letterboxd 0.4.0

Letterboxd API provides access to data on the Letterboxd.com website

Letterboxd API for Rust

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Letterboxd API client for accessing the data on the Letterboxd.com website in Rust.


async fn main() -> letterboxd::Result<()> {
    let api_key_pair = letterboxd::ApiKeyPair::from_env().unwrap();
    let client = letterboxd::Client::new(api_key_pair);

    let req = letterboxd::SearchRequest {
        input: "Fight Club".to_string(),
        per_page: Some(1),
    let resp = client.search(&req).await?;
    println!("{:?}", resp);


For more examples cf. tests/integration.rs.

Note: Not all APIs are implemented. Feel free to contribute missing implementation, usually these are very straight forward.



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