libpijul 0.12.0

A patch-based distributed version control system, easy to use and fast.
//! Manipulating the internal representation of files and directories
//! tracked by Pijul (i.e. adding files, removing files, getting file
//! names…).

use backend;
use backend::*;
use {Error, Result};
use fs_representation::{RepoPath, in_repo_root};

use rand;
use std;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::iter::Iterator;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

impl<'env, R: rand::Rng> MutTxn<'env, R> {
    pub fn mark_inode_moved(&mut self, inode: Inode) {
        let mut header = None;
        if let Some(h) = self.get_inodes(inode) {
            header = Some(h.clone())
        if let Some(mut h) = header {
            h.status = FileStatus::Moved;
            self.replace_inodes(inode, h).unwrap();

    /// Create an inode that doesn't exist in the repository, but
    /// doesn't put it into the repository.
    pub fn create_new_inode(&self) -> Inode {
        let mut already_taken = true;
        let mut inode: Inode = ROOT_INODE.clone();
        while already_taken {
            for i in inode.iter_mut() {
                *i = rand::random()
            already_taken = self.get_revtree(inode).is_some();

    /// Record the information that `parent_inode` is now a parent of
    /// file `filename`, and `filename` has inode `child_inode`.
    fn make_new_child(
        &mut self,
        parent_inode: Inode,
        filename: &str,
        is_dir: bool,
        child_inode: Option<Inode>,
    ) -> Result<Inode> {
        let parent_id = OwnedFileId {
            parent_inode: parent_inode.clone(),
            basename: SmallString::from_str(filename),
        if filename == ".pijul" {
            return Err(Error::CannotAddDotPijul);
        if let Some(inode) = self.get_tree(&parent_id.as_file_id()) {
            // If we already have the file, make sure the file status
            // is Ok (i.e. not zombie, not deleted).
            let mut header = if let Some(header) = self.get_inodes(inode) {
            } else {
                return Err(Error::AlreadyAdded);
            if let FileStatus::Ok = header.status {
            } else {
                header.status = FileStatus::Ok;
                self.replace_inodes(inode, header)?;
        } else {
            // Else, add a new file.

            let child_inode = match child_inode {
                None => self.create_new_inode(),
                Some(i) => i.clone(),
            self.put_tree(&parent_id.as_file_id(), child_inode)?;
            self.put_revtree(child_inode, &parent_id.as_file_id())?;

            if is_dir {
                // If this new file is a directory, add a name-less
                // file id without a reverse in revtree.
                let dir_id = OwnedFileId {
                    parent_inode: child_inode.clone(),
                    basename: SmallString::from_str(""),
                self.put_tree(&dir_id.as_file_id(), child_inode)?;

    pub fn add_inode<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        &mut self,
        inode: Option<Inode>,
        path: &RepoPath<P>,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
            let (mut current_inode, unrecorded_path) =

            for c in unrecorded_path {
                current_inode =
                    self.make_new_child(current_inode, c.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap(), true, None)?


    pub fn inode_is_ancestor_of(&self, a: Inode, mut b: Inode) -> bool {
        loop {
            if a == b {
                return true;
            if let Some(b_parent) = self.get_revtree(b) {
                b = b_parent.parent_inode
            } else {
                return false;

    pub fn move_file(
        &mut self,
        origin: &RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>,
        destination: &RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        debug!("move_file: {},{}", origin.display(), destination.display());
        if let Some(parent) = origin.parent() {
            let fileref = OwnedFileId {
                parent_inode: self.find_inode(&parent)?,
                basename: SmallString::from_str(origin.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap()),

            if let Some(inode) = self.get_tree(&fileref.as_file_id()).map(|i| i.clone()) {
                // Now the last inode is in "*inode"
                debug!("txn.del fileref={:?}", fileref);
                self.del_tree(&fileref.as_file_id(), None)?;
                self.del_revtree(inode, None)?;

                debug!("inode={} destination={}", inode.to_hex(), destination.display());
                self.add_inode(Some(inode), destination, is_dir)?;

                return Ok(());

    // Deletes a directory, given by its inode, recursively.
    pub fn rec_delete(&mut self, key: Inode) -> Result<bool> {
        debug!("rec_delete, key={:?}", key.to_hex());
        let file_id = OwnedFileId {
            parent_inode: key.clone(),
            basename: SmallString::from_str(""),

        let children: Vec<(_, Inode)> = self
            .iter_tree(Some((&file_id.as_file_id(), None)))
            .take_while(|&(ref k, _)| key == k.parent_inode)
            .filter(|&(ref k, _)| !k.basename.is_empty())
            .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_owned(), v.to_owned()))

        let mut has_recorded_descendants = false;
        for (_, b) in children {
            debug!("deleting from tree {:?}", b);
            has_recorded_descendants |= self.rec_delete(b)?;

        // Now that the directory is empty, mark the corresponding node as deleted (flag '2').
        if let Some(mut header) = self.get_inodes(key).map(|h| h.clone()) {
            // If this is was recorded, mark deleted.
            debug!("key {:?}, header = {:?}", key, header);
            header.status = FileStatus::Deleted;
            self.replace_inodes(key, header)?;
            debug!("after = {:?}", self.get_inodes(key).map(|h| h.clone()));
        } else if !has_recorded_descendants {
            // Else, simply delete from the tree.
            let parent = self.get_revtree(key).unwrap().to_owned();
            debug!("key = {:?}, parent = {:?}", key, parent);
            self.del_tree(&parent.as_file_id(), None)?;
            self.del_revtree(key, None)?;

    /// Removes a file from the repository.
    pub fn remove_file(&mut self, path: &RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>)
                       -> Result<()> {
        let inode = self.find_inode(path)?;

impl<A: Transaction, R> backend::GenericTxn<A, R> {
    /// Traverses the `tree` base recursively, collecting all descendants of `key`.
    fn collect(
        key: Inode,
        current_path: &RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>,
        basename: &str,
        files: &mut Vec<RepoPath<PathBuf>>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        debug!("collecting {:?},{:?}", key, basename);
        let add = match self.get_inodes(key) {
            Some(inode) => {
                debug!("node = {:?}", inode);
                inode.status != FileStatus::Deleted
            None => true,
        if add {
            debug!("basename = {:?}", basename);
            let next_pb = current_path.join(Path::new(basename));
            if basename.len() > 0 {

            debug!("starting iterator, key={:?}", key);
            let fileid = OwnedFileId {
                parent_inode: key.clone(),
                basename: SmallString::from_str(""),
            for (k, v) in self
                .iter_tree(Some((&fileid.as_file_id(), None)))
                .take_while(|&(ref k, _)| k.parent_inode == key)
                debug!("iter: {:?} {:?}", k, v);
                if k.basename.len() > 0 {
                    self.collect(v.to_owned(), &next_pb, k.basename.as_str(), files)?;
            debug!("ending iterator {:?}", {
                let v: Vec<_> = self.iter_tree(Some((&fileid.as_file_id(), None))).collect();

    /// Returns a vector containing all files in the repository.
    pub fn list_files(&self, inode: Inode) -> Result<Vec<RepoPath<PathBuf>>> {
        debug!("list_files {:?}", inode);
        let mut files = Vec::new();
        self.collect(inode, &in_repo_root(), "", &mut files)?;

    /// Returns a list of files under the given inode.
    pub fn list_files_under_inode(
        inode: Inode,
    ) -> Vec<(SmallString, Option<Key<PatchId>>, Inode)> {
        let mut result = Vec::new();

        let file_id = OwnedFileId {
            parent_inode: inode,
            basename: SmallString::from_str(""),
        for (k, v) in self
            .iter_tree(Some((&file_id.as_file_id(), None)))
            .take_while(|&(ref k, _)| k.parent_inode == inode)
            let header = self.get_inodes(k.parent_inode).map(|x| x.clone());
            // add: checking that this file has neither been moved nor deleted.
            println!("============= {:?} {:?}", k, v);
            let add = match header {
                Some(ref h) => h.status == FileStatus::Ok,
                None => true,
            if add && k.basename.len() > 0 {
          |h| h.key.clone()),


    /// Returns a list of files under the given inode.
    pub fn list_files_under_node(
        branch: &Branch,
        key: Key<PatchId>,
    ) -> BTreeMap<Key<PatchId>, Vec<(FileMetadata, &str)>> {
        let mut result = BTreeMap::new();

        let e = Edge::zero(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE);
        for (_, child) in self
            .iter_nodes(branch, Some((key, Some(e))))
            .take_while(|&(k, ref v)| {
                k == key && v.flag <= EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE | EdgeFlags::PSEUDO_EDGE
            let name = self.get_contents(child.dest).unwrap();
            // This is supposed to be a small string anyway.
            let (perms, basename) = name.as_slice().split_at(2);
            let perms = FileMetadata::from_contents(perms);
            let basename = std::str::from_utf8(basename).unwrap();

            for (_, grandchild) in self
                .iter_nodes(branch, Some((child.dest, Some(e))))
                .take_while(|&(k, ref v)| {
                    k == child.dest && v.flag <= EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE | EdgeFlags::PSEUDO_EDGE
                let names = result.entry(grandchild.dest.to_owned()).or_insert(vec![]);
                names.push((perms, basename))

    pub fn is_directory(&self, inode: &Inode) -> bool {
        let file_id = OwnedFileId {
            parent_inode: inode.clone(),
            basename: SmallString::from_str(""),
        inode == &ROOT_INODE || self.get_tree(&file_id.as_file_id()).is_some()

    /// Splits a path into (1) the deepest inode from the root that is
    /// an ancestor of the path or the path itself and (2) the
    /// remainder of this path
    fn closest_in_repo_ancestor<'a>(
        path: &'a RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>
    ) -> Result<(Inode, std::iter::Peekable<std::path::Components<'a>>)> {
        let mut components = path.components().peekable();
        let mut fileid = OwnedFileId {
            parent_inode: ROOT_INODE,
            basename: SmallString::from_str(""),

        loop {
            if let Some(c) = components.peek() {
                fileid.basename = SmallString::from_str(c.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap());
                if let Some(v) = self.get_tree(&fileid.as_file_id()) {
                    fileid.parent_inode = v.clone()
                } else {
            } else {
        Ok((fileid.parent_inode.clone(), components))

    /// Find the inode corresponding to that path, or return an error if there's no such inode.
    pub fn find_inode(&self, path: &RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>)
                      -> Result<Inode> {
        let (inode, mut remaining_path_components) = self.closest_in_repo_ancestor(path)?;
        if {
        } else {

    pub fn file_names(
        branch: &Branch,
        key: Key<PatchId>,
    ) -> Vec<(Key<PatchId>, FileMetadata, &str)> {
        let mut result = Vec::new();
        let e = Edge::zero(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE | EdgeFlags::PARENT_EDGE);

        debug!("file_names, key {:?}", key);
        for (_, parent) in self
            .iter_nodes(branch, Some((key, Some(e))))
            .take_while(|&(k, _)| k == key)
            .filter(|&(_, ref v)| {
                    .contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE | EdgeFlags::PARENT_EDGE)
            debug!("file_names, parent {:?}", parent);
            match self.get_contents(parent.dest) {
                Some(ref name) if name.len() >= 2 => {
                    // This is supposed to be a small string anyway.
                    let (perms, basename) = name.as_slice().split_at(2);
                    let perms = FileMetadata::from_contents(perms);
                    let basename = std::str::from_utf8(basename).unwrap();

                    for (_, grandparent) in self
                        .iter_nodes(branch, Some((parent.dest, Some(e))))
                        .take_while(|&(k, _)| k == parent.dest)
                        .filter(|&(_, ref v)| {
                                .contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE | EdgeFlags::PARENT_EDGE)
                        result.push((grandparent.dest.to_owned(), perms, basename));
                _ => error!("Key: {:?}, file {}, line {}", key, file!(), line!()),

    pub fn prefix_keys(&self, branch: &Branch, path: &RepoPath<impl AsRef<Path>>)
                       -> Result<Vec<Key<PatchId>>> {
        let mut result = Vec::new();
        let e = Edge::zero(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE);

        let mut current_key = ROOT_KEY;

        for comp in path.components() {
            let mut is_first = true;
            let cur = current_key;
            for (_, child) in self
                .iter_nodes(branch, Some((current_key, Some(e))))
                .take_while(|&(k, _)| k == cur)
                .filter(|&(_, ref v)| v.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE))
                let contents = self.get_contents(child.dest).unwrap();
                if contents.into_cow().split_at(2).1
                    == comp.as_os_str().to_str().expect("file encoding problem").as_bytes() {
                    if !is_first {
                        return Err(Error::FileNameCount(current_key));

                    for (_, grandchild) in self
                        .iter_nodes(branch, Some((child.dest, Some(e))))
                        .take_while(|&(k, _)| k == child.dest)
                        .filter(|&(_, ref v)| v.flag.contains(EdgeFlags::FOLDER_EDGE))
                        current_key = grandchild.dest;