leptos_reactive 0.1.3

Reactive system for the Leptos web framework.
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap, fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, rc::Rc};

use crate::{create_isomorphic_effect, create_signal, ReadSignal, Scope, WriteSignal};

/// Creates a conditional signal that only notifies subscribers when a change
/// in the source signal’s value changes whether it is equal to the key value
/// (as determined by [PartialEq].)
/// **You probably don’t need this,** but it can be a very useful optimization
/// in certain situations (e.g., “set the class `selected` if `selected() == this_row_index`)
/// because it reduces them from `O(n)` to `O(1)`.
/// ```
/// # use leptos_reactive::*;
/// # use std::rc::Rc;
/// # use std::cell::RefCell;
/// # create_scope(create_runtime(), |cx| {
///    let (a, set_a) = create_signal(cx, 0);
///    let is_selected = create_selector(cx, a);
///    let total_notifications = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
///    let not = Rc::clone(&total_notifications);
///    create_isomorphic_effect(cx, {let is_selected = is_selected.clone(); move |_| {
///      if is_selected(5) {
///        *not.borrow_mut() += 1;
///      }
///    }});
///    assert_eq!(is_selected(5), false);
///    assert_eq!(*total_notifications.borrow(), 0);
///    set_a(5);
///    assert_eq!(is_selected(5), true);
///    assert_eq!(*total_notifications.borrow(), 1);
///    set_a(5);
///    assert_eq!(is_selected(5), true);
///    assert_eq!(*total_notifications.borrow(), 1);
///    set_a(4);
///    assert_eq!(is_selected(5), false);
///  # })
///  # .dispose()
/// ```
pub fn create_selector<T>(
    cx: Scope,
    source: impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static,
) -> impl Fn(T) -> bool + Clone
    T: PartialEq + Eq + Debug + Clone + Hash + 'static,
    create_selector_with_fn(cx, source, |a, b| a == b)

/// Creates a conditional signal that only notifies subscribers when a change
/// in the source signal’s value changes whether the given function is true.
/// **You probably don’t need this,** but it can be a very useful optimization
/// in certain situations (e.g., “set the class `selected` if `selected() == this_row_index`)
/// because it reduces them from `O(n)` to `O(1)`.
pub fn create_selector_with_fn<T>(
    cx: Scope,
    source: impl Fn() -> T + Clone + 'static,
    f: impl Fn(&T, &T) -> bool + Clone + 'static,
) -> impl Fn(T) -> bool + Clone
    T: PartialEq + Eq + Debug + Clone + Hash + 'static,
    let subs: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<T, (ReadSignal<bool>, WriteSignal<bool>)>>> =
    let v = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));

    create_isomorphic_effect(cx, {
        let subs = Rc::clone(&subs);
        let f = f.clone();
        let v = Rc::clone(&v);
        move |prev: Option<T>| {
            let next_value = source();
            *v.borrow_mut() = Some(next_value.clone());
            if prev.as_ref() != Some(&next_value) {
                let subs = { subs.borrow().clone() };
                for (key, signal) in subs.into_iter() {
                    if f(&key, &next_value) || (prev.is_some() && f(&key, prev.as_ref().unwrap())) {
                        signal.1.update(|n| *n = true);

    move |key| {
        let mut subs = subs.borrow_mut();
        let (read, _) = subs
            .or_insert_with(|| create_signal(cx, false));
        _ = read.try_with(|n| *n);
        f(&key, v.borrow().as_ref().unwrap())