libpt-math 0.3.11

Personal multitool
# pt / libpt


`pt` stands for either one of "personal tool", "plex tool", "pete" or something among those lines.
It is a collection of tools that i might or might not use. The intended purpose of this repo is that
I program whatever i feel is worth having in a personal thing into it, then use it as either a lib,
crate, python module or executable.

Let's see if I make it a bloated mess or stop committing after 30 hello worlds.

## Dependencies

- See `cargo.toml`
- [openssl bindings for rust]
- [Python]
- [`maturin`] - `pip install maturin`

## Compiling & Installing from source

If you only want the rust library, you can simply build it with `cargo build`. Add it to your
project like any other local dependency.

If you want to use the python variant too, you need to compile with maturing.

- Install in `venv`: `maturin develop --release`
- Install in system: `maturin build --release && pip install target/wheels/libpt-x.x.x-*`

## Installing from [pypi]

`libpt` has been packaged for [](

You can install it with `pip install libpt`

## Installing from []

`libpt` has been packaged for [](

You can add the library to your project with `cargo add libpt`.

## Installing from my personal package registry

`libpt` has been packaged for [](

You can add the registry to your `config.toml` and then `cargo add libpt`


## Testing

Testing needs to be done separately for the rust and python parts:

- Rust testing with `cargo test`
- Python testing with `./scripts/` or `python -m unittest discover -fs tests/python`

## Documentation

The documentation can be automatically generated with `cargo doc --open`.

An up to date version of the Documentation can be found [here](

## Mirrored

The origin of this repository is [](

It is mirrored to:
- [Codeberg]

## License

**Pt is MIT Licensed**