NoCopy, PhantomData};
use std::{ptr, mem};

// FIXME(Gankro): Although the internal interface we have here is *safer* than std's LinkedList,
// it's still by no means safe. Any claims we make here about safety in the internal APIs
// are complete hand-waving. For now I'm leaving it like this while we work on better solutions.

/// A LinkedList node.
struct Node<T> {
    prev: Raw<T>,
    next: Link<T>,
    elem: T,

impl<T> Node<T> {
    /// Makes a node with the given element.
    fn new(elem: T) -> Node<T> {
        Node {
            prev: Raw::none(),
            next: None,
            elem: elem,

    /// Joins two lists.
    fn link(&mut self, mut next: Box<Node<T>>) {
        next.prev = Raw::some(self); = Some(next);

    /// Makes the given node come after this one, appropriately setting all other links.
    /// Assuming that self has a `next`.
    fn splice_next(&mut self, mut next: Box<Node<T>>) {
        let mut old_next =;
        old_next.as_mut().map(|node| node.prev = Raw::some(&mut *next));
        next.prev = Raw::some(self); = old_next; = Some(next);

    /// Takes the next node from this one, breaking the list into two correctly linked lists.
    fn take_next(&mut self) -> Option<Box<Node<T>>> {
        let mut next =;
        next.as_mut().map(|node| {
            node.prev = Raw::none();

/// An owning link.
type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

/// A non-owning link, based on a raw ptr.
struct Raw<T> {
    ptr: *mut Node<T>,
    marker: NoCopy,

impl<T> Raw<T> {
    /// Makes a null reference.
    fn none() -> Raw<T> {
        Raw { ptr: ptr::null_mut(), marker: NoCopy }

    /// Makes a reference to the given node.
    fn some(ptr: &mut Node<T>) -> Raw<T> {
        Raw { ptr: ptr, marker: NoCopy }

    /// Converts the ref to an Option containing a reference.
    fn as_ref(&self) -> Option<& Node<T>> {
        unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }

    /// Converts the ref to an Option containing a mutable reference.
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Node<T>> {
        unsafe { self.ptr.as_mut() }

    /// Takes the reference out and nulls out this one.
    fn take(&mut self) -> Raw<T> {
        mem::replace(self, Raw::none())

    /// Clones this reference. Note that mutability differs from standard clone.
    /// We don't want these to be cloned in the immutable case.
    fn clone(&mut self) -> Raw<T> {
        Raw { ptr: self.ptr, marker: NoCopy }

/// An experimental rewrite of LinkedList to provide a more cursor-oriented API.
pub struct LinkedList<T> {
    len: usize,
    head: Link<T>,
    tail: Raw<T>,

impl<T> LinkedList<T> {
    /// Makes a new LinkedList.
    pub fn new() -> LinkedList<T> {
        LinkedList { head: None, tail: Raw::none(), len: 0 }

    /// Appends an element to the back of the list.
    pub fn push_back(&mut self, elem: T) {
        self.len += 1;
        let mut node = box Node::new(elem);
        // unconditionally make the new node the new tail
        let mut old_tail = mem::replace(&mut self.tail, Raw::some(&mut *node));
        match old_tail.as_mut() {
            // List was empty, so the new node is the new head
            None => self.head = Some(node),
            // List wasn't empty, just need to append this to the old tail
            Some(tail) =>,


    /// Appends an element to the front of the list.
    pub fn push_front(&mut self, elem: T) {
        self.len += 1;
        let mut node = box Node::new(elem);
        match self.head.take() {
            // List was empty, so the new node is the new tail
            None => self.tail = Raw::some(&mut *node),
            // List wasn't empty, append the old head to the new node
            Some(head) =>,
        // unconditionally make the new node the new head
        self.head = Some(node);

    /// Removes the element at back of the list. Returns None if the list is empty.
    pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        // null out the list's tail pointer unconditionally
        self.tail.take().as_mut().and_then(|tail| {
            // tail pointer wasn't null, so decrease the len
            self.len -= 1;
            match tail.prev.take().as_mut() {
                // tail had no previous value, so the list only contained this node.
                // So we have to take this node out by removing the head itself
                None => self.head.take().map(|box node| node.elem),
                // tail had a previous value, so we need to make that the new tail
                // and take the node out of its next field
                Some(prev) => {
                    self.tail = Raw::some(prev);
          |box node| node.elem)

    /// Removes the element at front of the list. Returns None if the list is empty.
    pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        // null out the list's head pointer unconditionally
        self.head.take().map(|mut head| {
            // head wasn't null, so decrease the len
            self.len -= 1;
            match head.take_next() {
                // head had no next value, so just null out the tail
                None => self.tail = Raw::none(),
                // head had a next value, which should be the new head
                Some(next) => self.head = Some(next),

    /// Gets the element at the front of the list, or None if empty.
    pub fn front(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        self.head.as_ref().map(|node| &node.elem)

    /// Gets the element at the back of the list, or None if empty.
    pub fn back(&self) -> Option<&T> {
        self.tail.as_ref().map(|node| &node.elem)

    /// Gets the element at the front of the list mutably, or None if empty.
    pub fn front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        self.head.as_mut().map(|node| &mut node.elem)

    /// Gets the element at the back of the list mutably, or None if empty.
    pub fn back_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        self.tail.as_mut().map(|node| &mut node.elem)

    /// Inserts an element at the given index.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the index is greater than the length of the list.
    pub fn insert(&mut self, index: usize, elem: T) {
        assert!(index <= self.len(), "index out of bounds");
        let mut cursor = self.cursor();

    /// Removes the element at the given index. Returns None if the index is out of bounds.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<T> {
        if index >= self.len() {
        } else {
            let mut cursor = self.cursor();

    /// Splits the list into two lists at the given index. Returns the right side of the split.
    /// Returns an empty list if index is out of bounds.
    pub fn split_at(&mut self, index: usize) -> LinkedList<T> {
        if index >= self.len() {
        } else {
            let mut cursor = self.cursor();

    /// Appends the given list to the end of this one. The old list will be empty afterwards.
    pub fn append(&mut self, other: &mut LinkedList<T>) {
        let mut cursor = self.cursor();

    /// Inserts the given list at the given index. The old list will be empty afterwards.
    pub fn splice(&mut self, index: usize, other: &mut LinkedList<T>) {
        let mut cursor = self.cursor();

    /// Gets the number of elements in the list.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Whether the list is empty.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len == 0

    /// Removes all elements from the list.
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
        while !self.is_empty() {

    /// Gets a cursor over the list.
    pub fn cursor(&mut self) -> Cursor<T> {
        Cursor {
            list: self,
            prev: Raw::none(),
            index: 0,

    /// Provides a forward iterator.
    pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Iter<'a, T> {
        Iter{nelem: self.len(), head: &self.head, tail: &self.tail}

    /// Provides a forward iterator with mutable references.
    pub fn iter_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> IterMut<'a, T> {
        let head_raw = match self.head.as_mut() {
            Some(head) => Raw::some(&mut **head),
            None => Raw::none(),
            nelem: self.len(),
            head: head_raw,
            tail: self.tail.clone(),
            phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Consumes the list into an iterator yielding elements by value.
    pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> {
        IntoIter{list: self}


/// A Cursor is like an iterator, except that it can freely seek back-and-forth, and can
/// safely mutate the list during iteration. This is because the lifetime of its yielded
/// references are tied to its own lifetime, instead of just the underlying list. This means
/// cursors cannot yield multiple elements at once.
/// Cursors always rest between two elements in the list, and index in a logically circular way.
/// To accomadate this, there is a "ghost" non-element that yields None between the head and tail
/// of the List.
/// When created, cursors start between the ghost and the front of the list. That is, `next` will
/// yield the front of the list, and `prev` will yield None. Calling `prev` again will yield
/// the tail.
pub struct Cursor<'a, T: 'a> {
    list: &'a mut LinkedList<T>,
    prev: Raw<T>,
    // index of `next`, where the ghost is at `len`.
    index: usize,

// Note, the Cursor's ops and repr are specifically designed so that the cursor's reference
// into the list never needs to update after an operation. It always mutates in front of
// itself. Also to gain ownership of a node, we generally need a ref to the previous Node.
// This is why we hold `prev` rather than `next`.

impl<'a, T> Cursor<'a, T> {
    /// Resets the cursor to lie between the first and last element in the list.
    pub fn reset(&mut self) {
        self.prev = Raw::none();
        self.index = 0;

    /// Gets the next element in the list.
    pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        self.index += 1;
        match self.prev.take().as_mut() {
            // We had no previous element; the cursor was sitting at the start position
            // Next element should be the head of the list
            None => match self.list.head.as_mut() {
                // No head. No elements.
                None => {
                    self.index = 0;
                // Got the head. Set it as prev and yield its element
                Some(head) => {
                    self.prev = Raw::some(&mut **head);
                    Some(&mut head.elem)
            // We had a previous element, so let's go to its next
            Some(prev) => match {
                // No next. We're back at the start point, null the prev and yield None
                None => {
                    self.index = 0;
                    self.prev = Raw::none();
                // Got a next. Set it as prev and yield its element
                Some(next) => {
                    self.prev = Raw::some(&mut **next);
                    unsafe {
                        Some(mem::copy_mut_lifetime(self, &mut next.elem))

    /// Gets the previous element in the list.
    pub fn prev(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        match self.prev.take().as_mut() {
            // No prev. We're at the start of the list. Yield None and jump to the end.
            None => {
                self.prev = self.list.tail.clone();
                self.index = self.list.len();
            // Have a prev. Yield it and go to the previous element.
            Some(prev) => {
                self.index -= 1;
                self.prev = prev.prev.clone();
                 unsafe {
                    Some(mem::copy_mut_lifetime(self, &mut prev.elem))

    /// Gets the next element in the list, without moving the cursor head.
    pub fn peek_next(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        let Cursor{ref mut list, ref mut prev, ..} = *self;
        match prev.as_mut() {
            None => list.front_mut(),
            Some(prev) =>|next| &mut next.elem),

    /// Gets the previous element in the list, without moving the cursor head.
    pub fn peek_prev(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
        self.prev.as_mut().map(|prev| &mut prev.elem)

    /// Inserts an element at the cursor's location in the list, and moves the cursor head to
    /// lie before it. Therefore, the new element will be yielded by the next call to `next`.
    pub fn insert(&mut self, elem: T) {
        // destructure so that we can mutate list while working with prev
        let Cursor{ref mut list, ref mut prev, ..} = *self;
        match prev.as_mut() {
            // No prev, we're at the start of the list
            // Also covers empty list
            None =>  list.push_front(elem),
            Some(node) => if {
                // No, we're at the end of the list
            } else {
                // We're somewhere in the middle, splice in the new node
                list.len += 1;
                node.splice_next(box Node::new(elem));

    /// Removes the next element in the list, without moving the cursor. Returns None if the list
    /// is empty, or if `next` is the ghost element
    pub fn remove(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        let Cursor{ref mut list, ref mut prev, ..} = *self;
        match prev.as_mut() {
            // No prev, we're at the start of the list
            // Also covers empty list
            None => list.pop_front(),
            Some(prev) => match prev.take_next() {
                // No, we're at the ghost, yield None
                None => None,
                // We're somewhere in the middle, rip out
                Some(box mut next) => {
                    list.len -= 1;
                    match {
                        // We were actually at the end of the list, so fix the list's tail
                        None => list.tail = Raw::some(prev),
                        // Really in the middle, link the results of removing next
                        Some(next_next) =>,

    // Splits the list into two at the cursor's current position. This will return a new list
    // consisting of everything after the cursor, with the original list retaining everything
    // before. The cursor will then lie between the tail and the ghost.
    pub fn split(&mut self) -> LinkedList<T> {
        let Cursor{ref mut list, ref mut prev, index} = *self;
        let new_tail = prev.clone();
        let len = list.len();
        match prev.as_mut() {
            // We're at index 0. The new list is the whole list, so just swap
            None => mem::replace(*list, LinkedList::new()),
            // We're not at index 0. This means we don't have to worry about fixing
            // the old list's head.
            Some(prev) => {
                let next_tail = list.tail.clone();
                list.len = index;
                list.tail = new_tail; // == prev
                let next_head = prev.take_next();

                LinkedList {
                    head: next_head,
                    tail: next_tail,
                    len: len - index

    /// Inserts the entire list's contents right after the cursor.
    pub fn splice(&mut self, other: &mut LinkedList<T>) {
        if other.is_empty() { return; }
        let len = other.len;
        other.len = 0;
        let mut head = other.head.take();
        let mut tail = other.tail.take();
        let Cursor{ref mut list, ref mut prev, ..} = *self;

        list.len += len;
        match prev.as_mut() {
            // We're at the head of the list
            None => match list.head.take() {
                // self list is empty, should just be the other list
                None => {
                    list.head = head;
                    list.tail = tail;
                // self list isn't empty
                Some(self_head) => {
                    list.head = head;
            // Middle or end
            Some(prev) => match prev.take_next() {
                // We're at the end of the list
                None => {
                    list.tail = tail;
                // We're strictly in the middle. Self's head and tail won't change
                Some(next) => {

    /// Calls `next` the specified number of times.
    pub fn seek_forward(&mut self, by: usize) {
        for _ in {; }

    /// Calls `prev` the specified number of times.
    pub fn seek_backward(&mut self, by: usize) {
        for _ in { self.prev(); }

/// An iterator over references to the items of a `LinkedList`.
pub struct Iter<'a, T:'a> {
    head: &'a Link<T>,
    tail: &'a Raw<T>,
    nelem: usize,

/// An iterator over mutable references to the items of a `LinkedList`.
pub struct IterMut<'a, T:'a> {
    head: Raw<T>,
    tail: Raw<T>,
    nelem: usize,
    phantom: PhantomData<&'a mut T>,

/// An iterator over mutable references to the items of a `LinkedList`.
pub struct IntoIter<T> {
    list: LinkedList<T>

impl<'a, A> Iterator for Iter<'a, A> {
    type Item = &'a A;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a A> {
        if self.nelem == 0 {
            return None;
        self.head.as_ref().map(|head| {
            self.nelem -= 1;
            self.head = &;

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (self.nelem, Some(self.nelem))

impl<'a, A> DoubleEndedIterator for Iter<'a, A> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a A> {
        if self.nelem == 0 {
            return None;
        self.tail.as_ref().map(|tail| {
            self.nelem -= 1;
            self.tail = &tail.prev;

impl<'a, A> ExactSizeIterator for Iter<'a, A> {}

impl<'a, A> Iterator for IterMut<'a, A> {
    type Item = &'a mut A;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut A> {
        if self.nelem == 0 {
            return None;
        self.head.take().as_mut().map(|next| {
            self.nelem -= 1;
            self.head = match {
                Some(ref mut node) => Raw::some(&mut **node),
                None => Raw::none(),
            unsafe {
                //upgrade ref to the necessary lifetime
                &mut *((&mut next.elem) as *mut _)

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (self.nelem, Some(self.nelem))

impl<'a, A> DoubleEndedIterator for IterMut<'a, A> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut A> {
        if self.nelem == 0 {
            return None;
        self.tail.take().as_mut().map(|prev| {
            self.nelem -= 1;
            self.tail = prev.prev.clone();
            unsafe {
                //upgrade ref to the necessary lifetime
                &mut *((&mut prev.elem) as *mut _)

impl<'a, A> ExactSizeIterator for IterMut<'a, A> {}

impl<A> Iterator for IntoIter<A> {
    type Item = A;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> { self.list.pop_front() }

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (self.list.len(), Some(self.list.len()))

impl<A> DoubleEndedIterator for IntoIter<A> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> { self.list.pop_back() }

impl<T> Drop for LinkedList<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

impl<A> iter::FromIterator<A> for LinkedList<A> {
    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item=A>>(iter: T) -> LinkedList<A> {
        let mut ret = LinkedList::new();

impl<A> Extend<A> for LinkedList<A> {
    fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item=A>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
        for elt in iter { self.push_back(elt); }

impl<A: PartialEq> PartialEq for LinkedList<A> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &LinkedList<A>) -> bool {
        self.len() == other.len() &&
            iter::order::eq(self.iter(), other.iter())

    fn ne(&self, other: &LinkedList<A>) -> bool {
        self.len() != other.len() ||
            iter::order::ne(self.iter(), other.iter())

impl<A: Eq> Eq for LinkedList<A> {}

impl<A: PartialOrd> PartialOrd for LinkedList<A> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &LinkedList<A>) -> Option<Ordering> {
        iter::order::partial_cmp(self.iter(), other.iter())

impl<A: Ord> Ord for LinkedList<A> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &LinkedList<A>) -> Ordering {
        iter::order::cmp(self.iter(), other.iter())

impl<A: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for LinkedList<A> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        try!(write!(f, "["));

        for (i, e) in self.iter().enumerate() {
            if i != 0 { try!(write!(f, ", ")); }
            try!(write!(f, "{:?}", *e));

        write!(f, "]")

impl<A: Hash> Hash for LinkedList<A> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
        for elt in self.iter() {

impl<T: Clone> Clone for LinkedList<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> LinkedList<T> {

impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a LinkedList<T> {
    type Item = &'a T;
    type IntoIter = Iter<'a, T>;
    fn into_iter(self) -> Iter<'a, T> { self.iter() }

impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut LinkedList<T> {
    type Item = &'a mut T;
    type IntoIter = IterMut<'a, T>;
    fn into_iter(self) -> IterMut<'a, T> { self.iter_mut() }

impl<T> IntoIterator for LinkedList<T> {
    type Item = T;
    type IntoIter = IntoIter<T>;
    fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<T> { self.into_iter() }

mod tests {
    use super::LinkedList;
    use std::hash;

    fn generate_test() -> LinkedList<i32> {

    fn list_from<T: Clone>(v: &[T]) -> LinkedList<T> {
        v.iter().map(|x| (*x).clone()).collect()

    fn test_basic() {
        let mut m = LinkedList::new();
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), None);
        assert_eq!(m.pop_back(), None);
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), None);
        m.push_front(box 1);
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(box 1));
        m.push_back(box 2);
        m.push_back(box 3);
        assert_eq!(m.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(box 2));
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(box 3));
        assert_eq!(m.len(), 0);
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), None);
        m.push_back(box 1);
        m.push_back(box 3);
        m.push_back(box 5);
        m.push_back(box 7);
        assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(box 1));

        let mut n = LinkedList::new();
            assert_eq!(n.front().unwrap(), &3);
            let x = n.front_mut().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(*x, 3);
            *x = 0;
            assert_eq!(n.back().unwrap(), &2);
            let y = n.back_mut().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(*y, 2);
            *y = 1;
        assert_eq!(n.pop_front(), Some(0));
        assert_eq!(n.pop_front(), Some(1));

    fn test_iterator() {
        let m = generate_test();
        for (i, elt) in m.iter().enumerate() {
            assert_eq!(i as i32, *elt);
        let mut n = LinkedList::new();
        assert_eq!(n.iter().next(), None);
        let mut it = n.iter();
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
        assert_eq!(, &4);
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));
        assert_eq!(, None);

    fn test_iterator_double_end() {
        let mut n = LinkedList::new();
        assert_eq!(n.iter().next(), None);
        let mut it = n.iter();
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (3, Some(3)));
        assert_eq!(, &6);
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (2, Some(2)));
        assert_eq!(it.next_back().unwrap(), &4);
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
        assert_eq!(it.next_back().unwrap(), &5);
        assert_eq!(it.next_back(), None);
        assert_eq!(, None);

    fn test_rev_iter() {
        let m = generate_test();
        for (i, elt) in m.iter().rev().enumerate() {
            assert_eq!(6 - i as i32, *elt);
        let mut n = LinkedList::new();
        assert_eq!(n.iter().rev().next(), None);
        let mut it = n.iter().rev();
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
        assert_eq!(, &4);
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));
        assert_eq!(, None);

    fn test_mut_iter() {
        let mut m = generate_test();
        let mut len = m.len();
        for (i, elt) in m.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            assert_eq!(i as i32, *elt);
            len -= 1;
        assert_eq!(len, 0);
        let mut n = LinkedList::new();
        let mut it = n.iter_mut();
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (2, Some(2)));
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));

    fn test_iterator_mut_double_end() {
        let mut n = LinkedList::new();
        let mut it = n.iter_mut();
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (3, Some(3)));
        assert_eq!(*, 6);
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (2, Some(2)));
        assert_eq!(*it.next_back().unwrap(), 4);
        assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
        assert_eq!(*it.next_back().unwrap(), 5);

    fn test_eq() {
        let mut n: LinkedList<u8> = list_from(&[]);
        let mut m = list_from(&[]);
        assert!(n == m);
        assert!(n != m);
        assert!(n == m);

        let n = list_from(&[2,3,4]);
        let m = list_from(&[1,2,3]);
        assert!(n != m);

    fn test_hash() {
      let mut x = LinkedList::new();
      let mut y = LinkedList::new();

      assert!(hash::hash::<_, hash::SipHasher>(&x) == hash::hash::<_, hash::SipHasher>(&y));



      assert!(hash::hash::<_, hash::SipHasher>(&x) == hash::hash::<_, hash::SipHasher>(&y));

    fn test_ord() {
        let n = list_from(&[]);
        let m = list_from(&[1,2,3]);
        assert!(n < m);
        assert!(m > n);
        assert!(n <= n);
        assert!(n >= n);

    fn test_ord_nan() {
        let nan = 0.0f64/0.0;
        let n = list_from(&[nan]);
        let m = list_from(&[nan]);
        assert!(!(n < m));
        assert!(!(n > m));
        assert!(!(n <= m));
        assert!(!(n >= m));

        let n = list_from(&[nan]);
        let one = list_from(&[1.0f64]);
        assert!(!(n < one));
        assert!(!(n > one));
        assert!(!(n <= one));
        assert!(!(n >= one));

        let u = list_from(&[1.0f64,2.0,nan]);
        let v = list_from(&[1.0f64,2.0,3.0]);
        assert!(!(u < v));
        assert!(!(u > v));
        assert!(!(u <= v));
        assert!(!(u >= v));

        let s = list_from(&[1.0f64,2.0,4.0,2.0]);
        let t = list_from(&[1.0f64,2.0,3.0,2.0]);
        assert!(!(s < t));
        assert!(s > one);
        assert!(!(s <= one));
        assert!(s >= one);

    fn test_debug() {
        let list: LinkedList<i32> = (0..10).collect();
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", list), "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]");

        let list: LinkedList<&str> = vec!["just", "one", "test", "more"].iter()
                                                                   .map(|&s| s)
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", list), r#"["just", "one", "test", "more"]"#);

    fn test_cursor_seek() {
        let mut list = list_from(&[0,1,2,3,4]);
        let mut curs = list.cursor();
        // forward iteration
        assert_eq!(*curs.peek_next().unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(*, 0);
        assert_eq!(*curs.peek_next().unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(*, 1);
        assert_eq!(*, 2);
        assert_eq!(*, 3);
        assert_eq!(*, 4);
        assert_eq!(curs.peek_next(), None);
        assert_eq!(, None);
        assert_eq!(*, 0);

        // reverse iteration
        assert_eq!(*curs.peek_prev().unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(curs.peek_prev(), None);
        assert_eq!(curs.prev(), None);
        assert_eq!(*curs.peek_prev().unwrap(), 4);
        assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 4);
        assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 3);
        assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 2);
        assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(curs.prev(), None);

    fn test_cursor_insert() {
        let mut list = list_from(&[0,1,2,3,4]);
            let mut curs = list.cursor();

            // insertion to back

            assert_eq!(*, 5);
            assert_eq!(*, 6);
            assert_eq!(, None);

            // insertion to front

            assert_eq!(*, -2);
            assert_eq!(*, -1);
            assert_eq!(*, 0);

            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 0);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), -1);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), -2);
            assert_eq!(curs.prev(), None);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 6);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 5);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 4);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 3);

            // insertion in the middle
            curs.insert(275); // fake decimal 2.75

            assert_eq!(*, 225);
            assert_eq!(*, 250);
            assert_eq!(*, 275);
            assert_eq!(*, 3);
            assert_eq!(*, 4);

            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 4);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 3);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 275);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 250);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 225);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 2);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(list.len(), 12);

    fn test_cursor_remove() {
        let mut list = list_from(&[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]);
            let mut curs = list.cursor();
            // remove from front
            assert_eq!(curs.remove().unwrap(), 0);
            assert_eq!(curs.remove().unwrap(), 1);

            assert_eq!(*, 2);
            assert_eq!(*, 3);

            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 3);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 2);
            assert_eq!(curs.prev(), None);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 7);

            // remove from back
            assert_eq!(curs.remove().unwrap(), 7);
            assert_eq!(curs.remove(), None); // g-g-g-ghost!
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 6);
            assert_eq!(curs.remove().unwrap(), 6);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 5);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 4);

            assert_eq!(*, 4);
            assert_eq!(*, 5);
            assert_eq!(, None);
            assert_eq!(*, 2);

            // remove from middle
            assert_eq!(curs.remove().unwrap(), 3);
            assert_eq!(curs.remove().unwrap(), 4);
            assert_eq!(*, 5);
            assert_eq!(, None);
            assert_eq!(*, 2);
            assert_eq!(*, 5);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 5);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 2);
            assert_eq!(curs.prev(), None);
            assert_eq!(*curs.prev().unwrap(), 5);
        assert_eq!(list.len(), 2);

    fn test_append() {
        let mut list1 = list_from(&[0,1,2,3]);
        let mut list2 = list_from(&[4,5,6,7]);

        // Normal append
        list1.append(&mut list2);
        assert_eq!(&list1, &list_from(&[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]));
        assert_eq!(&list2, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list1.len(), 8);
        assert_eq!(list2.len(), 0);

        // Append to an empty list
        list2.append(&mut list1);
        assert_eq!(&list2, &list_from(&[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]));
        assert_eq!(&list1, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list2.len(), 8);
        assert_eq!(list1.len(), 0);

        // Append an empty list
        list2.append(&mut list1);
        assert_eq!(&list2, &list_from(&[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]));
        assert_eq!(&list1, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list2.len(), 8);
        assert_eq!(list1.len(), 0);

    fn test_split_at() {
        let mut list2 = list_from(&[4,5,6,7]);

        // split at front; basically just move the list
        let mut list3 = list2.split_at(0);
        assert_eq!(&list3, &list_from(&[4,5,6,7]));
        assert_eq!(&list2, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list3.len(), 4);
        assert_eq!(list2.len(), 0);

        // split at end; convoluted LinkedList::new()
        let list4 = list3.split_at(4);
        assert_eq!(&list3, &list_from(&[4,5,6,7]));
        assert_eq!(&list4, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list3.len(), 4);
        assert_eq!(list4.len(), 0);

        // split in middle
        let list5 = list3.split_at(2);
        assert_eq!(&list3, &list_from(&[4,5]));
        assert_eq!(&list5, &list_from(&[6,7]));
        assert_eq!(list3.len(), 2);
        assert_eq!(list5.len(), 2);

    fn test_splice() {
        let mut list1 = list_from(&[3,4,5]);
        let mut list2 = list_from(&[1,2,6,7]);
        let mut list3 = LinkedList::new();

        // splice empty list
        list1.splice(2, &mut list3);
        assert_eq!(&list1, &list_from(&[3,4,5]));
        assert_eq!(&list3, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list1.len(), 3);
        assert_eq!(list3.len(), 0);

        // splice normal
        list2.splice(2, &mut list1);
        assert_eq!(&list2, &list_from(&[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]));
        assert_eq!(&list1, &LinkedList::new());
        assert_eq!(list2.len(), 7);
        assert_eq!(list1.len(), 0);

mod bench{
    use super::LinkedList;
    use test;

    fn bench_collect_into(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let v = &[0i32; 64];
        b.iter(|| {
            let _: LinkedList<i32> = v.iter().map(|x| *x).collect();

    fn bench_push_front(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let mut m: LinkedList<i32> = LinkedList::new();
        b.iter(|| {

    fn bench_push_back(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let mut m: LinkedList<i32> = LinkedList::new();
        b.iter(|| {

    fn bench_push_back_pop_back(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let mut m: LinkedList<i32> = LinkedList::new();
        b.iter(|| {

    fn bench_push_front_pop_front(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let mut m: LinkedList<i32> = LinkedList::new();
        b.iter(|| {

    fn bench_iter(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let v = &[0; 128];
        let m: LinkedList<i32> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
        b.iter(|| {
            assert!(m.iter().count() == 128);
    fn bench_iter_mut(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let v = &[0; 128];
        let mut m: LinkedList<i32> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
        b.iter(|| {
            assert!(m.iter_mut().count() == 128);
    fn bench_iter_rev(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let v = &[0; 128];
        let m: LinkedList<i32> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
        b.iter(|| {
            assert!(m.iter().rev().count() == 128);
    fn bench_iter_mut_rev(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let v = &[0; 128];
        let mut m: LinkedList<i32> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
        b.iter(|| {
            assert!(m.iter_mut().rev().count() == 128);
