light-cli 0.1.0

simple heapless command line interface parser for embedded devices


A lightweight and heapless command line interface / command passing tool. Probably more useful for machine to machine communication.



The following definition allows for the commands:

  • HELLO Name=<Name>: Set the name to <Name>
  • EHLO: Return the name
lightcli!(cl_in, cl_out, cmd, key, val, [
  "HELLO" => [
    "Name" => name = String::from(val)
  ] => { writeln!(cl_out, "Name set").unwrap(); };
  "EHLO" => [
  ] => { writeln!(cl_out, "EHLO Name={}", name.as_str()).unwrap(); }

A typical serial communication could look like:

<< EHLO Name=
>> HELLO Name=Johnson
<< Name set
<< EHLO Name=Johnson

It is recommended to use this in conjunction with the program rlwrap.

Complete Example

What works

  • Read key value style commands in the form: COMMAND KEY=VALUE
  • UTF-8 encoding.
  • Specify the heapless string length.
  • Partial command evaluation as data is received through the serial connection.


  • Writing to output
  • Improve UTF-8 error detection / code.
  • Any form of autocompletion / backspaces etc.


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.