pub async fn process_events_async<'a, UL: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, CF: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, T: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, F: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, G: 'static + Deref<Target = NetworkGraph<L>> + Send + Sync, L: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, P: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, EventHandlerFuture: Future<Output = ()>, EventHandler: Fn(Event) -> EventHandlerFuture, PS: 'static + Deref + Send, M: 'static + Deref<Target = ChainMonitor<<CM::Target as AChannelManager>::Signer, CF, T, F, L, P>> + Send + Sync, CM: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, PGS: 'static + Deref<Target = P2PGossipSync<G, UL, L>> + Send + Sync, RGS: 'static + Deref<Target = RapidGossipSync<G, L>> + Send, PM: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, S: 'static + Deref<Target = SC> + Send + Sync, SC: for<'b> WriteableScore<'b>, SleepFuture: Future<Output = bool> + Unpin, Sleeper: Fn(Duration) -> SleepFuture, FetchTime: Fn() -> Option<Duration>>(
    persister: PS,
    event_handler: EventHandler,
    chain_monitor: M,
    channel_manager: CM,
    gossip_sync: GossipSync<PGS, RGS, G, UL, L>,
    peer_manager: PM,
    logger: L,
    scorer: Option<S>,
    sleeper: Sleeper,
    mobile_interruptable_platform: bool,
    fetch_time: FetchTime
) -> Result<(), Error>
where UL::Target: 'static + UtxoLookup, CF::Target: 'static + Filter, T::Target: 'static + BroadcasterInterface, F::Target: 'static + FeeEstimator, L::Target: 'static + Logger, P::Target: 'static + Persist<<CM::Target as AChannelManager>::Signer>, PS::Target: 'static + Persister<'a, CM, L, SC>, CM::Target: AChannelManager + Send + Sync, PM::Target: APeerManager + Send + Sync,
Available on crate feature futures only.
Expand description

Processes background events in a future.

sleeper should return a future which completes in the given amount of time and returns a boolean indicating whether the background processing should exit. Once sleeper returns a future which outputs true, the loop will exit and this function’s future will complete. The sleeper future is free to return early after it has triggered the exit condition.

See BackgroundProcessor::start for information on which actions this handles.

Requires the futures feature. Note that while this method is available without the std feature, doing so will skip calling NetworkGraph::remove_stale_channels_and_tracking, you should call NetworkGraph::remove_stale_channels_and_tracking_with_time regularly manually instead.

The mobile_interruptable_platform flag should be set if we’re currently running on a mobile device, where we may need to check for interruption of the application regularly. If you are unsure, you should set the flag, as the performance impact of it is minimal unless there are hundreds or thousands of simultaneous process calls running.

The fetch_time parameter should return the current wall clock time, if one is available. If no time is available, some features may be disabled, however the node will still operate fine.

For example, in order to process background events in a Tokio task, you could setup process_events_async like this:

   let background_persister = Arc::clone(&node.persister);
   let background_event_handler = Arc::clone(&node.event_handler);
   let background_chain_mon = Arc::clone(&node.chain_monitor);
   let background_chan_man = Arc::clone(&node.channel_manager);
   let background_gossip_sync = GossipSync::p2p(Arc::clone(&node.gossip_sync));
   let background_peer_man = Arc::clone(&node.peer_manager);
   let background_logger = Arc::clone(&node.logger);
   let background_scorer = Arc::clone(&node.scorer);

   // Setup the sleeper.
   let (stop_sender, stop_receiver) = tokio::sync::watch::channel(());

   let sleeper = move |d| {
   	let mut receiver = stop_receiver.clone();
   	Box::pin(async move {
   			_ = tokio::time::sleep(d) => false,
   			_ = receiver.changed() => true,

   let mobile_interruptable_platform = false;

   let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
   		|e| background_event_handler.handle_event(e),
   		|| Some(SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap())
   	.expect("Failed to process events");

   // Stop the background processing.