libcoap-rs 0.2.1

An idiomatic wrapper around the libcoap CoAP library for Rust.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
 * - Types relating to CoAP resource management.
 * Copyright (c) 2022 The NAMIB Project Developers, all rights reserved.
 * See the README as well as the LICENSE file for more information.
//! Resource and resource handler descriptions

use std::{
    fmt::{Debug, Formatter},

use libc::c_int;

use libcoap_sys::{
    coap_delete_resource, coap_new_str_const, coap_pdu_t, coap_pdu_type_t::COAP_MESSAGE_RST,
    coap_register_request_handler, coap_resource_get_uri_path, coap_resource_get_userdata, coap_resource_init,
    coap_resource_notify_observers, coap_resource_set_get_observable, coap_resource_set_mode,
    coap_resource_set_userdata, coap_resource_t, coap_send_rst, coap_session_t, coap_string_t,

use crate::mem::{CoapFfiRcCell, DropInnerExclusively};
use crate::message::request::CoapRequest;
use crate::message::response::CoapResponse;
use crate::message::CoapMessageCommon;
use crate::protocol::CoapMessageCode;
use crate::protocol::CoapMessageType;

use crate::session::CoapServerSession;
use crate::session::CoapSessionCommon;
use crate::{error::MessageConversionError, message::CoapMessage, protocol::CoapRequestCode};

// Trait aliases are experimental
//trait CoapMethodHandlerFn<D> = FnMut(&D, &mut CoapSession, &CoapRequestMessage, &mut CoapResponseMessage);

// Some macro wizardry to statically wrap request handlers.
/// Create a CoapRequestHandler using the provided function.
/// This macro cannot be used if the intended handler function does not have a 'static lifetime,
/// i.e. if the handler function is a closure.
/// In these cases, use [CoapRequestHandler::new()] instead.
macro_rules! resource_handler {
    ($f:ident, $t:path) => {{
        #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_mut_passed)] // We don't know whether the function needs a mutable reference or not.
        unsafe extern "C" fn _coap_method_handler_wrapper<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug>(
            resource: *mut coap_resource_t,
            session: *mut coap_session_t,
            incoming_pdu: *const coap_pdu_t,
            query: *const coap_string_t,
            response_pdu: *mut coap_pdu_t,
        ) {
            let handler_data =
                prepare_resource_handler_data::<$t>(resource, session, incoming_pdu, query, response_pdu);
            if let Ok((mut resource, mut session, incoming_pdu, outgoing_pdu)) = handler_data {
                ($f::<D>)(&mut resource, &mut session, &incoming_pdu, outgoing_pdu)
        unsafe { CoapRequestHandler::<$t>::from_raw_handler(_coap_method_handler_wrapper::<$t>) }

/// Converts the raw parameters provided to a request handler into the appropriate wrapped types.
/// If an error occurs while parsing the resource data, this function will send an RST message to the
/// client and return a [MessageConversionError].
/// This function is not intended for public use, the only reason it is public is that the
/// [resource_handler!] macro requires this function.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointers must all be valid and point to the appropriate data structures.
pub unsafe fn prepare_resource_handler_data<'a, D: Any + ?Sized + Debug>(
    raw_resource: *mut coap_resource_t,
    raw_session: *mut coap_session_t,
    raw_incoming_pdu: *const coap_pdu_t,
    _raw_query: *const coap_string_t,
    raw_response_pdu: *mut coap_pdu_t,
) -> Result<(CoapResource<D>, CoapServerSession<'a>, CoapRequest, CoapResponse), MessageConversionError> {
    let resource_tmp = CoapFfiRcCell::clone_raw_weak(coap_resource_get_userdata(raw_resource));
    let resource = CoapResource::from(resource_tmp);
    let session = CoapServerSession::from_raw(raw_session);
    let request = CoapMessage::from_raw_pdu(raw_incoming_pdu).and_then(CoapRequest::from_message);
    let response = CoapMessage::from_raw_pdu(raw_response_pdu).and_then(CoapResponse::from_message);
    match (request, response) {
        (Ok(request), Ok(response)) => Ok((resource, session, request, response)),
        (v1, v2) => {
            coap_send_rst(raw_session, raw_incoming_pdu, COAP_MESSAGE_RST);

/// Trait with functions relating to [CoapResource]s with an unknown data type.
pub trait UntypedCoapResource: Any + Debug {
    /// Returns the uri_path this resource responds to.
    fn uri_path(&self) -> &str;
    /// Provides a reference to this resource as an [Any] trait object.
    /// You can use the resulting [Any] reference to downcast the resource to its appropriate
    /// concrete type (if you wish to e.g. change the application data).
    /// If you use unstable Rust, you can use trait upcasting instead (`[value] as Any`).
    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
    /// Attempts to regain exclusive ownership of the inner resource in order to drop it.
    /// This function is used by the [CoapContext](crate::context::CoapContext) on cleanup to
    /// reclaim resources before dropping the context itself. *You should not use this function*.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the inner resource instance associated with this resource cannot be exclusively
    /// dropped, i.e. because the underlying [Rc] is used elsewhere.
    fn drop_inner_exclusive(self: Box<Self>);
    /// Returns the raw resource associated with this CoapResource.
    /// # Safety
    /// You must not do anything with this resource that could interfere with this instance.
    /// Most notably, you must not...
    /// - the returned value using [coap_delete_resource](libcoap_sys::coap_delete_resource)
    /// - ...associate the raw resource with a CoAP context, because if the context is dropped, so
    ///   will the resource.
    /// - ...modify the application-specific data.
    unsafe fn raw_resource(&mut self) -> *mut coap_resource_t;

/// Representation of a CoapResource that can be requested from a server.
pub struct CoapResource<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> {
    inner: CoapFfiRcCell<CoapResourceInner<D>>,

/// Container for resource handlers for various CoAP methods.
struct CoapResourceHandlers<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> {
    get: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,
    put: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,
    delete: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,
    post: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,
    fetch: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,
    ipatch: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,
    patch: Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>>,

impl<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> Default for CoapResourceHandlers<D> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        CoapResourceHandlers {
            get: None,
            put: None,
            delete: None,
            post: None,
            fetch: None,
            ipatch: None,
            patch: None,

impl<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> CoapResourceHandlers<D> {
    fn handler(&self, code: CoapRequestCode) -> Option<&CoapRequestHandler<D>> {
        match code {
            CoapRequestCode::Get => self.get.as_ref(),
            CoapRequestCode::Put => self.put.as_ref(),
            CoapRequestCode::Delete => self.delete.as_ref(),
            CoapRequestCode::Post =>,
            CoapRequestCode::Fetch => self.fetch.as_ref(),
            CoapRequestCode::IPatch => self.ipatch.as_ref(),
            CoapRequestCode::Patch => self.patch.as_ref(),

    // Clippy complains about this being unused, but I'd like to keep it for consistency.
    fn handler_mut(&mut self, code: CoapRequestCode) -> Option<&mut CoapRequestHandler<D>> {
        match code {
            CoapRequestCode::Get => self.get.as_mut(),
            CoapRequestCode::Put => self.put.as_mut(),
            CoapRequestCode::Delete => self.delete.as_mut(),
            CoapRequestCode::Post =>,
            CoapRequestCode::Fetch => self.fetch.as_mut(),
            CoapRequestCode::IPatch => self.ipatch.as_mut(),
            CoapRequestCode::Patch => self.patch.as_mut(),

    // Kept for consistency
    fn handler_ref(&self, code: CoapRequestCode) -> &Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>> {
        match code {
            CoapRequestCode::Get => &self.get,
            CoapRequestCode::Put => &self.put,
            CoapRequestCode::Delete => &self.delete,
            CoapRequestCode::Post => &,
            CoapRequestCode::Fetch => &self.fetch,
            CoapRequestCode::IPatch => &self.ipatch,
            CoapRequestCode::Patch => &self.patch,

    fn handler_ref_mut(&mut self, code: CoapRequestCode) -> &mut Option<CoapRequestHandler<D>> {
        match code {
            CoapRequestCode::Get => &mut self.get,
            CoapRequestCode::Put => &mut self.put,
            CoapRequestCode::Delete => &mut self.delete,
            CoapRequestCode::Post => &mut,
            CoapRequestCode::Fetch => &mut self.fetch,
            CoapRequestCode::IPatch => &mut self.ipatch,
            CoapRequestCode::Patch => &mut self.patch,

/// Inner part of a [CoapResource], which is referenced inside the raw resource and might be
/// referenced multiple times, e.g. outside and inside of a resource handler.
pub(crate) struct CoapResourceInner<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> {
    raw_resource: *mut coap_resource_t,
    user_data: Box<D>,
    handlers: CoapResourceHandlers<D>,

impl<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> CoapResource<D> {
    /// Creates a new CoapResource for the given `uri_path`.
    /// Handlers that are associated with this resource have to be able to take a reference to the
    /// provided `user_data` value as their first value.
    /// The `notify_con` parameter specifies whether observe notifications originating from this
    /// resource are sent as confirmable or non-confirmable.
    pub fn new<C: Into<Box<D>>>(uri_path: &str, user_data: C, notify_con: bool) -> CoapResource<D> {
        let inner = unsafe {
            let uri_path = coap_new_str_const(uri_path.as_ptr(), uri_path.len());
            let raw_resource = coap_resource_init(
                    | (notify_con
                        .then(|| COAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NOTIFY_CON)
                        .unwrap_or(COAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_NOTIFY_NON))) as i32,
            let inner = CoapFfiRcCell::new(CoapResourceInner {
                user_data: user_data.into(),
                handlers: CoapResourceHandlers::default(),
            coap_resource_set_userdata(raw_resource, inner.create_raw_weak());

    /// Notify any observers about changes to this resource.
    pub fn notify_observers(&self) -> bool {
        // SAFETY: Resource is valid as long as CoapResourceInner exists, query is currently unused.
        unsafe { coap_resource_notify_observers(self.inner.borrow_mut().raw_resource, std::ptr::null_mut()) != 0 }

    /// Sets whether this resource can be observed by clients according to
    /// [RFC 7641](
    pub fn set_get_observable(&self, observable: bool) {
        // SAFETY: Resource is valid as long as CoapResourceInner exists, query is currently unused.
        unsafe { coap_resource_set_get_observable(self.inner.borrow_mut().raw_resource, observable as c_int) }

    /// Sets whether observe notifications for this resource should be sent as confirmable or
    /// non-confirmable CoAP messages.
    pub fn set_observe_notify_confirmable(&self, confirmable: bool) {
        // SAFETY: Resource is valid as long as CoapResourceInner exists, query is currently unused.
        unsafe { coap_resource_set_mode(self.inner.borrow_mut().raw_resource, confirmable as c_int) }

    /// Returns the user data associated with this resource.
    pub fn user_data(&self) -> Ref<D> {
        Ref::map(self.inner.borrow(), |v| v.user_data.as_ref())

    /// Mutably returns the user data associated with this resource.
    pub fn user_data_mut(&self) -> RefMut<D> {
        RefMut::map(self.inner.borrow_mut(), |v| v.user_data.as_mut())

    /// Restores a resource from its raw [coap_resource_t](libcoap_sys::coap_resource_t).
    /// # Safety
    /// The supplied pointer must point to a valid [coap_resource_t](libcoap_sys::coap_resource_t)
    /// instance that has a `Rc<RefCell<CoapResourceInner<D>>>` as its user data.
    pub unsafe fn restore_from_raw(raw_resource: *mut coap_resource_t) -> CoapResource<D> {
        let resource_tmp = CoapFfiRcCell::clone_raw_weak(coap_resource_get_userdata(raw_resource));

    /// Sets the handler function for a given method code.
    pub fn set_method_handler<H: Into<CoapRequestHandler<D>>>(&self, code: CoapRequestCode, handler: Option<H>) {
        let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
        *inner.handlers.handler_ref_mut(code) =|v| v.into());
        unsafe {
                inner.handlers.handler(code).map(|h| h.raw_handler),

    fn call_dynamic_handler(
        session: &mut CoapServerSession,
        req_message: &CoapRequest,
        mut rsp_message: CoapResponse,
    ) {
        let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
        let req_code = match req_message.code() {
            CoapMessageCode::Request(req_code) => req_code,
            _ => {
                // TODO some better error handling
                session.send(rsp_message).expect("error while sending RST packet");

        // Take handler function out of resource handler so that we no longer need the inner borrow
        // (otherwise, we couldn't call any resource functions in the handler).
        let mut handler_fn = inner
            .expect("attempted to call dynamic handler for method that has no handler set");

            .expect("attempted to call dynamic handler for method that has no dynamic handler set"))(

        // Put the handler function back into the resource, unless the handler was replaced.

impl<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> UntypedCoapResource for CoapResource<D> {
    fn uri_path(&self) -> &str {
        unsafe {
            let raw_path = coap_resource_get_uri_path(self.inner.borrow().raw_resource);
            return std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(std::slice::from_raw_parts((*raw_path).s, (*raw_path).length));

    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
        self as &(dyn Any)

    fn drop_inner_exclusive(self: Box<Self>) {

    unsafe fn raw_resource(&mut self) -> *mut coap_resource_t {

impl<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> From<CoapFfiRcCell<CoapResourceInner<D>>> for CoapResource<D> {
    fn from(raw_cell: CoapFfiRcCell<CoapResourceInner<D>>) -> Self {
        CoapResource { inner: raw_cell }

impl<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> Drop for CoapResourceInner<D> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // SAFETY: We set the user data on creation of the inner resource, so it cannot be invalid.
        std::mem::drop(unsafe {
        // SAFETY: First argument is ignored, second argument is guaranteed to exist while the inner
        // resource exists.
        unsafe { coap_delete_resource(std::ptr::null_mut(), self.raw_resource) };

/// A handler for CoAP requests on a resource.
/// This handler can be associated with a [CoapResource] in order to be called when a request for
/// the associated resource and the provided method arrives. The handler is then able to generate
/// and send a response to the request accordingly.
/// # Creating a CoapRequestHandler
/// There are multiple ways to create a [CoapRequestHandler]:
/// - Using the [resource_handler!] macro: Preferred for handlers with a static lifetime (i.e.,
///   function pointers, not closures).
/// - Using [CoapRequestHandler::new]: Preferred for closures if you don't need access to the
///   [CoapResource] itself (but can be used for function pointers as well).
/// - Using [CoapRequestHandler::new_resource_ref]: Preferred for closures if you need access to
///   the [CoapResource] itself (but can be used for function pointers as well).
/// For method 2, the provided handler has to be a `FnMut(&mut D, &mut CoapServerSession, &CoapRequest, CoapResponse)`,
/// while for the other two methods, the handler has to be a `FnMut(&CoapResource<D>, &mut CoapServerSession, &CoapRequest, CoapResponse)`,
/// with the following arguments:
/// - Either the associated [CoapResource] or the user data depending on the type of handler.
///   Getting the user data directly without the associated resource has the advantage that it is
///   easy to pass a method as a handler, while getting the [CoapResource] gives you the option to
///   manipulate the resource (you can still get the user data from the resource using
///   [CoapResource::user_data].
/// - The server-side session with the peer this request was received from. You may want to store or
///   retrieve additional information about the peer using [CoapSessionCommon::set_app_data()] and
///   [CoapSessionCommon::app_data()].
/// - The incoming [CoapRequest] received from the client.
/// - A prepared [CoapResponse] instance that is already set to the correct token value to be
///   treated as a response to the request by the client.
// We'll allow the complex type as trait aliases are experimental and we'll probably want to use
// those instead of aliasing the entire type including wrappers.
pub struct CoapRequestHandler<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug> {
    raw_handler: unsafe extern "C" fn(
        resource: *mut coap_resource_t,
        session: *mut coap_session_t,
        incoming_pdu: *const coap_pdu_t,
        query: *const coap_string_t,
        response_pdu: *mut coap_pdu_t,
        Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&CoapResource<D>, &mut CoapServerSession, &CoapRequest, CoapResponse)>>,
    __handler_data_type: PhantomData<D>,

impl<D: 'static + ?Sized + Debug> CoapRequestHandler<D> {
    /// Creates a new CoapResourceHandler with the given function as the handler function to call.
    pub fn new<F: 'static + FnMut(&mut D, &mut CoapServerSession, &CoapRequest, CoapResponse)>(
        mut handler: F,
    ) -> CoapRequestHandler<D> {
        CoapRequestHandler::new_resource_ref(move |resource, session, request, response| {
            handler(&mut *resource.user_data_mut(), session, request, response)

    /// Creates a new CoapResourceHandler with the given function as the handler function to call.
    /// In contrast to [CoapRequestHandler::new], the handler for this function is not provided with
    /// a direct reference to the user data, but instead with a reference to the associated
    /// `CoapResource`. This way, you can perform actions on the resource directly (e.g., notify
    /// observers).
    pub fn new_resource_ref<
        F: 'static + FnMut(&CoapResource<D>, &mut CoapServerSession, &CoapRequest, CoapResponse),
        handler: F,
    ) -> CoapRequestHandler<D> {
        let mut wrapped_handler = resource_handler!(coap_resource_handler_dynamic_wrapper, D);
        wrapped_handler.dynamic_handler_function = Some(Box::new(handler));

    /// Creates a new request handler using the given raw handler function.
    /// The handler function provided here is called directly by libcoap.
    /// # Safety
    /// The handler function must not modify the user data value inside of the provided raw resource
    /// in a way that would break normal handler functions. Also, neither the resource nor the
    /// session may be freed by calling `coap_delete_resource` or `coap_session_release`.
    // We'll allow the complex type as trait aliases are experimental and we'll probably want to use
    // those instead of aliasing the entire type including wrappers.
    pub unsafe fn from_raw_handler(
        raw_handler: unsafe extern "C" fn(
            resource: *mut coap_resource_t,
            session: *mut coap_session_t,
            incoming_pdu: *const coap_pdu_t,
            query: *const coap_string_t,
            response_pdu: *mut coap_pdu_t,
    ) -> CoapRequestHandler<D> {
        let handler_fn: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&CoapResource<D>, &mut CoapServerSession, &CoapRequest, CoapResponse)>> =
        CoapRequestHandler {
            dynamic_handler_function: handler_fn,
            __handler_data_type: PhantomData,

impl<D: 'static + ?Sized + Debug> Debug for CoapRequestHandler<D> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

fn coap_resource_handler_dynamic_wrapper<D: Any + ?Sized + Debug>(
    resource: &CoapResource<D>,
    session: &mut CoapServerSession,
    req_message: &CoapRequest,
    rsp_message: CoapResponse,
) {
    resource.call_dynamic_handler(session, req_message, rsp_message);