lexical-write-float 0.8.5

Efficient formatting of floats to strings.
//! Adaptation of the V8 ftoa algorithm with a custom radix.
//! This algorithm is adapted from the V8 codebase,
//! and may be found [here](https://github.com/v8/v8).
//! # Unsupported Features
//! This does not support a few features from the format packed struct,
//! most notably, it will never write numbers in scientific notation.
//! Scientific notation must be disabled.

#![cfg(feature = "radix")]

use crate::options::{Options, RoundMode};
use crate::shared;
use core::mem;
use lexical_util::algorithm::{ltrim_char_count, rtrim_char_count};
use lexical_util::constants::{FormattedSize, BUFFER_SIZE};
use lexical_util::digit::{char_to_digit_const, digit_to_char_const};
use lexical_util::format::NumberFormat;
use lexical_util::num::Float;
use lexical_write_integer::write::WriteInteger;

// ---------

/// Naive float-to-string algorithm for generic radixes.
/// This assumes the float is:
///     1). Non-special (NaN or Infinite).
///     2). Non-negative.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as `bytes` is large enough to hold the number of
/// significant digits, any (optional) leading or trailing zeros,
/// and the scientific exponent.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if exponent notation is used.
pub unsafe fn write_float<F: Float, const FORMAT: u128>(
    float: F,
    bytes: &mut [u8],
    options: &Options,
) -> usize
    <F as Float>::Unsigned: WriteInteger + FormattedSize,

    // Assert no special cases remain, no negative numbers, and a valid format.
    let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
    debug_assert!(float >= F::ZERO);
    debug_assert!(F::BITS <= 64);

    // Validate our options: we don't support different exponent bases here.
    debug_assert!(format.mantissa_radix() == format.exponent_base());

    // Temporary buffer for the result. We start with the decimal point in the
    // middle and write to the left for the integer part and to the right for the
    // fractional part. 1024 characters for the exponent and 52 for the mantissa
    // either way, with additional space for sign, decimal point and string
    // termination should be sufficient.
    const SIZE: usize = 2200;
    let buffer: mem::MaybeUninit<[u8; SIZE]> = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
    // SAFETY: safe, since we never read bytes that weren't written.
    let mut buffer = unsafe { buffer.assume_init() };
    //let buffer = buffer.as_mut_ptr();
    let initial_cursor: usize = SIZE / 2;
    let mut integer_cursor = initial_cursor;
    let mut fraction_cursor = initial_cursor;
    let base = F::as_cast(format.radix());

    // Split the float into an integer part and a fractional part.
    let mut integer = float.floor();
    let mut fraction = float - integer;

    // We only compute fractional digits up to the input double's precision.
    // This fails if the value is at f64::MAX. IF we take the next positive,
    // we'll get literal infinite. We don't care about NaN comparisons, since
    // the float **must** be finite, so do this.
    let mut delta = if float.to_bits() == F::MAX.to_bits() {
        F::as_cast(0.5) * (float - float.prev_positive())
    } else {
        F::as_cast(0.5) * (float.next_positive() - float)
    delta = F::ZERO.next_positive().max_finite(delta);
    debug_assert!(delta > F::ZERO);

    // Write our fraction digits.
    // SAFETY: we have 1100 digits, which is enough for any float f64 or smaller.
    if fraction > delta {
        loop {
            // Shift up by one digit.
            fraction *= base;
            delta *= base;
            // Write digit.
            let digit = fraction.as_u32();
            let c = digit_to_char_const(digit, format.radix());
            // SAFETY: safe since we never write more than 1100 digits.
            unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[fraction_cursor]) = c };
            fraction_cursor += 1;
            // Calculate remainder.
            fraction -= F::as_cast(digit);
            // Round to even.
            if fraction > F::as_cast(0.5) || (fraction == F::as_cast(0.5) && (digit & 1) != 0) {
                if fraction + delta > F::ONE {
                    // We need to back trace already written digits in case of carry-over.
                    loop {
                        fraction_cursor -= 1;
                        if fraction_cursor == initial_cursor - 1 {
                            // Carry over to the integer part.
                            integer += F::ONE;
                        // Reconstruct digit.
                        // SAFETY: safe since we never write more than 1100 digits.
                        let c = unsafe { index_unchecked!(buffer[fraction_cursor]) };
                        if let Some(digit) = char_to_digit_const(c, format.radix()) {
                            let idx = digit + 1;
                            let c = digit_to_char_const(idx, format.radix());
                            // SAFETY: safe since we never write more than 1100 digits.
                            unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[fraction_cursor]) = c };
                            fraction_cursor += 1;

            if delta >= fraction {

    // Compute integer digits. Fill unrepresented digits with zero.
    // SAFETY: we have 1100 digits, which is enough for any float f64 or smaller.
    // We do this first, so we can do extended precision control later.
    while (integer / base).exponent() > 0 {
        integer /= base;
        integer_cursor -= 1;
        // SAFETY: safe since we never write more than 1100 digits, because
        // the largest integer at `f64::MAX` is ~1024 digits.
        unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[integer_cursor]) = b'0' };

    loop {
        let remainder = integer % base;
        integer_cursor -= 1;
        let idx = remainder.as_u32();
        let c = digit_to_char_const(idx, format.radix());
        // SAFETY: safe since we never write more than 1100 digits, because
        // the largest integer at `f64::MAX` is ~1024 digits.
        unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[integer_cursor]) = c };
        integer = (integer - remainder) / base;

        if integer <= F::ZERO {

    // Get our exponent.
    // We can't use a naive float log algorithm, since rounding issues can
    // cause major issues. For example, `12157665459056928801f64` is `3^40`,
    // but glibc gives us (f.ln() / 3.0.ln()) of `39.999`, while Android, and
    // MUSL libm, and openlibm give us `40.0`, the correct answer. This of
    // course means we have off-by-1 errors, so the correct way is to trim
    // leading zeros, and then calculate the exponent as the offset.
    // SAFETY: safe since both `integer_cursor` and `fraction_cursor` within bounds.
    let digits = unsafe { &index_unchecked!(buffer[integer_cursor..fraction_cursor]) };
    let zero_count = ltrim_char_count(digits, b'0');
    let sci_exp: i32 = initial_cursor as i32 - integer_cursor as i32 - zero_count as i32 - 1;
        args => sci_exp, &mut buffer, bytes, initial_cursor,
                integer_cursor, fraction_cursor, options,

/// Write float to string in scientific notation.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as `bytes` is large enough to hold the number of digits
/// and the scientific notation's exponent digits.
/// # Preconditions
/// The mantissa must be truncated and rounded, prior to calling this,
/// based on the number of maximum digits. In addition, `exponent_base`
/// and `mantissa_radix` in `FORMAT` must be identical.
pub unsafe fn write_float_scientific<const FORMAT: u128>(
    sci_exp: i32,
    buffer: &mut [u8],
    bytes: &mut [u8],
    initial_cursor: usize,
    integer_cursor: usize,
    fraction_cursor: usize,
    options: &Options,
) -> usize {
    debug_assert!(bytes.len() >= BUFFER_SIZE);

    // Config options.
    let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
    let decimal_point = options.decimal_point();

    // Round and truncate the number of significant digits.
    let start: usize = if sci_exp <= 0 {
        ((initial_cursor as i32) - sci_exp - 1) as usize
    } else {
    let end = fraction_cursor.min(start + MAX_DIGIT_LENGTH + 1);
    // SAFETY: safe since `start + digit_count <= end && end <= buffer.len()`.
    let (digit_count, carried) =
        unsafe { truncate_and_round(buffer, start, end, format.radix(), options) };
    // SAFETY: safe since `start + digit_count <= end`.
    let digits = unsafe { &index_unchecked!(buffer[start..start + digit_count]) };
    // If we carried, just adjust the exponent since we will always have a
    // `digit_count == 1`. This means we don't have to worry about any other
    // digits.
    let sci_exp = sci_exp + carried as i32;

    // Non-exponent portion.
    // Get as many digits as possible, up to `MAX_DIGIT_LENGTH+1`
    // since we are ignoring the digit for the first digit,
    // or the number of written digits.
    // SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
    let digit_count = unsafe {
        index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[0] = digits[0]);
        index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[1]) = decimal_point;
        let src = digits.as_ptr().add(1);
        let dst = &mut index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[2..digit_count + 1]);
        copy_nonoverlapping_unchecked!(dst, src, digit_count - 1);
        let zeros = rtrim_char_count(&index_unchecked!(bytes[2..digit_count + 1]), b'0');
        digit_count - zeros
    // Extra 1 since we have the decimal point.
    let mut cursor = digit_count + 1;

    // Determine if we need to add more trailing zeros.
    let exact_count = shared::min_exact_digits(digit_count, options);

    // Write any trailing digits to the output.
    // SAFETY: bytes cannot be empty.
    if !format.no_exponent_without_fraction() && cursor == 2 && options.trim_floats() {
        // Need to trim floats from trailing zeros, and we have only a decimal.
        cursor -= 1;
    } else if exact_count < 2 {
        // Need to have at least 1 digit, the trailing `.0`.
        // SAFETY: safe as long as `cursor < bytes.len()`.
        unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor]) = b'0' };
        cursor += 1;
    } else if exact_count > digit_count {
        // NOTE: Neither `exact_count >= digit_count >= 2`.
        // We need to write `exact_count - (cursor - 1)` digits, since
        // cursor includes the decimal point.
        let digits_end = exact_count + 1;
        // SAFETY: this is safe as long as the buffer was large enough
        // to hold `min_significant_digits + 1`.
        unsafe {
            slice_fill_unchecked!(index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor..digits_end]), b'0');
        cursor = digits_end;

    // Now, write our scientific notation.
    // SAFETY: safe if bytes is large enough to store the largest float with the smallest radix.
    unsafe { shared::write_exponent::<FORMAT>(bytes, &mut cursor, sci_exp, options.exponent()) };


/// Write float to string without scientific notation.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as `bytes` is large enough to hold the number of
/// significant digits and the leading zeros.
pub unsafe fn write_float_nonscientific<const FORMAT: u128>(
    _: i32,
    buffer: &mut [u8],
    bytes: &mut [u8],
    initial_cursor: usize,
    integer_cursor: usize,
    fraction_cursor: usize,
    options: &Options,
) -> usize {
    debug_assert!(bytes.len() >= BUFFER_SIZE);

    // Config options.
    let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
    let decimal_point = options.decimal_point();

    // Round and truncate the number of significant digits.
    let mut start = integer_cursor;
    let end = fraction_cursor.min(start + MAX_DIGIT_LENGTH + 1);
    // SAFETY: safe since `start + digit_count <= end && end <= buffer.len()`.
    let (mut digit_count, carried) =
        unsafe { truncate_and_round(buffer, start, end, format.radix(), options) };

    // Adjust the buffer if we carried.
    // Note that we can **only** carry if it overflowed through the integer
    // component, since we always write at least 1 integer digit.
    if carried {
        debug_assert!(digit_count == 1);
        start -= 1;
        // SAFETY: safe since `start > 0`, since we have 1100 bytes for integer digits,
        // but the theoretical max is ~1024.
        unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[start]) = b'1' };

    // SAFETY: safe since `start + digit_count <= end`.
    let digits = unsafe { &index_unchecked!(buffer[start..start + digit_count]) };

    // Write the integer component.
    let integer_length = initial_cursor - start;
    let integer_count = digit_count.min(integer_length);
    // SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
    unsafe {
        let src = digits.as_ptr();
        let dst = &mut index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[..integer_count]);
        copy_nonoverlapping_unchecked!(dst, src, integer_count);
    if integer_count < integer_length {
        // We have more leading digits than digits we wrote: can write
        // any additional digits, and then just write the remaining zeros.
        // SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
        unsafe {
            let digits = &mut index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[integer_count..integer_length]);
            slice_fill_unchecked!(digits, b'0');
    let mut cursor = integer_length;

    // SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
    unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor]) = decimal_point };
    cursor += 1;

    // Write the fraction component.
    // We've only consumed `integer_count` digits, since this input
    // may have been truncated.
    // SAFETY: safe since `integer_count < digits.len()` since `digit_count < digits.len()`.
    let digits = unsafe { &index_unchecked!(digits[integer_count..]) };
    let fraction_count = digit_count.saturating_sub(integer_length);
    if fraction_count > 0 {
        // Need to write additional fraction digits.
        // SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
        unsafe {
            let src = digits.as_ptr();
            let end = cursor + fraction_count;
            let dst = &mut index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor..end]);
            copy_nonoverlapping_unchecked!(dst, src, fraction_count);
            let zeros = rtrim_char_count(&index_unchecked!(bytes[cursor..end]), b'0');
            cursor += fraction_count - zeros;
    } else if options.trim_floats() {
        // Remove the decimal point, went too far.
        cursor -= 1;
    } else {
        // SAFETY: safe if `cursor < bytes.len()`.
        unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor]) = b'0' };
        cursor += 1;
        digit_count += 1;

    // Determine if we need to add more trailing zeros.
    let exact_count = shared::min_exact_digits(digit_count, options);

    // Write any trailing digits to the output.
    // SAFETY: bytes cannot be empty.
    if (fraction_count > 0 || !options.trim_floats()) && exact_count > digit_count {
        // NOTE: Neither `exact_count >= digit_count >= 2`.
        // We need to write `exact_count - (cursor - 1)` digits, since
        // cursor includes the decimal point.
        let digits_end = cursor + exact_count - digit_count;
        // SAFETY: this is safe as long as the buffer was large enough
        // to hold `min_significant_digits + 1`.
        unsafe {
            slice_fill_unchecked!(index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor..digits_end]), b'0');
        cursor = digits_end;


// Store the first digit and up to `BUFFER_SIZE - 20` digits
// that occur from left-to-right in the decimal representation.
// For example, for the number 123.45, store the first digit `1`
// and `2345` as the remaining values. Then, decide on-the-fly
// if we need scientific or regular formatting.
// - 1      # first digit
// - 1      # period
// - 1      # +/- sign
// - 2      # e and +/- sign
// - 9      # max exp is 308, in radix2 is 9
// - 1      # null terminator
// = 15 characters of formatting required
// Just pad it a bit, we don't want memory corruption.
const MAX_NONDIGIT_LENGTH: usize = 25;

/// Round mantissa to the nearest value, returning only the number
/// of significant digits. Returns the number of digits of the mantissa,
/// and if the rounding did a full carry.
/// # Safety
/// Safe if `end <= buffer.len()`.
pub unsafe fn truncate_and_round(
    buffer: &mut [u8],
    start: usize,
    end: usize,
    radix: u32,
    options: &Options,
) -> (usize, bool) {
    debug_assert!(end >= start);
    debug_assert!(end <= buffer.len());

    // Get the number of max digits, and then calculate if we need to round.
    let digit_count = end - start;
    let max_digits = if let Some(digits) = options.max_significant_digits() {
    } else {
        return (digit_count, false);

    if max_digits >= digit_count {
        return (digit_count, false);
    if options.round_mode() == RoundMode::Truncate {
        // Don't round input, just shorten number of digits emitted.
        return (max_digits, false);

    // Need to add the number of leading zeros to the digits digit_count.
    let max_digits = {
        // SAFETY: safe since `start + max_digits < end`.
        let digits = unsafe { &mut index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[start..start + max_digits]) };
        max_digits + ltrim_char_count(digits, b'0')

    // We need to round-nearest, tie-even, so we need to handle
    // the truncation **here**. If the representation is above
    // halfway at all, we need to round up, even if 1 bit.
    // SAFETY: safe since `max_digits < digit_count`, and `max_digits > 0`.
    let last = unsafe { index_unchecked!(buffer[start + max_digits - 1]) };
    let first = unsafe { index_unchecked!(buffer[start + max_digits]) };
    let halfway = digit_to_char_const(radix / 2, radix);
    let rem = radix % 2;
    if first < halfway {
        // Just truncate, going to round-down anyway.
        (max_digits, false)
    } else if first > halfway {
        // Round-up always.
        // SAFETY: safe if `start <= end, because `max_digits < digit_count`.
        let digits = unsafe { &mut index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[start..start + max_digits]) };
        unsafe { shared::round_up(digits, max_digits, radix) }
    } else if rem == 0 {
        // Even radix, our halfway point `$c00000.....`.
        // SAFETY: safe if `start <= end, because `max_digits < digit_count`.
        let truncated = unsafe { &index_unchecked!(buffer[start + max_digits + 1..end]) };
        if truncated.iter().all(|&x| x == b'0') && last & 1 == 0 {
            // At an exact halfway point, and even, round-down.
            (max_digits, false)
        } else {
            // Above halfway or at halfway and even, round-up
            // SAFETY: safe if `digit_count <= digits.len()`, because `max_digits < digit_count`.
            let digits = unsafe { &mut index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[start..start + max_digits]) };
            unsafe { shared::round_up(digits, max_digits, radix) }
    } else {
        // Odd radix, our halfway point is `$c$c$c$c$c$c....`. Cannot halfway points.
        // SAFETY: safe if `start <= end, because `max_digits < digit_count`.
        let truncated = unsafe { &index_unchecked!(buffer[start + max_digits + 1..end]) };
        for &c in truncated.iter() {
            if c < halfway {
                return (max_digits, false);
            } else if c > halfway {
                // Above halfway
                // SAFETY: safe if `digit_count <= digits.len()`, because
                // `max_digits < digit_count`.
                let digits =
                    unsafe { &mut index_unchecked_mut!(buffer[start..start + max_digits]) };
                return unsafe { shared::round_up(digits, max_digits, radix) };
        (max_digits, false)