libfmod 0.1.1

A library wrapper for integrating FMOD Engine in Rust applications.


A library wrapper for integrating FMOD Engine in Rust applications. FFI wrapped in Rust code to make them safe, more idiomatic and abstract away uncomfortable manual C interface using.

FMOD Development Libraries

FMOD development libraries can't be integrated and distributed as part of this crate. You should download and install it considering your current licensing option from:

Usage Example (wip)

Adaptation of official simple event example for FMOD v2.02.03 (all banks included in FMOD Studio application):

fn example() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let studio = Studio::create()?;
    let system = studio.get_core_system()?;
    system.set_software_format(0, 6, 0)?;
    studio.initialize(1024, 0, 0, null_mut())?;
    let master = studio.load_bank_file("./assets/", 0)?;
    let strings = studio.load_bank_file("./assets/", 0)?;
    let sfx = studio.load_bank_file("./assets/", 0)?;

    let looping_ambience_description = studio.get_event("event:/Ambience/Country")?;
    let looping_ambience = looping_ambience_description.create_instance()?;

    while studio.update().is_ok() {}



This library is automatically generated by libfmod-gen and can't be changed manually. All issues and pull requests must be created in repository of generator.