linfa-nn 0.6.1

A collection of nearest neighbour algorithms
use std::{cmp::Reverse, collections::BinaryHeap};

use linfa::Float;
use ndarray::{Array1, ArrayBase, Data, Ix2};
use noisy_float::{checkers::FiniteChecker, NoisyFloat};
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde_crate::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::{
    heap_elem::{MaxHeapElem, MinHeapElem},
    BuildError, NearestNeighbour, NearestNeighbourBox, NearestNeighbourIndex, NnError, Point,

// Partition the points using median value
fn partition<F: Float>(
    mut points: Vec<(Point<F>, usize)>,
) -> (Vec<(Point<F>, usize)>, Point<F>, Vec<(Point<F>, usize)>) {
    debug_assert!(points.len() >= 2);

    // Spread of a dimension is measured using range, which is suceptible to skew. It may be better
    // to use STD or variance.
    let max_spread_dim = (0..points[0].0.len())
        .map(|dim| {
            // Find the range of each dimension
            let (max, min) = points
                .map(|p| p.0[dim])
                .fold((F::neg_infinity(), F::infinity()), |(a, b), c| {
                    (F::max(a, c), F::min(b, c))

            (dim, NoisyFloat::<_, FiniteChecker>::new(max - min))
        .max_by_key(|&(_, range)| range)
        .expect("vec has no dimensions")

    let mid = points.len() / 2;
    // Compute median on the chosen dimension in linear time
    let median = order_stat::kth_by(&mut points, mid, |p1, p2| {
            .expect("NaN in data")

    let (mut left, mut right): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = points
        .partition(|pt| pt.0[max_spread_dim] < median[max_spread_dim]);
    // We can get an empty left partition with degenerate data where all points are equal and
    // gathered in the right partition.  This ensures that the larger partition will always shrink,
    // guaranteeing algorithm termination.
    if left.is_empty() {
    (left, median, right)

// Calculates radius of a bounding sphere
fn calc_radius<'a, F: Float, D: Distance<F>>(
    points: impl Iterator<Item = Point<'a, F>>,
    center: Point<F>,
    dist_fn: &D,
) -> F {
    let r_rad = points
        .map(|pt| NoisyFloat::<_, FiniteChecker>::new(dist_fn.rdistance(pt, center)))

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
enum BallTreeInner<'a, F: Float> {
    // Leaf node sphere
    Leaf {
        center: Array1<F>,
        radius: F,
        points: Vec<(Point<'a, F>, usize)>,
    // Sphere that encompasses both children
    Branch {
        center: Point<'a, F>,
        radius: F,
        left: Box<BallTreeInner<'a, F>>,
        right: Box<BallTreeInner<'a, F>>,

impl<'a, F: Float> BallTreeInner<'a, F> {
    fn new<D: Distance<F>>(
        points: Vec<(Point<'a, F>, usize)>,
        leaf_size: usize,
        dist_fn: &D,
    ) -> Self {
        if points.len() <= leaf_size {
            // Leaf node
            if let Some(dim) = points.first().map(|p| p.0.len()) {
                // Since we don't need to partition, we can center the sphere around the average of
                // all points
                let center = {
                    let mut c = Array1::zeros(dim);
                    points.iter().for_each(|p| c += &p.0);
                    c / F::from(points.len()).unwrap()
                let radius = calc_radius(
                    points.iter().map(|p| p.0.reborrow()),
                BallTreeInner::Leaf {
            } else {
                // In case of an empty tree
                BallTreeInner::Leaf {
                    center: Array1::zeros(0),
                    radius: F::zero(),
        } else {
            // Non-leaf node
            let (aps, center, bps) = partition(points);
            debug_assert!(!aps.is_empty() && !bps.is_empty());
            let radius = calc_radius(
                aps.iter().chain(bps.iter()).map(|p| p.0.reborrow()),
            let a_tree = BallTreeInner::new(aps, leaf_size, dist_fn);
            let b_tree = BallTreeInner::new(bps, leaf_size, dist_fn);
            BallTreeInner::Branch {
                left: Box::new(a_tree),
                right: Box::new(b_tree),

    fn rdistance<D: Distance<F>>(&self, p: Point<F>, dist_fn: &D) -> F {
        let (center, radius) = match self {
            BallTreeInner::Leaf { center, radius, .. } => (center.view(), radius),
            BallTreeInner::Branch { center, radius, .. } => (center.reborrow(), radius),

        // The distance to a sphere is the distance to its edge, so the distance between a point
        // and a sphere will always be less than the distance between the point and anything inside
        // the sphere
        let border_dist = dist_fn.distance(p, center.reborrow()) - *radius;

/// Spatial indexing structure created by [`BallTree`](BallTree)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct BallTreeIndex<'a, F: Float, D: Distance<F>> {
    tree: BallTreeInner<'a, F>,
    dist_fn: D,
    dim: usize,
    len: usize,

impl<'a, F: Float, D: Distance<F>> BallTreeIndex<'a, F, D> {
    /// Creates a `BallTreeIndex` using the K-D construction algorithm
    pub fn new<DT: Data<Elem = F>>(
        batch: &'a ArrayBase<DT, Ix2>,
        leaf_size: usize,
        dist_fn: D,
    ) -> Result<Self, BuildError> {
        let dim = batch.ncols();
        let len = batch.nrows();
        if leaf_size == 0 {
        } else if dim == 0 {
        } else {
            let points: Vec<_> = batch
                .map(|(i, pt)| (pt, i))
            Ok(BallTreeIndex {
                tree: BallTreeInner::new(points, leaf_size, &dist_fn),

    fn nn_helper<'b>(
        point: Point<'b, F>,
        k: usize,
        max_radius: F,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Point<F>, usize)>, NnError> {
        if self.dim != point.len() {
        } else if self.len == 0 {
        } else {
            let mut out: BinaryHeap<MaxHeapElem<_, _>> = BinaryHeap::new();
            let mut queue = BinaryHeap::new();
                self.tree.rdistance(point, &self.dist_fn),

            while let Some(MinHeapElem {
                dist: Reverse(dist),
            }) = queue.pop()
                if dist >= max_radius || (out.len() == k && dist >= out.peek().unwrap().dist) {

                match elem {
                    BallTreeInner::Leaf { points, .. } => {
                        for p in points {
                            let dist = self.dist_fn.rdistance(point, p.0.reborrow());
                            if dist < max_radius
                                && (out.len() < k || out.peek().unwrap().dist > dist)
                                out.push(MaxHeapElem::new(dist, p));
                                if out.len() > k {
                    BallTreeInner::Branch { left, right, .. } => {
                        let dl = left.rdistance(point, &self.dist_fn);
                        let dr = right.rdistance(point, &self.dist_fn);

                        if dl <= max_radius {
                            queue.push(MinHeapElem::new(dl, left));
                        if dr <= max_radius {
                            queue.push(MinHeapElem::new(dr, right));
                .map(|e| e.elem)
                .map(|(pt, i)| (pt.reborrow(), *i))

impl<'a, F: Float, D: Distance<F>> NearestNeighbourIndex<F> for BallTreeIndex<'a, F, D> {
    fn k_nearest<'b>(
        point: Point<'b, F>,
        k: usize,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Point<F>, usize)>, NnError> {
        self.nn_helper(point, k, F::infinity())

    fn within_range<'b>(
        point: Point<'b, F>,
        range: F,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Point<F>, usize)>, NnError> {
        let range = self.dist_fn.dist_to_rdist(range);
        self.nn_helper(point, self.len, range)

/// Implementation of ball tree, a space partitioning data structure that partitions its points
/// into nested hyperspheres called "balls". It performs spatial queries in `O(k * logN)` time,
/// where `k` is the number of points returned by the query. Calling `from_batch` returns a
/// [`BallTreeIndex`](BallTreeIndex).
/// More details can be found [here]( This implementation
/// is based off of the [ball_tree]( crate.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
    feature = "serde",
    derive(Serialize, Deserialize),
    serde(crate = "serde_crate")
pub struct BallTree;

impl BallTree {
    /// Creates an instance of `BallTree`
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl NearestNeighbour for BallTree {
    fn from_batch_with_leaf_size<'a, F: Float, DT: Data<Elem = F>, D: 'a + Distance<F>>(
        batch: &'a ArrayBase<DT, Ix2>,
        leaf_size: usize,
        dist_fn: D,
    ) -> Result<NearestNeighbourBox<'a, F>, BuildError> {
        BallTreeIndex::new(batch, leaf_size, dist_fn).map(|v| Box::new(v) as NearestNeighbourBox<F>)

mod test {
    use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;
    use ndarray::{arr1, arr2, stack, Array1, Array2, Axis};

    use crate::distance::L2Dist;

    use super::*;

    fn autotraits() {
        fn has_autotraits<T: Send + Sync + Sized + Unpin>() {}
        has_autotraits::<BallTreeIndex<f64, L2Dist>>();

    fn assert_partition(
        input: Array2<f64>,
        exp_left: Array2<f64>,
        exp_med: Array1<f64>,
        exp_right: Array2<f64>,
        exp_rad: f64,
    ) {
        let vec: Vec<_> = input
            .map(|(i, p)| (p, i))
        let (l, mid, r) = partition(vec.clone());
        let l: Vec<_> = l.into_iter().map(|(p, _)| p).collect();
        let r: Vec<_> = r.into_iter().map(|(p, _)| p).collect();
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(stack(Axis(0), &l).unwrap(), exp_left);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(mid.to_owned(), exp_med);
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(stack(Axis(0), &r).unwrap(), exp_right);
            calc_radius(vec.iter().map(|(p, _)| p.reborrow()), mid, &L2Dist),

    fn partition_test() {
        // partition 2 elements
            arr2(&[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]),
            arr2(&[[0.0, 1.0]]),
            arr1(&[2.0, 3.0]),
            arr2(&[[2.0, 3.0]]),
            arr2(&[[2.0, 3.0], [0.0, 1.0]]),
            arr2(&[[0.0, 1.0]]),
            arr1(&[2.0, 3.0]),
            arr2(&[[2.0, 3.0]]),

        // Partition along the dimension with highest spread
            arr2(&[[0.3, 5.0], [4.5, 7.0], [8.1, 1.5]]),
            arr2(&[[0.3, 5.0]]),
            arr1(&[4.5, 7.0]),
            arr2(&[[4.5, 7.0], [8.1, 1.5]]),

        // Degenerate data
            arr2(&[[1.4, 4.3], [1.4, 4.3], [1.4, 4.3], [1.4, 4.3]]),
            arr2(&[[1.4, 4.3]]),
            arr1(&[1.4, 4.3]),
            arr2(&[[1.4, 4.3], [1.4, 4.3], [1.4, 4.3]]),