lens-rs_derive 0.3.2

macro to derive lens for data type
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deriving lens for custom data types.

see the guide


#[derive(Debug, Lens)]
struct Baz<'a, A, B, C>{
    a: &'a A,     // can only take the immutable ref by optics::a
    b: &'a mut B, // can take the mutable ref by optics::b
    c: C          // can mv it out by by optics::c

#[derive(Review, Prism, Debug)]
enum AnEnum<T> {
    A(T, i32), // couldn't derive Prism or Review
    E {},

#[derive(Lens, Debug)]
struct Foo {
    #[optic] a: i32,
    #[optic] b: i32,

fn test() -> Option<()> {
    let x = Review::review(optics!(Some.B), Foo {
        a: 3,
        b: 2,
    assert_eq!(x.preview(optics!(Some.B.b))?, 2);


  • can't derive Lens for enum.
  • can't derive Prism and Review for the variant has more than one argument or has named field.