leptos_reactive 0.1.3

Reactive system for the Leptos web framework.
use std::{
    any::{Any, TypeId},

use crate::{runtime::with_runtime, Scope};

/// Provides a context value of type `T` to the current reactive [Scope](crate::Scope)
/// and all of its descendants. This can be consumed using [use_context](crate::use_context).
/// This is useful for passing values down to components or functions lower in a
/// hierarchy without needs to “prop drill” by passing them through each layer as
/// arguments to a function or properties of a component.
/// Context works similarly to variable scope: a context that is provided higher in
/// the component tree can be used lower down, but a context that is provided lower
/// in the tree cannot be used higher up.
/// ```
/// use leptos::*;
/// // define a newtype we'll provide as context
/// // contexts are stored by their types, so it can be useful to create
/// // a new type to avoid confusion with other `WriteSignal<i32>`s we may have
/// // all types to be shared via context should implement `Clone`
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// struct ValueSetter(WriteSignal<i32>);
/// #[component]
/// pub fn Provider(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
///     let (value, set_value) = create_signal(cx, 0);
///     // the newtype pattern isn't *necessary* here but is a good practice
///     // it avoids confusion with other possible future `WriteSignal<bool>` contexts
///     // and makes it easier to refer to it in ButtonD
///     provide_context(cx, ValueSetter(set_value));
///     // because <Consumer/> is nested inside <Provider/>,
///     // it has access to the provided context
///     view! { cx, <div><Consumer/></div> }
/// }
/// #[component]
/// pub fn Consumer(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
///     // consume the provided context of type `ValueSetter` using `use_context`
///     // this traverses up the tree of `Scope`s and gets the nearest provided `ValueSetter`
///     let set_value = use_context::<ValueSetter>(cx).unwrap().0;
///     todo!()
/// }
/// ```
pub fn provide_context<T>(cx: Scope, value: T)
    T: Clone + 'static,
    let id = value.type_id();

    _ = with_runtime(cx.runtime, |runtime| {
        let mut contexts = runtime.scope_contexts.borrow_mut();
        let context = contexts.entry(cx.id).unwrap().or_insert_with(HashMap::new);
        context.insert(id, Box::new(value) as Box<dyn Any>);

/// Extracts a context value of type `T` from the reactive system by traversing
/// it upwards, beginning from the current [Scope](crate::Scope) and iterating
/// through its parents, if any. The context value should have been provided elsewhere
/// using [provide_context](crate::provide_context).
/// This is useful for passing values down to components or functions lower in a
/// hierarchy without needs to “prop drill” by passing them through each layer as
/// arguments to a function or properties of a component.
/// Context works similarly to variable scope: a context that is provided higher in
/// the component tree can be used lower down, but a context that is provided lower
/// in the tree cannot be used higher up.
/// ```
/// use leptos::*;
/// // define a newtype we'll provide as context
/// // contexts are stored by their types, so it can be useful to create
/// // a new type to avoid confusion with other `WriteSignal<i32>`s we may have
/// // all types to be shared via context should implement `Clone`
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// struct ValueSetter(WriteSignal<i32>);
/// #[component]
/// pub fn Provider(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
///     let (value, set_value) = create_signal(cx, 0);
///     // the newtype pattern isn't *necessary* here but is a good practice
///     // it avoids confusion with other possible future `WriteSignal<bool>` contexts
///     // and makes it easier to refer to it in ButtonD
///     provide_context(cx, ValueSetter(set_value));
///     // because <Consumer/> is nested inside <Provider/>,
///     // it has access to the provided context
///     view! { cx, <div><Consumer/></div> }
/// }
/// #[component]
/// pub fn Consumer(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
///     // consume the provided context of type `ValueSetter` using `use_context`
///     // this traverses up the tree of `Scope`s and gets the nearest provided `ValueSetter`
///     let set_value = use_context::<ValueSetter>(cx).unwrap().0;
///     todo!()
/// }
/// ```
pub fn use_context<T>(cx: Scope) -> Option<T>
    T: Clone + 'static,
    let id = TypeId::of::<T>();
    with_runtime(cx.runtime, |runtime| {
        let local_value = {
            let contexts = runtime.scope_contexts.borrow();
            let context = contexts.get(cx.id);
                .and_then(|context| context.get(&id).and_then(|val| val.downcast_ref::<T>()))
        match local_value {
            Some(val) => Some(val),
            None => runtime
                .and_then(|parent| {
                    use_context::<T>(Scope {
                        runtime: cx.runtime,
                        id: *parent,