libafl_qemu 0.9.0

QEMU user backend library for LibAFL
// libafl_qemu only supports Linux currently
#![cfg(target_os = "linux")]
// This lint triggers too often on the current GuestAddr type when emulating 64-bit targets because
// u64::from(GuestAddr) is a no-op, but the .into() call is needed when GuestAddr is u32.
    any(cpu_target = "x86_64", cpu_target = "aarch64"),
// Till they fix this buggy lint in clippy
// Allow only ATM, it will be evetually removed
// libafl_qemu_sys export types with empty struct markers (e.g. struct {} start_init_save)
// This causes bindgen to generate empty Rust struct that are generally not FFI-safe due to C++ having empty structs with size 1
// As the QEMU codebase is C, it is FFI-safe and we just ignore the warning

use std::env;

pub use libafl_qemu_sys as sys;
pub use strum::IntoEnumIterator;

#[cfg(cpu_target = "aarch64")]
pub mod aarch64;
#[cfg(all(cpu_target = "aarch64", not(feature = "clippy")))]
pub use aarch64::*;

#[cfg(cpu_target = "arm")]
pub mod arm;
#[cfg(all(cpu_target = "arm", not(feature = "clippy")))]
pub use arm::*;

#[cfg(cpu_target = "i386")]
pub mod i386;
#[cfg(all(cpu_target = "i386", not(feature = "clippy")))]
pub use i386::*;

#[cfg(cpu_target = "x86_64")]
pub mod x86_64;
#[cfg(cpu_target = "x86_64")]
pub use x86_64::*;

#[cfg(cpu_target = "mips")]
pub mod mips;
#[cfg(cpu_target = "mips")]
pub use mips::*;

pub mod elf;

pub mod helper;
pub use helper::*;
pub mod hooks;
pub use hooks::*;

pub mod edges;
pub use edges::QemuEdgeCoverageHelper;

#[cfg(not(cpu_target = "mips"))]
pub mod cmplog;
#[cfg(not(cpu_target = "mips"))]
pub use cmplog::QemuCmpLogHelper;

#[cfg(emulation_mode = "usermode")]
pub mod snapshot;
#[cfg(emulation_mode = "usermode")]
pub use snapshot::QemuSnapshotHelper;

#[cfg(emulation_mode = "usermode")]
pub mod asan;
#[cfg(emulation_mode = "usermode")]
pub use asan::{init_with_asan, QemuAsanHelper};

pub mod blocks;

pub mod calls;
pub mod drcov;

pub mod executor;
pub use executor::QemuExecutor;
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
pub use executor::QemuForkExecutor;

pub mod emu;
pub use emu::*;

pub fn filter_qemu_args() -> Vec<String> {
    let mut args = vec![env::args().next().unwrap()];
    let mut args_iter = env::args();

    while let Some(arg) = {
        if arg.starts_with("--libafl") {
        } else if arg.starts_with("-libafl") {
            args.push("-".to_owned() + &arg);

#[cfg(feature = "python")]
use pyo3::prelude::*;

#[cfg(feature = "python")]
#[pyo3(name = "libafl_qemu")]
#[allow(clippy::items_after_statements, clippy::too_many_lines)]
pub fn python_module(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
    let regsm = PyModule::new(py, "regs")?;
    for r in Regs::iter() {
        let v: i32 = r.into();
        regsm.add(&format!("{r:?}"), v)?;

    let mmapm = PyModule::new(py, "mmap")?;
    for r in emu::MmapPerms::iter() {
        let v: i32 = r.into();
        mmapm.add(&format!("{r:?}"), v)?;

