libpaillier 0.5.0

The Paillier cryptosystem is a public key crytosystem based on composite degree residuosity classes. Paillier ciphertexts are homorphic in that the can be added.
use crate::{mod_in, DecryptionKey, EncryptionKey};
use digest::{
    generic_array::{typenum::Unsigned, GenericArray},
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use unknown_order::BigNumber;

/// Proof that a Paillier modulus is square free.
/// The proof checks that there are "small" factors,
/// that can be inverted in with a Paillier modulus
/// and the number of parallel instances needed for soundness
/// relates to how high to check. For a security parameter `k`,
/// where we check for prime factors up to `t`, need `l` parallel
/// instances where `l` is the smallest integer such that t^l > 2^k.
/// For 128-bit security, t = 1000 and l = 13, and Paillier modulus
/// is ≥ 2048 bits.
/// This proof is used in <> and
/// <> as part of their DKG.
/// A paillier key generator can prove the parameters where created honestly.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ProofSquareFree(Vec<BigNumber>);

const L: usize = 13;

#[cfg(feature = "wasm")]

impl ProofSquareFree {
    /// Generate a new SF proof.
    /// GG20 paper uses lots of values for the entropy like
    /// the ECDSA Public key, the curve generator and prime,
    /// and the participant id as follows
    /// generateChallenges(g, q, y, N, pi, l)
    pub fn generate<D: Digest>(sk: &DecryptionKey, nonce: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
        // M = N^-1 mod totient|m| {
            let mut proof = generate_challenges::<D>(&, nonce);
            debug_assert_eq!(proof.len(), L);
            for x in proof.as_mut_slice() {
                *x = x.modpow(&m, &;

    /// Verify a Paillier modulus is square-free.
    pub fn verify<D: Digest>(&self, pk: &EncryptionKey, nonce: &[u8]) -> bool {
        let proof = generate_challenges::<D>(pk, nonce);
        debug_assert_eq!(proof.len(), L);
        debug_assert_eq!(proof.len(), self.0.len());

            .all(|(a, b)| a == &b.modpow(&pk.n, &pk.n))

    /// Get this proof's byte representation
    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

    /// Convert a byte representation to a proof
    pub fn from_bytes<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: B) -> Result<Self, String> {
        let data = data.as_ref();
        let messages = serde_bare::from_slice::<Vec<BigNumber>>(data).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;

/// Computes `l` deterministic numbers as challenges
/// for `ProofSquareFree` which proves that the Paillier modulus is square free
fn generate_challenges<D: Digest>(pk: &EncryptionKey, nonce: &[u8]) -> Vec<BigNumber> {
    let b = pk.n.to_bytes().len();
    // Check that a modulus is not too small
    assert!(b >= 256);

    let h = D::OutputSize::to_usize();

    // Compute s = ⌈b/h⌉ aka the number of hash outputs required to obtain
    // `b` i.e. the number of times require to call hash to get the same bytes in `b`.
    // Compute ceil as s = (b + h - 1) / b
    let s: usize = (b + h - 1) / h;

    let mut j = 0;
    let mut m = 0usize;

    let mut x = Vec::with_capacity(L);
    while j < L {
        let mut e = Vec::with_capacity(s * h);
        for k in 0..s {
                hash_pieces::<D>(&[nonce, &j.to_be_bytes(), &k.to_be_bytes(), &m.to_be_bytes()])

        // truncate `e` to `b` bytes
        let xj = BigNumber::from_slice(&e[..b]);

        if mod_in(&xj, &pk.n) {

            j += 1;

            m = 0
        } else {
            m += 1


fn hash_pieces<D: Digest>(data: &[&[u8]]) -> GenericArray<u8, D::OutputSize> {
    // hash each piece individually to avoid potential padding attacks
    // then hash all the outputs together
    let mut hasher = D::new();
    data.iter().map(|datum| D::digest(&datum)).for_each(|d| {