librespot-protocol 0.4.2

The protobuf logic for communicating with Spotify servers
syntax = "proto2";

message ListChecksum {
    optional int32 version = 0x1;
    optional bytes sha1 = 0x4;

message DownloadFormat {
    optional Codec codec = 0x1;
    enum Codec {
        CODEC_UNKNOWN = 0x0;
        OGG_VORBIS = 0x1;
        FLAC = 0x2;
        MPEG_1_LAYER_3 = 0x3;

message ListAttributes {
    optional string name = 0x1;
    optional string description = 0x2;
    optional bytes picture = 0x3;
    optional bool collaborative = 0x4;
    optional string pl3_version = 0x5;
    optional bool deleted_by_owner = 0x6;
    optional bool restricted_collaborative = 0x7;
    optional int64 deprecated_client_id = 0x8;
    optional bool public_starred = 0x9;
    optional string client_id = 0xa;

message ItemAttributes {
    optional string added_by = 0x1;
    optional int64 timestamp = 0x2;
    optional string message = 0x3;
    optional bool seen = 0x4;
    optional int64 download_count = 0x5;
    optional DownloadFormat download_format = 0x6;
    optional string sevendigital_id = 0x7;
    optional int64 sevendigital_left = 0x8;
    optional int64 seen_at = 0x9;
    optional bool public = 0xa;

message StringAttribute {
    optional string key = 0x1;
    optional string value = 0x2;

message StringAttributes {
    repeated StringAttribute attribute = 0x1;