libss 0.1.0

libss is a Rust library for secret sharing.
use crate::gf256::GF256;
use crate::interpolate::interpolate;
use crate::polynomial::Polynomial;
use crate::Field;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use subtle::ConstantTimeEq;

/// Represents a set of points which make up a share of a secret
pub struct Share<Fq: Field> {
    points: Vec<(Fq, Fq)>,

/// A set of functions for Shamir Secret Sharing
pub struct Shamir;

impl Shamir {
    /// Splits a secret (a byte slice) into n shares, of which only k are needed to recover the secret
    /// This requires 0 < k <= n < 256 and supports arbitrary sized secrets
    pub fn split(secret: &[u8], k: usize, n: usize) -> Result<Vec<Share<GF256>>, &'static str> {
        if n == 0 || n >= 255 {
            return Err("n must be between 1 and 255");
        } else if k == 0 || k > n {
            return Err("k must be between 1 and n");

        let mut shares: Vec<Share<GF256>> = Vec::with_capacity(n);
        for _ in 0..n {
            shares.push(Share {
                points: Vec::with_capacity(secret.len()),

        let mut point_set = std::collections::HashSet::new();
        for &secret_byte in secret {
            let polynomial: Polynomial<GF256> =
                Polynomial::from_intercept(GF256(secret_byte), k - 1);
            for share in shares.iter_mut() {
                let mut random_byte = thread_rng().gen::<u8>();
                while point_set.contains(&random_byte) || random_byte.ct_eq(&0).into() {
                    random_byte = thread_rng().gen::<u8>();
                // Need to verify no random byte is repeated

                let x = GF256(random_byte);
                let y = polynomial.evaluate_at(x);
                share.points.push((x, y));


    // TODO: Find a more efficient means of combining
    /// Combines a slice of shares to recover the secret which is returned as a vector of bytes
    pub fn combine(shares: &[Share<GF256>]) -> Vec<u8> {
        let secret_size = shares.first().unwrap().points.len();
        let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(secret_size);

        for i in 0..secret_size {
            let points = shares
                .map(|share| share.points[i])
                .collect::<Vec<(GF256, GF256)>>();
            let secret_byte = interpolate(&points);


mod test {
    use crate::shamir::Shamir;
    use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

    fn test_split_and_combine_10_of_20() {
        test_split_and_combine(32, 10, 20);

    fn test_split_and_combine_1_of_2() {
        test_split_and_combine(32, 1, 2);

    fn test_split_and_combine_2_of_2() {
        test_split_and_combine(32, 2, 2);

    fn test_split_and_combine_insufficient() {
        test_split_and_combine_insufficient_shares(32, 5, 10);

    fn test_split_invalid() {
        let mut random_secret = Vec::with_capacity(32);
        (0..32).for_each(|_| random_secret.push(thread_rng().gen::<u8>()));

        let k_is_0 = Shamir::split(&random_secret, 0, 1);

        let n_is_0 = Shamir::split(&random_secret, 1, 0);

        let k_gt_n = Shamir::split(&random_secret, 10, 1);

        let n_gt_255 = Shamir::split(&random_secret, 10, 256);

        let k_and_n_gt_255 = Shamir::split(&random_secret, 256, 256);

    fn test_split_and_combine(size: usize, k: usize, n: usize) {
        let mut random_secret = Vec::with_capacity(size);
        (0..size).for_each(|_| random_secret.push(thread_rng().gen::<u8>()));

        let shares = Shamir::split(&random_secret, k, n).unwrap();
        let combined = Shamir::combine(&shares);

        assert_eq!(combined, random_secret);

    fn test_split_and_combine_insufficient_shares(size: usize, k: usize, n: usize) {
        let mut random_secret = Vec::with_capacity(size);
        (0..size).for_each(|_| random_secret.push(thread_rng().gen::<u8>()));

        let shares = Shamir::split(&random_secret, k, n).unwrap();
        let combined = Shamir::combine(&shares[0..k - 2]);

        assert_ne!(combined, random_secret);