libswaykbswitch 0.2.0

A library for controlling sway through its IPC interface
# sway-vim-kbswitch   [![Version Badge]][] [![License Badge]][license]

[Version Badge]:
[License Badge]:

A Rust shared library that provides the interface for Vim keyboard layout switch [plugin](

## Usage 
- Install [vim-xkbswitch]
- Compile this library using cargo.
git clone && \
cd sway-vim-kbswitch && cargo build -r

- Write the path to the library to the variable `g:XkbSwitchLib` in your .vimrc settings.
let g:XkbSwitchEnabled = 1
let g:XkbSwitchLib = '<PathToBuildDir>/target/release/'

#### Optional(f and r action)
For using f and r action with last layout for insert mode you can put following lines into your vimrc
let g:XkbSwitchAssistNKeymap = 1    
set keymap=russian-jcukenwin
let g:XkbSwitchKeymapNames = {'Russian' : 'ru'}
## Troubleshooting 
When you run vim with sudo command you should preserve environment variable.
Example of run with sudo:
sudo --preserve-env=SWAYSOCK vim
You can put following line into you sudoers file to fix this problem.
Defaults  env_keep += "SWAYSOCK"