librespot-protocol 0.4.2

The protobuf logic for communicating with Spotify servers
syntax = "proto2";

message ClientResponseEncrypted {
    required LoginCredentials login_credentials = 0xa; 
    optional AccountCreation account_creation = 0x14; 
    optional FingerprintResponseUnion fingerprint_response = 0x1e; 
    optional PeerTicketUnion peer_ticket = 0x28; 
    required SystemInfo system_info = 0x32; 
    optional string platform_model = 0x3c; 
    optional string version_string = 0x46; 
    optional LibspotifyAppKey appkey = 0x50; 
    optional ClientInfo client_info = 0x5a; 

message LoginCredentials {
    optional string username = 0xa; 
    required AuthenticationType typ = 0x14; 
    optional bytes auth_data = 0x1e; 

enum AuthenticationType {

enum AccountCreation {

message FingerprintResponseUnion {
    optional FingerprintGrainResponse grain = 0xa; 
    optional FingerprintHmacRipemdResponse hmac_ripemd = 0x14; 

message FingerprintGrainResponse {
    required bytes encrypted_key = 0xa; 

message FingerprintHmacRipemdResponse {
    required bytes hmac = 0xa; 

message PeerTicketUnion {
    optional PeerTicketPublicKey public_key = 0xa; 
    optional PeerTicketOld old_ticket = 0x14; 

message PeerTicketPublicKey {
    required bytes public_key = 0xa; 

message PeerTicketOld {
    required bytes peer_ticket = 0xa; 
    required bytes peer_ticket_signature = 0x14; 

message SystemInfo {
    required CpuFamily cpu_family = 0xa; 
    optional uint32 cpu_subtype = 0x14; 
    optional uint32 cpu_ext = 0x1e; 
    optional Brand brand = 0x28; 
    optional uint32 brand_flags = 0x32; 
    required Os os = 0x3c; 
    optional uint32 os_version = 0x46; 
    optional uint32 os_ext = 0x50; 
    optional string system_information_string = 0x5a; 
    optional string device_id = 0x64; 

enum CpuFamily {
    CPU_UNKNOWN = 0x0;
    CPU_X86 = 0x1;
    CPU_X86_64 = 0x2;
    CPU_PPC = 0x3;
    CPU_PPC_64 = 0x4;
    CPU_ARM = 0x5;
    CPU_IA64 = 0x6;
    CPU_SH = 0x7;
    CPU_MIPS = 0x8;
    CPU_BLACKFIN = 0x9;

enum Brand {
    BRAND_INQ = 0x1;
    BRAND_HTC = 0x2;
    BRAND_NOKIA = 0x3;

enum Os {
    OS_UNKNOWN = 0x0;
    OS_WINDOWS = 0x1;
    OS_OSX = 0x2;
    OS_IPHONE = 0x3;
    OS_S60 = 0x4;
    OS_LINUX = 0x5;
    OS_WINDOWS_CE = 0x6;
    OS_ANDROID = 0x7;
    OS_PALM = 0x8;
    OS_FREEBSD = 0x9;
    OS_BLACKBERRY = 0xa;
    OS_SONOS = 0xb;
    OS_LOGITECH = 0xc;
    OS_WP7 = 0xd;
    OS_ONKYO = 0xe;
    OS_PHILIPS = 0xf;
    OS_WD = 0x10;
    OS_VOLVO = 0x11;
    OS_TIVO = 0x12;
    OS_AWOX = 0x13;
    OS_MEEGO = 0x14;
    OS_QNXNTO = 0x15;
    OS_BCO = 0x16;

message LibspotifyAppKey {
    required uint32 version = 0x1; 
    required bytes devkey = 0x2; 
    required bytes signature = 0x3; 
    required string useragent = 0x4; 
    required bytes callback_hash = 0x5; 

message ClientInfo {
    optional bool limited = 0x1; 
    optional ClientInfoFacebook fb = 0x2; 
    optional string language = 0x3; 

message ClientInfoFacebook {
    optional string machine_id = 0x1; 

message APWelcome {
    required string canonical_username = 0xa;
    required AccountType account_type_logged_in = 0x14;
    required AccountType credentials_type_logged_in = 0x19;
    required AuthenticationType reusable_auth_credentials_type = 0x1e;
    required bytes reusable_auth_credentials = 0x28;
    optional bytes lfs_secret = 0x32; 
    optional AccountInfo account_info = 0x3c;
    optional AccountInfoFacebook fb = 0x46;

enum AccountType {
    Spotify = 0x0;
    Facebook = 0x1;

message AccountInfo {
    optional AccountInfoSpotify spotify = 0x1;
    optional AccountInfoFacebook facebook = 0x2;

message AccountInfoSpotify {

message AccountInfoFacebook {
    optional string access_token = 0x1;
    optional string machine_id = 0x2;