lexical-write-float 0.8.5

Efficient formatting of floats to strings.
//! Optimized float serializer for hexadecimal floats.
//! This actually works for any case where we can exactly represent
//! any power of the mantissa radix using the exponent base. For example,
//! given a mantissa radix of `16`, and an exponent base of `8`,
//! `16^2` cannot be exactly represented in octal. In short:
//! ⌊log2(r) / log2(b)⌋ == ⌈log2(r) / log2(b)⌉.
//! This gives us the following mantissa radix/exponent base combinations:
//! - 4, 2
//! - 8, 2
//! - 16, 2
//! - 32, 2
//! - 16, 4

#![cfg(feature = "power-of-two")]

use crate::binary::{
use crate::options::Options;
use crate::shared;
use lexical_util::algorithm::rtrim_char_count;
use lexical_util::constants::{FormattedSize, BUFFER_SIZE};
use lexical_util::format::NumberFormat;
use lexical_util::num::{Float, Integer};
use lexical_write_integer::write::WriteInteger;

/// Optimized float-to-string algorithm for hexadecimal strings.
/// This assumes the float is:
///     1). Non-special (NaN or Infinite).
///     2). Non-negative.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as the float isn't special (NaN or Infinity), and `bytes`
/// is large enough to hold the significant digits.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the radix for the significant digits is not 16, if
/// the exponent base is not 2, or if the radix for the exponent
/// digits is not 10.
pub unsafe fn write_float<F: Float, const FORMAT: u128>(
    float: F,
    bytes: &mut [u8],
    options: &Options,
) -> usize
    <F as Float>::Unsigned: WriteInteger + FormattedSize,

    // Assert no special cases remain, no negative numbers,
    // and a valid format.
    let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
    debug_assert!(float >= F::ZERO);
        (format.radix(), format.exponent_base()),
        (4, 2) | (8, 2) | (16, 2) | (32, 2) | (16, 4)

    // Quickly calculate the number of bits we would have written.
    // This simulates writing the digits, so we can calculate the
    // scientific exponent. Since this number is often constant
    // (except for denormal values), and doesn't describe
    // the actual shift or digits we use...
    // Note:
    //      Except for denormal floats, this will always
    //      be `F::MANTISSA_SIZE`, unless we have special
    //      formatting write control.
    let mantissa = float.mantissa();
    let radix = format.mantissa_radix();
    let (mantissa, mantissa_bits) = truncate_and_round(mantissa, radix, options);

    // See if we should use an exponent if the number was represented
    // in scientific notation, AKA, `I.FFFF^EEE`. If the exponent is above
    // a certain value, then use scientific notation. We therefore have
    // to adjust the exponent by the number of mantissa bits, and shift
    // by 1 (since a scientific exponent of 0 should have 1 digit ahead).
    // This is a binary exp, so we need to how large our
    // adjusted exp to the radix is.
    // The scientific exponent is always this way: it's the float exponent
    // (binary) + mantissa bits (binary) - 1 (for the first bit, binary),
    // since 1.0 is scientific exponent 0. We need to check the scientific
    // exponent relative to the number of leading or trailing 0s
    // it would introduce, that is, scaled to bits/digit. The min exp must
    // be less than, and the max must be above 0.
    let exp = float.exponent();
    let mut sci_exp = exp + mantissa_bits as i32 - 1;

    // Normalize the exponent if we have an actual zero.
    if mantissa == <F as Float>::Unsigned::ZERO {
        sci_exp = 0;

        generic => _,
        args => mantissa, exp, sci_exp, bytes, options,

/// Write float to string in scientific notation.
/// # Safety
/// Safe as long as `bytes` is large enough to hold the number of digits
/// and the scientific notation's exponent digits.
/// # Preconditions
/// The mantissa must be truncated and rounded, prior to calling this,
/// based on the number of maximum digits.
pub unsafe fn write_float_scientific<M, const FORMAT: u128>(
    mantissa: M,
    exp: i32,
    sci_exp: i32,
    bytes: &mut [u8],
    options: &Options,
) -> usize
    M: WriteInteger + FormattedSize,
    // Just decent size bounds checks to ensure we have a lot of space.
    assert!(M::FORMATTED_SIZE < BUFFER_SIZE - 2);
    debug_assert!(bytes.len() >= BUFFER_SIZE);

    // Config options
    let format = NumberFormat::<{ FORMAT }> {};
    let bits_per_digit = fast_log2(format.mantissa_radix());
    let bits_per_base = fast_log2(format.exponent_base());
    let decimal_point = options.decimal_point();

    // Write our value, then trim trailing zeros, before we check the exact
    // bounds of the digits, to avoid accidentally choosing too many digits.
    // shl is the powers of two we have missing from our exponent that nee
    // to be transferred to our significant digits. Since the all mantissa
    // radix powers can be **exactly** represented by exponent bases,
    // we can just shift this into the mantissa.
    let shl = calculate_shl(exp, bits_per_digit);
    let value = mantissa << shl;

    // SAFETY: safe since the buffer must be larger than `M::FORMATTED_SIZE`.
    let digit_count = unsafe {
        let count = value.write_mantissa::<M, FORMAT>(&mut index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[1..]));
        index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[0] = bytes[1]);
        index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[1]) = decimal_point;
        let zeros = rtrim_char_count(&index_unchecked!(bytes[2..count + 1]), b'0');
        count - zeros
    // Extra 1 since we have the decimal point.
    let mut cursor = digit_count + 1;

    // Determine if we need to add more trailing zeros.
    let exact_count = shared::min_exact_digits(digit_count, options);

    // Write any trailing digits to the output.
    // SAFETY: safe if the buffer is large enough to hold the significant digits.
    if !format.no_exponent_without_fraction() && cursor == 2 && options.trim_floats() {
        // Need to trim floats from trailing zeros, and we have only a decimal.
        cursor -= 1;
    } else if exact_count < 2 {
        // Need to have at least 1 digit, the trailing `.0`.
        unsafe { index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor]) = b'0' };
        cursor += 1;
    } else if exact_count > digit_count {
        // NOTE: Neither `exact_count >= digit_count >= 2`.
        // We need to write `exact_count - (cursor - 1)` digits, since
        // cursor includes the decimal point.
        let digits_end = exact_count + 1;
        // SAFETY: this is safe as long as the buffer was large enough
        // to hold `min_significant_digits + 1`.
        unsafe {
            slice_fill_unchecked!(index_unchecked_mut!(bytes[cursor..digits_end]), b'0');
        cursor = digits_end;

    // Now, write our scientific notation.
    // SAFETY: safe if bytes is large enough to store all digits.
    let scaled_sci_exp = scale_sci_exp(sci_exp, bits_per_digit, bits_per_base);
    unsafe {
        shared::write_exponent::<FORMAT>(bytes, &mut cursor, scaled_sci_exp, options.exponent())


// ---------

/// We need to scale the scientific exponent for writing.
/// This is similar to [binary::scale_sci_exp](crate::binary::scale_sci_exp),
/// however, we need to effectively have the same algorithm with `bits_per_base`
/// instead of `bits_per_digit`. However, `bits_per_base` is smaller, and
/// will not properly floor the values, so we add in an extra step.
pub fn scale_sci_exp(sci_exp: i32, bits_per_digit: i32, bits_per_base: i32) -> i32 {
    if sci_exp < 0 {
        let neg_sci_exp = sci_exp.wrapping_neg();
        let floor = fast_ceildiv(neg_sci_exp, bits_per_digit);
        (floor * bits_per_digit / bits_per_base).wrapping_neg()
    } else {
        let floor = sci_exp / bits_per_digit;
        floor * bits_per_digit / bits_per_base