leetcode-picker 0.1.8

Command line app for picking leetcode quiz
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CAUTION: this tools isn't mainmtain anymore

This is a tiny app for picking the quiz from leetcode, print out quiz description and code snippet.


Firstly, login leetcode and find out the cookie csrftoken in cache, it looks like c6J80TGFMuNrdy4O9cuedV9fSSDw112xRUmTqkcgUs9sYbxxxxxxxxxxxx. Then:

leetcode-picker --id 1 -c rust --token c6J80TGFMuNrdy4O9cuedV9fSSDw112xRUmTqkcgUs9sYbxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Or you can put token inside separate file ./vault/csrftoken

echo 'c6J80TGFMuNrdy4O9cuedV9fSSDw112xRUmTqkcgUs9sYbxxxxxxxxxxxx' > ./vault/csrftoken

then the ./vault/csrftoken file is your token file, and run like leetcode-picker --id 1 -c rust will do the same thing as command before.

Unless you give --id or --name, you always need -r for randomly pick.


leetcode-picker -h

Pick random quiz

leetcode-picker -r or leetcode-picker --random

Pick random quiz until you are satisfied

leetcode-picker -r -i

Pick quiz by name

leetcode-picker --name two-sum

Pick quiz by id

leetcode-picker --id 1

Pick special level quiz

leetcode-picker -r -l hard

Pick code-snippet

leetcode-picker --id 1 -c rust (show rust code snippet)

Custom description format

leetcode-picker --id 1 -c rust --temp-str 'source link: {source}, title: {title}'

Custom description format with file

leetcode-picker --id 1 -c rust --temp-file ./tests/README_temp

all template fields:

  • title
  • source
  • level
  • content


  • how to login and get token in this app?
    • where to store token string?
  • emacs mode? (yes)
    • binding
    • format string
    • create buffer
    • cargo install lib