line_diff 0.6.1

A tool to compare single lines by tokenizing them into chunks


Tool to make a diff between to single lines. The intended use case is to compare long lines where parts are different or missing. For example:

  • long command lines with many arguments and flags
  • Compiler commands with many paths (with potentially different order)
  • Long function declarations with slightly different arguments


  • Multiple, user specified separators
  • Converting all text to lowercase
  • Sorting chunks before comparing the chunks
  • Different input options: Command line, two files, single file or standard input
  • Statistics about the number of chunks and number of characters

Example output

Line 1: 
cargo run -- -o --file l1.txt -s " ;"
Line 2:
cargo run --release -- --file l1.txt -s " ;" -o
│ Line 1 │    Same    │  Line 2   │
│        │ "          │           │
│        │ --         │           │
│        │ --file     │           │
│        │            │ --release │
│        │ -o         │           │
│        │ -s         │           │
│        │ ;"         │           │
│        │ cargo      │           │
│        │ l1.txt     │           │
│        │ run        │           │
│   37   │ Characters │    47     │
│   9    │   Chunks   │    10     │


Compare two lines from two different input files.

line_diff l1.txt l2.txt

Compare two lines from two different input files. With the -o option the chunks will be sorted before comparison. This is handy for cases such as compiler flags where the ordering does not matter.

line_diff l1.txt l2.txt -o

Compare two lines from two a single input file and with sorting of the chunks. Specify two different separators (' ' and ';') with the -s option

line_diff --file l1.txt -o -s ' ' ';'

Compare two lines by specifying the string on the command line

line_diff --line1 "hello world" --line2 "hello there"

Compare two lines, but first convert them both to lowercase

line_diff --line1 "hello world" --line2 "Hello wOrld" -l