Crate letterboxd
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This crate wraps the Letterboxd API which provides easy and flexible access to data on the website.
The client’s API follows the following rules:
- All Letterboxd API calls are asynchronous.
- A client is always created from API key and secret. If auth token, is provided, client calls will be authenticated. Client can be created from username/password. A token can be set after client was created.
- API key and secret can be created from default environment variables.
- Except GET calls all methods include a path parameter.
Further, most of the Client’s methods take a request struct, which is then serialized to url encoded parameters, and return a response type, which is deserialized from JSON. However, some methods omit the request or/and the response struct.
Entities are identified in the API by Letterboxd ID (or LID), an alpha-numeric string value that is returned where appropriate. For films, lists and reviews, the LID can also be found through the Letterboxd website as the path portion of the entity’s shareable link.
For more information, cf. API docs at
Client without authentication:
async fn list_films() -> letterboxd::Result<()> {
let api_key_pair = letterboxd::ApiKeyPair::from_env().unwrap();
let client = letterboxd::Client::new(api_key_pair);
let req = letterboxd::FilmsRequest {
per_page: Some(1),
let resp = client.films(&req).await?;
println!("{:?}", resp);
Create and authenticate client with username/password:
async fn update_film_relationship() -> letterboxd::Result<()> {
let api_key_pair = letterboxd::ApiKeyPair::from_env().unwrap();
let username = std::env::var("LETTERBOXD_USERNAME").unwrap();
let password = std::env::var("LETTERBOXD_PASSWORD").unwrap();
let client = letterboxd::Client::authenticate(api_key_pair, &username, &password).await?;
// token can be retrieved after authentication for e.g. caching it on disk
println!("{:?}", client.token().unwrap());
let req = letterboxd::FilmRelationshipUpdateRequest {
watched: Some(true),
client.update_film_relationship("2a9q", &req).await?; // Fight Club
- API key/secret pair.
- Letterboxd asynchronous client.
- Error type returned by
. - When PATCHing a film relationship, you may send all of the current property struct values, or just those you wish to change. Properties that violate business rules (see watched below) or contain invalid values will be ignored.
Type Aliases§
- A cursor is a String value provided by the API. It should be treated as an opaque value — don’t change it.
- Result type returned by