leetcode-cli 0.2.25

Leet your code in command-line.
# Pluging Substrate to leetcode-cli

Fired by decentralize system and POS consensus, I just got a plan of great daring, **it would be nice** pluging a blockchain into leetcode-cli, for fun!

### What can `blockchain` offer for leetcode-cli?

The direct scene is the interaction of `leetcode-cli` users, **friends can make some secret contests themselves**, for example, Alice and Bob arrange that they will keep coding in next week, and the winner is the folk who solves more problems(no loser no game, no winner no life), how to implement this with blockchain system?

1. Both of them stake part of their treasury into `leetcode-cli`'s blockchain treasury pool before the contest begin.
2. At the deadline date, loser's treasury in pool will fly to the winners' wallet, unfortunately, the result will record in `leetcode-cli`'s blockchain system as well, if Bob lose, he lost really, besides, `leetcode-cli` will help him remember this.

It's quite fun in some way, student times, friendships, coding memories...**Do you remember the Saturday Gigs?**

## How to make this come true?

Just joined a [substrate][ss] project last days, it is possible pluging `substrate` into `leetcode-cli`, eha, well, no questions, **just do it!**

## Instructions

Here are some instructions waiting to serve you, if you want to join this **lonely heart club** barehanded.

**Q1: What is blockchain?**

A blockchain is a chain of blocks.

Well done, we just grasp the subtlety of the ultimate meaning of life, universe, and everything —— a towel and a guide-book is all we need.

## Serious FAQ


## Milestones

> In progress.

1. Construct the basic substrate in `leetcode-cli`'s repo as a side-project.
2. Initialize treasuries which can never run out for everybody, yep, yet another digital world for Ricks and Morties.
3. Abstract several contracts for different contest games.
4. Complete the interation between `leetcode-cli` and `substrate`.

## Contributes

If you got some ideas about this march, or my poor English, just change this file, or comment below, any way, come as you are

[ss]: https://substrate.dev/