linfa-clustering 0.6.1

A collection of clustering algorithms
//! `linfa-clustering` aims to provide pure Rust implementations
//! of popular clustering algorithms.
//! ## The big picture
//! `linfa-clustering` is a crate in the `linfa` ecosystem, a wider effort to
//! bootstrap a toolkit for classical Machine Learning implemented in pure Rust,
//! kin in spirit to Python's `scikit-learn`.
//! You can find a roadmap (and a selection of good first issues)
//! [here]( - contributors are more than welcome!
//! ## Current state
//! Right now `linfa-clustering` provides the following clustering algorithms:
//! * [K-Means](KMeans)
//! * [DBSCAN](Dbscan)
//! * [Approximated DBSCAN](AppxDbscan)
//! * [Gaussian-Mixture-Model](GaussianMixtureModel)
//! * [OPTICS](OpticsAnalysis)
//! Implementation choices, algorithmic details and tutorials can be found in the page dedicated to the specific algorithms.
mod appx_dbscan;
mod dbscan;
mod gaussian_mixture;
mod k_means;
mod optics;

pub use appx_dbscan::*;
pub use dbscan::*;
pub use gaussian_mixture::*;
pub use k_means::*;
pub use optics::*;