libpaillier 0.5.0

The Paillier cryptosystem is a public key crytosystem based on composite degree residuosity classes. Paillier ciphertexts are homorphic in that the can be added.
use crate::{mod_in, Ciphertext, EncryptionKey};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use unknown_order::BigNumber;
use zeroize::Zeroize;

/// A Paillier decryption key
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Zeroize)]
pub struct DecryptionKey {
    pub(crate) pk: EncryptionKey,
    /// lcm(P - 1, Q - 1)
    pub(crate) lambda: BigNumber,
    /// Euler's totient: (P - 1)(Q - 1)
    pub(crate) totient: BigNumber,
    /// L((N + 1)^lambda mod N^2)-1 mod N
    pub(crate) u: BigNumber,

#[cfg(feature = "wasm")]

impl DecryptionKey {
    /// Create a new random key
    pub fn random() -> Option<Self> {
        let mut p = BigNumber::prime(1024);
        let mut q = BigNumber::prime(1024);
        let res = Self::with_primes_unchecked(&p, &q);
        // Make sure the primes are zero'd

    /// Create a new key from two primes.
    /// `p` and `q` are checked if prime
    pub fn with_primes(p: &BigNumber, q: &BigNumber) -> Option<Self> {
        if !p.is_prime() || !q.is_prime() {
            return None;
        Self::with_primes_unchecked(p, q)

    /// Create a new key from two safe primes,
    /// `p` and `q` are not checked to see if they are safe primes
    pub fn with_primes_unchecked(p: &BigNumber, q: &BigNumber) -> Option<Self> {
        // Paillier doesn't work if p == q
        if p == q {
            return None;
        let pm1: BigNumber = p - 1;
        let qm1: BigNumber = q - 1;
        let n = p * q;
        let nn = &n * &n;
        let pk = EncryptionKey {
            n: n.clone(),
            nn: nn.clone(),
        let lambda = pm1.lcm(&qm1);
        if lambda.is_zero() {
            return None;
        let totient = &pm1 * &qm1;

        // (N+1)^lambda mod N^2
        let t: BigNumber = &n + 1;
        let tt = t.modpow(&lambda, &nn);

        // L((N+1)^lambda mod N^2)^-1 mod N
        let uu = pk.l(&tt).map(|uu| uu.invert(&n));
        match uu {
            None => None,
            Some(u_inv) =>|u| DecryptionKey {

    /// Reverse ciphertext to plaintext
    pub fn decrypt(&self, c: &Ciphertext) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
        if !mod_in(&c, & {
            return None;

        // a = c^\lambda mod n^2
        let a = c.modpow(&self.lambda, &;
        // ell = L(a, N)|l| {
            // m = lu = L(a)*u = L(c^\lamba*)u mod n
            let m = l.modmul(&self.u, &;

    /// Get this key's byte representation.
    /// This measures about (n * 4) + 4 bytes or i.e.
    /// for a 2048 bit modulus == 1032 bytes.
    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
        let bytes = DecryptionKeyBytes {
            lambda: self.lambda.to_bytes(),
            totient: self.totient.to_bytes(),
            u: self.u.to_bytes(),

    /// Convert a byte representation to a decryption key
    pub fn from_bytes<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: B) -> Result<Self, String> {
        let data = data.as_ref();
        let bytes =
            serde_bare::from_slice::<DecryptionKeyBytes>(data).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
        let pk = EncryptionKey::from_bytes(bytes.n.as_slice())?;
        Ok(Self {
            lambda: BigNumber::from_slice(bytes.lambda.as_slice()),
            totient: BigNumber::from_slice(bytes.totient.as_slice()),
            u: BigNumber::from_slice(bytes.u.as_slice()),

    /// The Paillier modulus
    pub fn n(&self) -> &BigNumber {

    /// The Paillier `lambda`
    pub fn lambda(&self) -> &BigNumber {

    /// The Paillier `totient`
    pub fn totient(&self) -> &BigNumber {

    /// The Paillier `u`
    pub fn u(&self) -> &BigNumber {

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct DecryptionKeyBytes {
    n: Vec<u8>,
    lambda: Vec<u8>,
    totient: Vec<u8>,
    u: Vec<u8>,